Alex turned to see who grabbed his shoulder, it was the showy ginger kid.
The ginger kid went off, monologuing about how he was by far superior to the rest of the school with his arms spread wide, hands pointing at his puffed-out chest and looking at the sky while closing his eyes.
The crowd gathered around those two and the gingers cronies were snickering uncontrollably.
Alex stood up and tried to walk off when his cronies grabbed Alex arms in an iron grip.
The ginger seemed to have been angered by the lack of attention Alex was giving to him, so he did what any sane person in that position would do, beat Alex to a bloody pulp, while Alex was being beaten, he noticed Mark watching in the crowd, cringing every time Alex was hit.
Alex woke up a few hours later feeling aching pain across his body.
"Argh he was a little too harsh you know," Alex groaned.
He slowly sat up and observed his surroundings, it took a while to get his eyes used to the blinding flash that was opening his eyes.
He was sitting on a white hospital bed with a metal cabinet to his right and a sheepish mark to his left.
"Sorry I couldn't help you earlier, there was nothing I could do really," Mark mumbled
Alex thought about beating the sad sack and leaving but he controlled himself, which was very hard mind you.
"Who was that person anyways and why was he so fixated on us?" Alex asked
"That person is Francis of the Adora family, I used to be close friends with him since we were little children." Mark took a deep breath in "We lived in an orphanage together until a man in fancy clothing came up to him, gave him a letter with the seal of a noble family containing contents of which is unknown, you annoyed him a lot back in training is I'm guessing he held a grudge against you," Mark affirmed.
A frown crept onto Alex's and he subsequently told Mark to leave.
He realised that this world wasn't as simple as he thought.
"2, engage now!" the grey-haired boy said while dodging a shot from one of the sharkman which embedded itself into a tree which then transformed into a net and wrapped around the tree
"2" took a glance at their assailants and saw that they were wearing skintight astronaut like suits with the head of a shark and a body similar to that of a human.
The brown-haired boy smashed his fist onto the ground and an earthquake started.
The forest behind him started rising into the air while the grey-haired boy flew up onto the rising earth while a shark was giving chase. The sharkman was wearing a transparent bubble-shaped mask which was smashed by 2's fist which was covered by glove shaped rock.
The sharkman was trying to get back into the water but 2 stamped onto the sharkman's legs and knelt onto the ground.
The ground under his feet started rising rapidly towards the lofty earth.
Meanwhile, the grey-haired boy wasn't faring as well, the shark he was dealing with was a lot harder to handle, dodging multiple attacks, but the shaman had multiple methods of attack and pulled out a baton-like weapon while baring its teeth menacingly.
The grey-haired boy didn't falter and rushed towards the sharkman while encasing his hand in fire but the sharkman pressed a button on the handle of the weapon it was holding.
The back of the weapon opened up and a jet of water shot out the end and propelled the sharkman to unbelievable speeds.
While it was flying towards the grey-haired youth it slowed down and then turned the back of the weapon to face the boy but in the nick of time, 2 jumped in front of the boy who crashed into him but before the became shark prey, 2 created a wall out of the earth.
The grey-haired boy jumped onto a fallen 2, using him as a stepping stone to jump onto the wall.
He caught the sharkman by surprise using that to his advantage, he leapt on top of it, pinning it to the ground and 2 finished him off, brutally mutilating its face even past death.
"2, enough, let's get out of here before others like it comes after us," the grey-haired boy said.
"1, we need to get food for our travels, we have no idea how long we are to journey," 2 replied
"Fine, but make it snappy," 1 said.
2 Ran up to the sharkmen, cut both their heads off and rushed back to 1 who was already walking off. 2 caught up to 1 and they started walking off into the sunset.
Alex was in the cafeteria eating alone when he noticed Francis sitting with his goons laughing while downing their foods ravenously.
Alex didn't want trouble at the moment so he gulped down his food, got up and headed towards the door when he bumped into a boy with blond hair parted down the middle with half resting on his forehead and half tucked behind an ear.
Alex stopped and gave him an apology. He rushed off but the blond boy's eyes were still on Alex even after everyone went back to chowing down.
Alex went back to the courtyard which he was best up at and traces of blood could still be seen on the ground although it was dry.
He climbed up to the top of the fountain and managed to get onto a window ledge of the building and shimmied down the side of the building when he reached the wall surrounding the perimeter of the school. Since the ledge he was on was higher than the height of the wall, he easily jumped to the wall and slid off the edge.
He walked down into the town which was bustling with adults rushing to stalls for food which reminded him of the time he spent with Zaiel but quickly pushed that out of his mind. He was walking down the street when he was grabbed around the neck and dragged into an alleyway unbeknownst to the crowd.