After James had made his stance on the situation known to the other two they stood in silence for a while clearly still taken aback. However, they soon recovered with Noel speaking up first, "Well, you said that we don't have to fully see eye to eye with each other and I fully think I will never get along with her but if it matters that much to you then I will promise not to kill her. This is the only promise I can make my love. I promise that she won't die by my hand." Noel said with a huge frown on her face and veins bulging out of her head as she said each word.
This was definitely not something she had originally planned on doing since she had wanted to eventually kill Cara but since James had become so sad about it she felt like her heart was going to break into a thousand pieces. No matter what happened her number one goal was for James to be happy and for their life to prosper together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. In the end, no matter how painful it was for her to promise not to kill her she would make it to make James happy.
James smiled in response to what Noel said thanking her for being honest and saying that as long as neither of them died he was fine with them bickering with each other. His plan wasn't to turn away their emotions or how they fault but more to guarantee that he would never lose either of them, like an insurance policy.
Now that Noel had made her promise the only one left was Cara who had a very difficult expression. There were two thoughts colliding in her mind that were making it very hard to make the decision. One of the thoughts was that she should accept like Noel so everyone could be happy and she could spend forever with James with no issues. However, there was also the other side of her that secretly wanted to kill Noel still so she could have James to herself forever. The downside to this was that James would be sad if Noel died at any point and she didn't know if she could handle that.
In the end, she finally made her choice, "I suppose having to deal with that stupid bitch is a small cost for spending my entire life with you~ I promise I won't kill her but I will still make it very clear that you are mine and not hers, at most she can be a servant." Cara said with a defiant smile on her face as she added the last part.
Noel responded to this by quickly gathering her Qi again as if she was going to fight with Cara doing the same but this time James didn't stop them since he trusted in their promises with his entire being. He knew that no matter how bad it looked they weren't going to truly harm or kill each other now.
"Let's head home!" James said with a smile to the two making them pause in shock before looking at each other and retracting their aura. They then smiled back as well and walked alongside him, each holding a hand happy to have him in their life.
The trio then walked home spending a good night with each other before the next morning came rolling around. When James woke up he was surprised to see that Cara and Noel were both gone from the bed. Normally they would all wait until everyone was awake to leave the room since they liked watching him sleep but today was different.
'Where did they go?' James wondered curiously as he walked into the living room where he finally found the people in question. They seemed to be eating breakfast with a plate prepared for him as well. They were in such deep conversation that they didn't even realize James had arrived and they wouldn't have if they didn't suddenly smell his scent nearby.
"Good morning my love~ I hope you slept well~" Noel said with a smile as Cara also said something similar. James greeted them both with big hugs and a kiss on the lips before he finally began wondering what was going on.
"What were you guys talking about? It was like you two were in a deep trance about something important." James laughed as he had never seen them talk so calmly yet so seriously to each other.
This time Cara spoke up first although hesitantly, "Well it definitely was very important but we were talking about your new training regime. Patriarch Colton told us that we will be leaving in a month for the competition so we have that much time until you have to be ready to fight whoever is at this place." Cara said emphasizing how he absolutely has to be ready.
James agreed with this and was actually pretty excited to train since he also wanted to get stronger until he could stand side by side with Cara and Noel. He still didn't know their exact cultivation levels but he knew they were also getting stronger just like himself so he needed to push as hard as he could to catch up before they left him in the dust.
In a sense, his thoughts were ironic since the thoughts of both Noel and Cara were the opposite where they thought it was only a matter of time before James overtook them in strength so they were trying to continue to get strong as fast as possible to keep the lead in strength.
Despite James' enthusiasm both Cara and Noel had difficult expressions on their face as they looked at James confusing him, "What is it?" He asked.
"Well you see, the regime we have planned for you is a little intense. You may or may not be able to move at the end of each day but don't worry we will make sure to take care of you~" Cara said with a crazy smile as she realized the possibilities.