As James was walking home with Cara and Noel he suddenly felt like he had come out of a trance. Like a person coming out from underwater but they didn't even realize they had been underwater.
"What the-?" James started to say before Noel's eyes suddenly turned serious. A small pink piece of Qi came out of James' body only to be caught by Noel seconds later.
"Well that explains it~" Noel said with a small smile as she held the Qi in her hand. James was confused by the situation and also confused by how he had acted moments ago with Zen.
He would never normally become like that with a girl. Blushing?! Since when does he do that besides those that he loves? He was slightly disgusted with himself but was quickly brought out of his thoughts by Noel.
"Don't worry my love you aren't to blame for this~ When I saw you gawking at that bitch I tried to stimulate the black Qi between us but it felt like there was something hindering our connection. This little gem right here seems to be the culprit and the reason I'm going to massacre Zen and her family~" Noel said with her eyes growing darker by the moment blaming Zen for the problem immediatly.
James was also having the same sentiment. Anyone who would make his loves feel sad or made them feel like he was unfaithful deserved to burn in the deepest pits of hell.
Noel and James didn't realize this but they were both beginning to exude dark auras around their body that felt like the darkest evil to those that might pass by.
As for Cara, she was still confused by the situation since she had known Zen for a long time. It wasn't normal for her to try and do something like that and she had never seen her exude some sort of pink Qi that infects people like James' black Qi.
It would be a lie to say she wasn't going to be beyond furious if Zen did truly try to do something malicious to the love of her life but she was able to hold her head since she has known her so long.
"Wait a second. Before we go committing mass murder in the sect we should take a second and think about this. I've known Zen longer than either of you and I think she wouldn't try to do something like this intentionally. I think something else is happening here, and we must be careful." Cara explained trying to bring the two back down to earth.
Even though Cara wanted to kill the person who tried to charm her lover she also wanted to make sure they had the right person. If they were to start murdering randomly, their quiet life so far could quickly turn into something terrible.
Both Noel and James calmed down slightly at her words but were still agitated, "Well then how about we start by asking those already against James first?" Noel asked trying to find the fastest possible route to spilling the blood of the person.
When Cara had suggested that the true culprit might not be Zen but instead someone else the first person in both Noel and James' minds was Silvio. He had been trying to stop them at every point clearly jealous of James' situation and a thirst for power.
James didn't really understand why Silvio acted this way or the reason behind it all but it didn't really matter ever since he had tried to go after his love and now maybe even trying to alter his mind.
Cara sighed at this but also didn't disagree that the idea was wrong. At the very least it was about time they showed Silvio they were not one to be messed with after the Disciples in the forest incident.
"Fine let's follow them to their place." Cara said with a frown finally relenting to both James and Noel's fury. They had put up with his antics for long enough and now that he had tried to possibly alter his emotions as well even Cara was fuming underneath her careful facade.
As James and the rest were making their way toward Second Elder's home the group in question could feel the auras of the three following them, "Who is that following behind us?" Silvio asked in confusion.
When Silvio asked this question Zen and Second Elder both turned their heads in confusion. The place where Second Elder resided was not at the peak of the mountain but instead right below it at the left-most side of the mountain. This area had nothing except his residence which meant that the three behind them were heading to the same place.
"I'm not entirely sure, let's stop for a second and see what they want before we continue." Second Elder said cautiously as they stopped their movement and waited for the oncoming auras. From what Second Elder could tell there was one person that was way below his level, another that was around the same as himself if not slightly better, and then one that he couldn't read no matter how hard he tried.
That could only mean one thing, they were much much stronger.
After a few seconds of waiting Noel, Cara, and James all appeared in front of the other group much to the surprise of the Second Elder and Silvio. Zen held a more curious gaze but stayed silent as Second Elder was the first to speak up, "Hello Noel and crew, what causes you to follow us today?" Second Elder said politely with a smile on his face.
Noel decided to take charge this time as she was the strongest and the first one addressed, "Well we have a few questions for your son Silvio over there. It might concern a predicament very close to our hearts." Noel said with a smile on her face keeping a calm demeanor.
"I have nothing to say to you. Actually aren't you three supposed to still be arguing considering your man over there is so entranced with my sister?" Silvio said with seething venom discretely putting his hand behind his back forming a small piece of Qi which Noel immediately took notice of. It seemed to have a slight pink hue to it.