After James and his crew left the area they made their way over to the Patriarch's where he had just begun preparing for the evening. He was shocked to see the three arrive so suddenly but as they explained the situation his jaw lowered and lowered until it was basically on the ground.
His expression was definitely not one of the usual happy-go-lucky Patriarch but instead of a madman about to raze a city to the ground, "ATTENTION ALL ELDERS MEET ME AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN AT ONCE!" Patriarch Colton shouted going across the entire sect as a whole letting everyone know something was going on.
Within a few seconds First Elder, Third Elder, and the final elder James had never seen before Fifth Elder appeared in front of the Patriarch, "What's wrong Patriarch?" They all began asking when they the scary look on his face.
They had all known each other a long time and knew that this face was not the face of his usual happy self which meant there was a battle on their hands.
The Patriarch didn't speak the entire time only looking at them as the confused Matriarch arrived as well standing beside him immediately when she saw his facial expression. She may not have known what was going on but just like the others she knew it was serious.
The elders were a little confused while waiting wondering where in the world the other elders were at a time like this. Normally they would have all arrived at around the same time but this time they were nowhere to be found.
After waiting another 5 minutes Patriarch Colton spoke up for the first time since they arrived, "It seems they have made their choice. A situation has come to my attention thanks to these 3 brave people." Patriarch Colton stated before explaining to the group what happened minutes ago.
As Patriarch Colton explained the story many had the same reaction as the Patriarch. At first, they were surprised then shocked, and finally disgusted with a mixture of shock still in the mix.
Many of them were sad about the death of a prodigy like Silvio but also glad that a monster like him had been killed. In addition, many were both sad and happy about the betrayal of not only the Second Elder but now also the Fourth Elder who seemingly went with him.
They had been at each other's throats for years and now that he was gone there would be a certain peace but they were also old friends who had spent many hard times together. The biggest question of all was why he reacted the way he did and where he went.
"Do we even know where they went? Why did they leave as if they were guilty of something in the first place much less say something like 'Taking over the sect wasn't meant to be for me.'" Fifth Elder asked in confusion as he stroked the nonexistent beard on his chin.
He seemed to be the youngest of the bunch and also the least affected by the personal matters between the two families of elders. James didn't know his last name but if he had to compare him to someone it would have to be Patriarch Colton who never really decided things based on which family was his favorite.
"The answer to both those questions I'm not sure of so we will all be heading out to search for Fourth Elder momentarily. From what Noel has told me he shouldn't have one of the getaway items that Second Elder used meaning we have a chance to catch up with him. We will move into two groups with one having three and the other having two. If you find him shoot this flare up and signal us." Patriarch Colton said seriously before handing over a small little ball to each person.
Noel explained it to James briefly as Patriarch Colton handed them out saying that they would shoot into the air when touched by Qi alerting the others in the area with an explosion in the sky.
With that, the groups were about to head off when James tapped on Patriarch Colton's shoulder, "What is it James?" He asked curiously in addition to the surprise of the other elders. Fifth Elder was especially curious since he still had no idea who he was but listened quietly anyway.
"We three can form another group and take one of the other sides. It will help cover more ground and we have the power to cover it." James said with confidence as he looked at the two powerful women behind him.
They smiled back at him slightly surprised he offered to help but also expected this kind of situation considering his demeanor. This sect had saved James when he had nothing left so of course he was going to help in its time of need.
While Fifth Elder didn't really look convinced James could hold his own he did have confidence in the two women behind him as did the others in the room who were smiling with happiness.
"Hmm, alright then if you feel you're up to the task then each of you can take these. Take the right side of the sect and we will fill the rest. If nothing is found we will meet back here in 2 hours to regroup, NOW LET'S GO!" Patriarch Colton said before all groups nodded their heads and went in their respective directions.
As the groups began separating Noel and Cara got on either side of James before asking the question, "So what's the plan here love?~" Noel asked with a happy smile on her face. She liked this side of him where he took charge of something he was passionate about. She had been in such a high place for so long that she had no goal or passion but to see the love of her life excited or passionate about something was like her living vicariously through him.