Eye For An Eye

'Why didn't I break through?!' James thought to himself in confusion. No matter how much he tried to continue absorbing Qi his dantian would not take in an ounce more.

However, what replaced his need for Qi was a burning feeling inside his chest. This burning feeling was a desire he had never felt before. It was a desire to fight someone with all his strength no matter the cost.

James felt that if he were able to fight someone at that moment then he would be able to break through.

When James realized this he remembered that there were training grounds in the Outer Disciple area that he had seen when he first arrived at the sect.

'I will go there tomorrow to train.' James concluded in his mind deciding that with great strength he also needed to know how to use it properly. Not only that, but he also wanted to break through again as fast as possible so he could keep cultivating.

After that James lay in his bed and forced himself to sleep throwing himself into the deepest depths of his mind.







"AHHHH!" James shouted as he shot up from his bed pouring sweat. For multiple seconds James had a crazed look in his eyes as he looked all across the room before coming to his senses.

'It was all a dream? No, a nightmare.' James thought to himself as he recalled his dream and the day before.

He considered both his dreams and all of the day prior a nightmare that he didn't want to face in the slightest.

'I should get up to train.' James thought as he finally forced himself up and got his clothes ready to train.

Today would be the first time he would be visiting the training area and also the first time he would be mingling with other disciples like himself.

In truth, he was a little nervous since he had no idea how to fight or anything like that. He assumed that most of the other people had been training their entire lives to live in a place like this while also cultivating!

In addition, James thought since most of them probably have been fighting then they were probably much higher than himself in cultivation. Maybe they were even stronger than the highest strength he knew, Stage 3 Elementary Realm!

There was no telling what kind of monsters he would meet out there but James wasn't going to stop because of that. The nightmares were a perfect example of why he could never stop striving for more otherwise the same situation at his village would repeat itself.

*Knock Knock*

"JAMES BLOOD THIS IS THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE! OPEN UP AND LET US INSIDE!" Someone shouted suddenly as they knocked on James' door.

'Did I do something wrong?' James thought to himself in confusion as he walked toward the door and opened it to be greeted by three stern-looking disciples and even an older man which James assumed to be an elder.

"Good morning, how can I help you today?" James asked the people at his door as they stared at him strangely.

The first person to speak up was the elder, "BOY I AM THE FOURTH ELDER BERNARD ROSENBERG AND LEADER OF THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE! GREET YOUR ELDERS PROPERLY!" The old man shouted in anger as he released his aura suddenly letting it crash onto James' body forcing him onto the ground with his face planted in the ground.

"J-junior greets Fourth Elder." James squeaked out under the pressure of the old man. For some reason, the feeling of being on the ground from someone's pressure was becoming a common occurrence in James' life whether he wanted it to or not.

"Much better. Now serve us some tea while we ask you questions." Fourth Elder said as he invited himself inside along with the three disciples following behind him.

With the pressure off of him James quickly stood up and went to his sink where he began boiling water and preparing tea, 'Just wait until I'm strong enough. I will make sure to pay back this rudeness.' James thought to himself in anger.

While James was enraged he didn't realize that the black Qi dormant inside his dantian began spreading even more infecting more of his dantian.

After a couple of minutes, James set a tray with cups in front of the guests while they sat and ate all the snacks he had been given on his table, "Good, good. At least you know how to make some tea. Now, do you know someone by the name of Ricard?" Fourth Elder asked suddenly after taking a sip of his tea.

"Ricard? Yes, I do, I met him yesterday." James said truthfully as he remembered the rude Core Disciple from the day before.

"SEE I TOLD YOU MASTER HE DID IT!" One of the disciples said suddenly as he shot up from the table giving James the death glare.

"SIT DOWN YOU IDIOT!" Fourth Elder shouted in anger before slapping the Disciple in the face sending him flying to the back of the room where he crashed against the wall and passed out.

"I don't want to hear a single word from the rest of you until we leave this place, am I clear?" Fourth Elder asked while glaring at the remaining disciples.

"YES, FOURTH ELDER!" They all shouted in unison before becoming quiet once more.

"Now, explain to me what happened after you met him yesterday." Fourth Elder said before sitting back in his chair and drinking tea once more.

When James was posed with this question he began wondering if he should tell him about how Ricard acted or not. Based on how the other Disciple acted they seemed to know each other and it could be bad news if he bad-mouthed him especially since it was only his second day.

When Fourth Elder noticed this hesitation he quickly put his aura on James once more, "Don't. Leave. Out. A. Single. Detail." Fourth Elder said before James finally broke and told him everything about their encounter the day before.