
After fighting off Cara for multiple minutes First Elder finally got Cara to leave after he promised her that she could visit James whenever she wanted throughout Noel's time there.

Noel objected to this at first saying that's not how it was going to work making the debate spark up again before they finally agreed that Cara could come once a day.

James on the other hand was still confused about why Cara was treating him this way. It wasn't that he particularly disliked it but it was strange.

In fact, the more she acted that way the more he wanted to be with her as well. It was like his body was calling him to treat her with as much defensiveness as she was treating him.

For now, it wasn't strong enough to make his body act but James decided to look at his own feelings later.

After finally agreeing to once a day James was led back toward the top of the mountain. This time he was placed one level below the peak of the mountain at the Sworn Sword Disciples area.

The house that he was shown was much larger than all of the ones around him making James feel like it was much too big.

"Wait why did you come in too?" James asked in confusion as Noel walked in as well while First Elder shut the door and left the area.

"Well, we're both going to be living together obviously. How are you supposed to take care of all my needs if you are in a different house?" Noel questioned as she went to the table in the middle of the room and sat down.

After doing this she moved her hands up taking off her veil completely and showing her face.

'Holy shit.' James thought to himself in shock when he saw the true face of Noel. If someone could imagine the face of the most beautiful fairy in the world then it would be the exact face right in front of him.

James couldn't get out of his shock until Noel finally pointed it out, "If you're just going to keep staring you might as well come closer~" Noel said with a teasing smile on her face making James instantly turn away.

He wasn't embarrassed at the fact that he was looking but embarrassed at the fact he was in a trance while staring at her face. There was no telling how long he might have been there if she hadn't said anything.

"Hahaha~ You're not the first to react that way but I'll definitely say you're my favorite~ I'm going to take a bath now so start dinner if you don't mind." Noel said with a smirk as she went to the personal bath house they had set up in the back of the house.

Meanwhile, James was trying not to smile at the compliment Noel gave him while he prepared the ingredients.

Originally, James thought that doing a job like this was going to be a hassle and that he wouldn't enjoy it but with someone like Noel around James wondered if it might be different.

[30 Minutes Later]

"What is this amazing smell?~" Noel said with her mouth drooling as she walked into the main room of the house.

On the table in front of her were two plates of freshly made food with meat, vegetables, and fruit all combined in one meal.

The smell of all three things had combined into one super smell that led even someone like Noel to be entranced. Noel then quickly sat down getting ready to consume the food when...


Right as Noel was going to touch the food James chopped her head stopping her actions immediately, "What was that for?!" Noel asked as she held her head feeling wronged while looking at James.

What neither of them realized was that if it had been any other person Noel would have killed them on the spot for disrespecting her like this while James was normally not this familiar with someone.

"Wait for me to finish setting the table with the drinks." James said, trying to avoid looking at Noel's beautiful body, who was currently in a nightgown. James could even slightly see the wet droplets left behind on the small bit of cleavage he could see.

'I can't look!' James thought to himself as he finished setting the table and sat down.

From there James and Noel finally started eating before Noel started asking questions, "So how long have you been cultivating? I was told you only joined the sect recently but you must have done something before then right?" Noel asked curiously.

"No, I started about two days ago when the Patriarch picked me up from my village." James explained with a frown on his face as memories resurfaced in his mind.

"Really?! That's pretty impressive considering you're already at the second stage." Noel said paying attention to the black Qi's fluctuation when James mentioned his village.

After this question, Noel continued to ask questions about James' experience so far even getting him to talk about his family situation which showed the greatest Qi fluctuation.

James also began questioning Noel trying to get to know her better and the purpose for her even being there in the first place.

James found that she had been born far away from this sect in the area where the Heavenly Healing Sect was. When James asked where that was, Noel smiled and moved on before explaining how her sect worked.

Apparently, they were a very prestigious group of healers that often got requested by people all over the world to come to their sects to heal or help people.

The more someone paid the sect the higher level of a healer they got sent in return. At this point, James asked once again what level of a healer Noel was but she just smiled and continued on.

This continued on for a while before it was finally time for them to sleep. When this happened James looked toward Noel expectantly, "So where is my room?" James asked.

"Oh, your room? You're in the same room as me." Noel said with a straight face.