Beginning of harassment case

When a little girl was walking towards the toilet at school and was about to pee suddenly someone peeked at her, namely some men with glaring eyes that the girl was so afraid to listen to their words, who wanted to abuse her in the toilet and luckily the bell at that time came in arrived so they immediately left.

"Hey sweet girl we will play in class later when the teacher doesn't come to class because of today's meeting." said one of the tall and big men, and then they went to their respective classes.

"Why is my luck so bad today, he's the class president but his behavior is so lecherous." said Kezia who was very sorry to see the tall and big man walk away from the toilet with his men.

While Kezia is still confused about whether to go to class or not she is still afraid of the threat of the crazy man, and now all the teachers are meeting in an office that is quite far from her class, what if the man acts rude to her.

" Why don't you go to class, don't you hear the bell has rung, you're already riding in middle school, now you want to skip class." said a teacher or staff who thought Kezia the transfer student wanted to be truant.

"Sorry ma'am I didn't play truant I just came out of the toilet and was going back to class." said Kezia slightly lowered his head because he was a little annoyed with the person's words.

"Well what are you waiting for go to your class now." Teacher said fiercely.

When Kezia entered the classroom and sat on his chair, suddenly the previously rowdy atmosphere became calm because someone appeared in front of the door who looked at Kezya like delicious food. he was the class president who cheekily peeked at Kezia earlier. According to rumors, the students in this class had harassed all the girls in this class, while they did not dare to report because they were threatened.

"Hey sweet… you always look beautiful, I'm really curious about your flat breasts? why can't you see it?." he said with impudent and strange words in Kezia's chest.

Kezia just kept quiet without wanting to answer the crazy man's unimportant question. he doesn't even think that crazy man is around him, he prefers to put both hands as pillows to sleep at empty hours for the next 3 hours.

"Are you crazy?" asked Kezia because she was annoyed with the man who impudently supported her on the man's lap, even the man deliberately squeezed his milk several times. Kezya even wanted to move and ward off the man's impudent hand, but the crazy man hugged him tightly.

Unfortunately that crazy man besides the class president he is also the owner of this foundation, and if Kezia fights him or hurts his student fees may be revoked and his father will be angry with him.

"Of course sweetie I'm crazy about you, you are not afraid of me like the others as evidenced by your beautiful eyes that dare to glare at me, and your sexy body is perfect for me, even though your breasts are not big but you are calm I will help to make a bigger bowl with a few squeezes or maybe more." said the crazy leleki lecherously, and then put his head on Zia's neck giving a few kisses.

"If you're really crazy, you just go to a mental hospital, don't use me here." said Zia then got up, pushed the man's face firmly away from him, and walked to another empty bench while carrying his novel.

"You'll regret rejecting me sweetie, I'll teach you a little lesson." said the crazy man with a mysterious smile.

Meanwhile Zia was sitting on another bench reading her novel seriously, and soon the doorbell rang. when Zia wanted to get in her bag and walk out of class but strangely the crazy man helped everyone who was still in the class to get out except Zia. of course Zia would rather go than be alone with that crazy creature. while trying to pass through the door the ordeal was pulled back into the classroom again by the madman.

"What do you want to do to me?! I want to go home, don't come near me!?"Zia said while shouting to cover her fear.

"But you must receive your punishment dear." said the man, and then snapped his fingers and then the door closed and even locked, while the window was closed and guarded by the crazy man's men.

"How come it can't be opened.. it's locked, what do you want? I want to go home quickly!?" said Zia trying to be as calm as possible so that his enemy let him go.

Suddenly without a word, the crazy man took Zia's book and bag and put it on the table, then hugged Zia and sat Zia on his lap they sat opposite him on another table. The man's hands impudently unbuttoned Zia's shirt and squeezed Zia's chest hard and tugged at Zia's nipples. while Zia was silent because she was afraid and didn't know what to do.

"It hurts stop." Nya said because she felt pain in her breasts, which the man continued to squeeze and pull.

"I'll stop if you allow me to pick it up slowly whenever I want." said the madman impudently.

"Fine, but later, I want to pee, please let me go," said Zia, who really felt like she wanted to pee.

After the crazy incident, Zia ran away after she finished from the toilet, and went back to her house. how she doesn't hate that crazy man even on the contrary is impudent she is also pushy, but Zia really likes being able to run away from that crazy man. Zia even planned to move and told her parents about that person.

"Assalamualaikum father, mother, Zia is home." Zia said while walking into the house.

"Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh son, quickly pack up your things, dad said that we will move to your grandfather's house, because this is the last request from your grandfather before he died." said Sonia.

"Inalillahi wainailaihi rojiun. Bun.... but right....." said Zia who had not finished speaking but was cut off by her mother.

"You don't need to think about school problems because there your father will take care of everything we will move now, your father has left for Bandung this morning, we will follow him this afternoon." said the Bunda as she seriously put the clothes into the suitcase.

"Fine, I'll be ready." said Zia with a smile, finally she doesn't have to deal with that crazy man anymore and will be free from the mad men's threats and coercion.