Whispered Murder

Once Cara and James had finally calmed down and the dark Qi that had previously surrounded them subsided the barrier began breaking as well revealing the inside of the room to Noel who had been waiting now for over 30 minutes.

James had expected some sort of loud fight from her or a fight between Cara and Noel to break out but was surprised to see that the two didn't say a single word to the other. It was almost like a false sense of peace but one that James welcomed in comparison to them killing each other.

Soon after they began their search again but what James didn't see was the murderous glares the two girls were obviously giving each other behind his back. Cara had yet to forgive Noel for taking her love's virginity and Noel wasn't able to forgive Cara for going that far with him just now.

James thought he felt something slightly strange in their auras for a moment but every time he turned around they were smiling brightly at him in reassurance. The way Noel was able to verify what happened was by the distinct smell coming off of Cara that she also had. Technically they could both hide this smell from the other and never get caught but their pride made them want to flex to the other how far they had gotten with James while the man in question knew nothing of this smell.


Suddenly in the middle of their exploring, there was an explosion in the sky painting it full of bright colors for a moment almost like a signal, "Wait, that's one of the flares! One of the Elders must have found Fourth Elder!" James shouted in shock before he began making his way toward the explosion alongside his two companions.

It didn't take long for James and his group to arrive on the scene alongside Patriarch Colton and the Matriarch. However, the scene that greeted them when they arrived was not at all what they expected.

"Third Elder!" Patriarch Colton shouted when he saw the sight before them. Fifth Elder seemed to be knocked out on the ground covered in many cuts and bruises with most of his body covered in blood while Third Elder was on one knee in front of him missing one of his arms entirely.

In addition, the only one that seemed to still be standing was First Elder who still had his sword drawn but was clearly tired shown by the sweat and blood mix rolling down his face to his elderly beard.

Across from him was Fourth Elder who was surrounded by three other men that were wearing some sort of ghost mask. Each of their masks had a different color for some reason holding some sort of meaning that James had yet to understand. However, one thing he did realize soon after was that the aura of these men was not worse than any of the Elders of the sect.

Matter of fact, two of the men had higher auras than Second Elder and sat just below First Elder in terms of raw aura power.

"The others have arrived we need to move quickly." One of the men wearing a mask said to Fourth Elder tapping him on the shoulder. This man was wearing a blue ghost mask while the other two wore red and yellow.

The group seemed immediately focused on the presence of Patriarch Colton and almost ignored James who stood slightly behind Noel. Coming up with an on the fly idea James quickly whispered in Noel's ear before disappearing from the area.

When James disappeared Noel and Cara smiled at each other before fully releasing every bit of their powerful aura. Black Qi began surging all over their body covering their legs and arms and making them look like smiling demonesses'.

"WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID THE ONLY POWERFUL ONES WERE THE FIRST ELDER AND PATRIARCH?!" Yellow Mask shouted in shock as he felt the overbearing pressure of Cara and Noel.

It was clear at a moment's glance that both of them were more powerful than any of the masked people present. Fourth Elder frowned when he realized they were there as well, "I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WOULD BE HERE! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Fourth Elder shouted before he made a sudden dash toward Fifth Elder who was lying on the ground.

"Oh no you don't!" First Elder shouted through the pain of his injuries as he ran to intercept Fourth Elder. However, before he could reach him the Red and Yellow masked men stood in his path blocking him with their weapons drawn.

"Sorry, but you will have to dance with us~" Red Mask said with a loud chuckle.

Patriarch Colton and the Matriarch were in pursuit as well but they couldn't reach Fifth Elder in time as Fourth Elder finally reached the passed-out man placing a blade to his neck making everyone in the room stop.

"Now, we are going to leave just like this, and Fifth Elder won't get hurt. The first moment I see you make another step closer to me I'm going to carve his neck out of his body." Fourth Elder shouted with a crazy look in his eyes.

Everyone in the room stopped and completely retracted their aura in agreement except for Cara and Noel in the back who were still giving off a very domineering feel. The even more surprising part was the fact that they hadn't even left the place where they were moments ago.

This slightly worried the man in the blue mask since he felt he wouldn't be able to take the two on in a fight himself, "Did you hear him?! If you two don't calm down right now this elder of yours is going to be killed in front of you!" Blue Mask shouted in anger hoping for control of the situation.

Cara and Noel only smiled before Cara spoke up, "We could give less than a single fuck about that meat shield. We have a mission to fulfill so we will do that with our dying breath~" Cara said with a crazy look in her eye that shook even the allies beside her.