They Will Go With Me

"Never heard of these terms? Boy, you really are interesting. This is the first time I have ever met another person your age that hasn't heard of anything to do with sects or cultivation. Honestly, it's probably best that you didn't know these things but now that you have been thrust into this situation it seems your days of being knowledgeless are over." Third Elder said while motioning towards James' dead father on the floor.

Looking at the body James frowned and felt another torrent of emotions once more but stopped himself from crying in front of the Third Elder since he might be attacked by that strange force again.

Before the Third Elder could explain any more to James a few more people entered the building all with imposing strong-looking bodies just like Third Elder. Some of them even seemed more fearsome than he was especially one middle-aged man in the middle of the group.

"This Elder greets Patriarch." Third Elder said as he clasped one hand into a fist and slightly bowed toward the man.

James thought that it seemed like Third Elder was in a lower position of power than this Patriarch person.

"Is this the boy you were talking about?" The Patriarch questioned the people around him Third Elder included.

"Yes sir, this is the only survivor we have been able to locate. Not only that, he has no idea what a sect is or anything to do with cultivation. It seems these people sheltered him all his life." Third Elder said to the Patriarch explaining the situation.

"Never heard of cultivation or the sect? That is certainly a strange situation." The Patriarch said in shock before turning toward James.

"My name is Colton Silver and I am the Patriarch of the Martial Sword sect. I am so sorry for your loss this day and for what has happened to your family. We deserve punishment for letting this fate befall these people but luckily you're still alive so maybe we will be able to repay that debt. Would you like to come with us to the sect? It's a place where you can learn all about the world safely with no worries." Patriarch Colton said giving his best speech he could to James while getting nods of agreement from the people around him.

James had no words to say when shown a situation like this. He thought of the current state of the village and what would happen if he were to be left there.

The answer he came to was that nothing good would come from staying where he was. He had to swallow the fact that everything he loved was gone now and he needed to live on for not only himself but those that died as well.

"I-i will go with you." James said nervously before Patriarch Colton gave him a big smile.

"Good. Good. Follow us and we will head back to the sect where your new life can begin." Patriarch Colton shouted with glee before walking out alongside some of the other people.

The only person left in the room soon after was James and Third Elder who was looking at him curiously, "What are you doing?" Third Elder questioned James.

When James heard this he looked up toward the Third Elder with his father's body on his back, "Of course, I can't go by myself. My family has to come with me. They care and love for me." James said in the most normal tone possible.

When the Third Elder saw this small boy carry his dead father's corpse as if he were still alive it shocked him but what made him shiver were the eyes of the boy which were a spiraling void that seemed to refuse the fact that his source of love and comfort was gone.

"B-boy lay your father down. I will carry him for you and we will deal with them properly together." Third Elder said trying to reason with James whose eyes were still spiraling out of control.

"No. This is my family, you can't have them. They raised me and I will be with them forever." James said with his eyes becoming more erratic.

'How can such a small boy even make someone like me shiver in fear momentarily?!' Third Elder thought to himself as he felt a cold sweat go down his back at the sight of the boy. He had no idea what caused this phenomenon but he needed to end it quickly.

"Please forgive me." Third Elder said before disappearing and appearing behind James. When he appeared he quickly chopped James in the back of the neck knocking him out completely.

Third Elder made sure to be gentle letting James fall in his arms gently before he looked at the corpse of James' father, 'Since this boy cared for you people this much it's only proper we give you a burial.' Third Elder thought to himself before he began digging the graves of James' family putting his father and mother beside each other before giving them a headstone and covering the hole.

"I wish you all well in the afterlife." Third Elder said as he clasped his hands together in respect before disappearing from the village with James.


"Ughhh... why does my neck hurt?" James said out loud as he sat up rubbing his pained neck. For some reason, it felt like something had run into it bruising the entire backside of his neck.

"Oh, you're finally awake." A voice said beside James making him turn and look at an old man. The old man had a long white beard that reached his stomach while also wearing similar robes to Third Elder and the Patriarch.

"Who are you?" James questioned as he looked at the old man.

"I'm the First Elder of the Martial Sword Sect, Van Blaque." The old man said introducing himself.

"Blaque? Isn't that the same as the Third Elder?" James asked confused by the familiar name.