Day 19: “Infiltrations(2)”

Just as planned, Li Xiang and Liao Yan took over the 'distracting' job while I and the shadow guard went inside the camp from the back. However, when we approached the bright red tent, we heard several women's noises, it sounded like they're in deep pain or something. These men sure ain't going gentle towards those women at all.

"The sooner we get away from this place the better.", the woman said.

"Come to think of it I didn't know your name yet.",

"Would it be necessary for the mission?",

"No, but it would be easier to describe you to the readers.",

"What nonsense were you talking about?",

I gave up on trying to get to know this woman. Perhaps it's because of her job as an assassin that everything about her is confidential. At any rate, we shouldn't mingle here too long, or else, the guards might spot us.

"...You can call me Heiwei.",

"Okay, Heiwei, we should move hastily.",

The two of us sneaked through the prostitute camp quietly, there were too many noises to cover the noise of our steps which is something that we should be grateful for. While sneaking into the other camp, we overheard the conversation between the guards.

"I just can't believe the Marquis planned such a thing.",

"Hush, don't talk like that during the meal!",

Based on what the guards said, it seems like we're behind a canteen's tent. This is even more dangerous than hiding behind a prostitute tent in broad daylight.

"But I heard the Marquis had proposed to the eldest princess.",

"Yes, I heard their marriage will be held in five days.",

"Then, the Marquis will take over the throne.",

Just as expected, this Marquis, Qin Zihao, had another plan behind it. Although the current Emperor isn't good, there was never such a thing called a perfect leader. At any rate, the Emperor is in perfect health, unless there was a plan for assassination. It seems like we need to check the Marquis's tent.

"Where are we going?", Heiwei asked in a low voice.

"To the Marquis's tent.",

"...Whatever suits you.",

I was expecting Heiwei to refute my idea, however, she didn't. Perhaps as a shadow guard, she had expected to live or die during the mission. Anyway, I already made Liao Yan be stripped of his rank, surely, I don't want to have other people sacrificing themselves. The two of us proceed carefully without getting noticed. I have no idea where the Marquis's tent is, but surely, the tent will be bigger and fancier than normal guard's tents. Lastly, it must be guarded pretty well…

"Now, the question is… how do we get inside?",

"Let me act as a decoy and you went inside quickly.", Heiwei was about to go, thankfully, I caught her arm in time, "Hold on, I didn't ask you to sacrifice yourself. There must be another way to get in.", Heiwei fell into silence and I quickly pulled her head down when there were several guards passing by.

"Besides, even if you act as a decoy the guards won't go all out. Unless someone stole something that had to be protected at all cost.",

I tried to think of something important at the barracks, what comes out are the supplies and the prisoners. However, whether blowing the supplies crates or freeing the prisoners both were too risky. I tried to look for something that could distract the two guards ahead, just when I was thinking, Liao Yan and Li Xiang walked towards the Marquis's tent. Luckily, Qin Zihao was busy arranging his marriage at the palace, so there was no one else other than the guards outside his camp. Liao Yan spotted me and we both made eye contact, he quickly understood what it meant and pretended to be in panic.

"Guards, I think there was a spy at the supplies camp! We were just passing through there, but no one was guarding it!",

"This is bad, the supplies are crucial for the war!", Li Xiang added.

The two guards were convinced and the four of them left the Marquis's tent.

"Your friendship with him sure is something.",

"It's called brotherhood. Now, let's go before they come back!",

The two of us quickly infiltrated the Marquis's camp, inside was quite luxurious for a camp. It could be said as a wooden cottage with many miscellaneous items displayed as a furnishing. The woman immediately checked the bookshelf and the drawer, while I'm searching on the desk. There were several reports regarding the Hun's movement and settlement locations, everything on the desk was barely anything treacherous. However, I spotted a thin paper beneath those reports. It was a wine purchase report at the barracks, now, why would a Marquis have such reports? Shouldn't it be the supplies steward?

"Heiwei, what have you found?",

"Nothing useful, you?",

"I found a wine purchase report.",

"And how will that be useful on this mission?",

"Think about it, why would a Marquis have this kind of report?",

"...", Heiwei fell into silence and then said, "I couldn't think of anything, but that is indeed odd.",

"Well, let's go check the wine cellar. My hunch tells me there is something fishy there.",

"I think it's on the south of this camp.",

"Moving on then.",

We searched the camp nearby and found the wine cellar. As a wine enjoyer, I already could tell the wine smell from outside. Funny thing is, no one guarded the place. Now I'm starting to doubt my hunch, but of course, I won't tell Heiwei about this yet. Just like earlier, Heiwei was looking for something hidden, while I'm paying attention to the wine. I opened the barrel and took a sniff, the smell was too sweet. I was about to insert my finger on the wine when I saw a leaf being stuck between the barrels. This had gotten me suspicious, how could leaves get inside the wine cellar? I was thinking perhaps this was a poisonous leaf. Luckily, I brought my gloves here and took the leaf with them. I paid a close look at the leaf and my nose was incredibly itchy when smelling it. There's no mistake, this is a leaf of deadly nightshade. A poisonous plant that could cause paralysis in muscles and the heart. Even the leaves themselves are already dangerous enough to cause skin irritation. I learned about this plant when I visited my grandpa in my hometown. Back then, the villagers often encountered this plant and had physical contact with it. This is why I'm familiar with this poisonous plant. However, I'm not sure if this wine contains the deadly nightshade's berries. I suppose I need the imperial doctor to identify this wine. I took an empty glass bottle and scooped the wine into the barrel. Thankfully, I came here fully prepared.

"Heiwei, I think we're done here.",

"Actually, I found something but I couldn't read it.",

Heiwei quickly handed me a paper of a deadly nightshade's purchase. It was written in English, now we know where that prick, Qin Zihao, got his hands on this poisonous plant.

"We need to regroup. Now.",

After we're done investigating the area, we retreat from the camp through the way we came in and regroup at the crossroads. I told my findings to Liao Yan and Li Xiang, also, I gave the English paper to Liao Yan for him to check on the purchase. Both of us are glad that we spent our time studying English back in high school, it all paid off.

"Holyshit, this isn't just a trading paper, this is a proof of defections. He's planning to raid the kingdom on the day of his wedding day!", Liao Yan shrieked.

"Not only that, but we're going to fight with the European's army.",

"Hold on, what is going on?", Li Xiang asked anxiously.

"General Li, the palace will be attacked in five days. The Marquis, Qin Zihao, had defected and conspired with the western army to take over the kingdom.", I said while taking the wine sample from my bag, "And we need to identify this wine, to make sure it's mixed with the deadly nightshade plants.",

"Hmph, I'll see if he'll succeed!", Li Xiang scoffed.

Heiwi crossed her arms and sighed, "What a waste… he was a very talented man.",

"This is crazy, what is that Marquis thinking?", Liao Yan said with anger.

"Power, wealth, and prosperity could sometimes lead humans to their own doom. Now, rather than talking about the philosophy of humanity, let us be on our way. That son of a bitch is going to wed my girlfriend in five days!"