"How could someone like that even come in contact with you? Don't you normally never leave our area?" Zen asked Cara in confusion trying to figure out how she even came in contact with this new person.
"Well, the Elders went to check on a village that was destroyed and found that he was the only survivor. They then brought him here where I met him at the temple and things just escalated from there." Cara said with a happy smile on her face as she loved talking about the times she and James have spent together.
"You said 'escalated'? What do you mean by that?" Zen questioned once more.
At this question, Cara just gave a creepy smile not saying a word before flying toward the arena of the final exam. Cara felt that she had given Noel more time than she deserved with James and now it was her turn to spend some 'quality time'.
As Zen saw Cara flying away she began questioning everything she knew about the girl and wondered if she had gone a little crazy. However, what interested her the most was what this new person was like since he changed someone as strong as Cara so much.
'I guess I will have to go and find out how strong this person is~' Zen thought to herself before she shot off in the same direction as Cara.
Back at the arena Silvio and Second Elder were currently sitting on the higher bleachers of the arena looking around at the forest and people practicing for the exam. Silvio in particular had some sweat on his neck as he was waiting for his strongest henchmen of this level to appear from the forest.
While his father had punished him and found that James defeated the first group he had still planted a second one as a last resort. This group held people that were already in the Inner Disciple group but had been snuck in by Silvio by paying off some people that were in charge of the sign-ups.
'Where are they?! They should already be appearing by now!' Silvio screamed in his mind as he chewed his nails glancing over at his father whose aura was growing by the second.
It was not incorrect to say that the future life of Silvio depended on his lower subordinates, "Silvio if they aren-" Second Elder started to say in anger before Silvio interrupted him with glee.
"Look over there! They are here!" Silvio shouted with excitement getting the attention of a few people around him bringing the gazes of many to the front of the platform where a group of three people was approaching.
Those that were practicing took a glance over including James and Noel who looked over to see what the new commotion was. In this group, there were two men that seemed to be twins with another man at the front of the group that had long black hair.
All three had wicked looks on their faces as if they were ready to do any kind of nefarious deed if given the opportunity, 'They may be utter trash but they have saved my life this time. I'd like to see you survive this time James~' Silvio thought in happiness. The embarrassment he had been given would be avenged alongside his father's approval.
"Who are those guys?" James asked curiously as he saw the new people walk onto the platform. From what he could tell both the twins were at the same cultivation as himself and the one at the front had such a dominating aura that James wouldn't be surprised if he was a whole realm higher.
When James questioned the new men Noel also looked up concentrating her eyes on the three probing for their power level. While she was doing this the three people suddenly didn't have the easygoing look that they had before.
All three of them were shouting the same line inside their head, 'A demon is looking at me!' They screamed in their head as they felt an immense pressure the likes they had never felt before probing their body.
"It seems you may actually have some competition in this thing after all." Noel sighed as she looked back toward James with a tired expression.
"What do you mean by that?" James questioned still not understanding how powerful the group truly was.
"Well to put it in perspective, you could probably take the twins on by yourself. However, that guy at the front is a different animal. In your current state, I think he would be able to best you albeit barely due to cultivation level alone." Noel said with a frown on her face.
She believed in James more than anyone but she also was going to always be truthful with him so he didn't put himself in a bad situation. James knew this and wasn't offended at all but instead filled with energy ready to show that he could take him on.
"Well, then I better keep training as hard as possible before I have to fight him then." James said with a smile which was soon returned by Noel as they started dueling at full power.
James pulled out his sword Bloody Obsession which combined the killing red aura of the sword and somehow James' black Qi giving the sword a very evil and scary feeling to those nearby.
James chose to ignore this as Noel also took out her sword setting her cultivation level to James' which is Dao Forming Realm Stage 2 after their little 'trip' together.
"You sure you want to go all out like this?~" Noel asked in anticipation as the people began looking at them in both fear and worry having not seen anyone let out this much Qi just practicing yet.
"Of course~ How am I supposed to prove myself and get strong enough to beat those guys if I don't?~" James laughed back.
"Good answer~ I'll be sure to treat all of your wounds diligently~" Noel said as she licked her lips almost making James want to lose before they shot toward each other exchanging blows at a quick pace.