Back To Eastern Palace

Fang Yin himself immediately took out his bow and arrows. His eyes stared intently into Wu Shao Er's eyes, both of them challenging each other. They were silent, but both of them raised their bows and immediately placed an arrow on the bow and then released it very quickly. The two arrows met in the middle and split in two. The battle was fierce, and now both sides had lost many of their troops, but there was no sign that the battle was coming to an end.

Baihu asked Qiulong, who was now thinking again. He then smiled and called out to his paper dolls. Then, the paper dolls gathered instantly, and a few moments later, they transformed into Qiulong.

The paper dolls that had now transformed into Qiulong took a position like a person cultivating like Qiulong while he was meditating so as not to be suspicious. After that, Baihu asked Qiulong to come inside him. By this time, Qiulong had already fused with Baihu, and they immediately exited the Eastern palace.