Wake Up From Wounds

Assalamuaikum mother .....," said Zia who had just returned from school and went straight to the house.

But there was no response from the mother, Zia walked towards the kitchen and saw her mother cooking, while singing, it's true that Zia didn't answer the call , it turned out that she was busy singing while cooking.

"Bunda .....," said Zia annoyed. Zia's round face also looks so cute, when it puffs up with annoyance.

"My daughter, if you are new to the house, say hello first, don't shout, this is a house, not a forest." Bunda said casually while her eyes focused on the kale stir fry.

"Earlier, Zia said hello but didn't answer, Mom, you were too busy singing that you didn't hear me when I said hello." Zia said with a flat and embarrassed face.

Zia's mother is always like that when she sings in a low voice and the song is mello, actually Zia is just afraid why her mother didn't answer her greeting earlier.

"Actually, Zia's mother at school met a boy who followed Zia wherever Zia went, but it felt strange because he was Zia's classmate, she was always imprisoned and sometimes pretended to be the dean with Zia even though Zia always visited her". Zia said with a curious expression on her face, what was the boy's goal.

"Maybe he likes you son, or wants to be friends with you." said Bunda while serving stir-fried kale and soy sauce chicken on the dining table.

"I don't know, Bun, I haven't been able to forget it, I don't want to be friends with a man with a sad ending again." said Zia lazy.

"Never mind my daughter, don't think too much about sadness, you better change now and we eat together, see mom has finished cooking your favorite food." Mother said changing the topic so that Zia wouldn't get lost in her sadness.

"Yes Bun Zia will go upstairs first and tourists after changing clothes." Zia said then walked towards the stairs.

Zia is always with her mother at home, her father is busy working in the office and comes home late in the afternoon or sometimes at night, because many problems have occurred in the office since her grandfather fell ill until now Zia's father manages a company that is almost bankrupt. fortunately Zia Seoray's father is a hardworking and wise person, now the company that was almost bankrupt is now starting to improve, although his father has to come home early or late at night to get a cooperation or contract so the company is abandoned by Zia. Grandpa is not out of business.

"May peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah". someone said from outside the house.

"Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, ehh… Ma'am, please come in, want to play here?" Zia's mother said.

"I just happened to be passing by and stopped by and saw your new house, it's pretty big too." Aunt Ega said with a smiling face which means strange.

"Come on, let's have lunch together." Zia's mother said while taking her sister-in-law to eat clothes and Zia was already sitting on one of the chairs.

"Zia..... how come you rarely go to your aunt's house? Are you angry with your aunt because at that time?" said Aunt Ega as if interrogating him.

"Zia is busy with school and prefers to be at home reading novels." Zia said with a slight bow because she was afraid of her aunt who she thought was fierce.

"Let's eat later, we'll continue to talk after eating." said Zia's mother because she realized her daughter was scared, but still put on a smile so that her sister-in-law felt comfortable. then they eat quietly and solemnly.

Aunt Ega is actually nice, but his speech and pronunciation are very sharp and spicy, and he will openly say what he doesn't like in front of that person without feeling guilty, but he's not the type of hypocrite who talks behind his back.

Aunt Ega's husband or uncle Harim is the adopted brother of Zia's father, although not a sibling, but Hiran's father and uncle are like brothers who are very close and loving.

Zia is the type of home child who rarely plays, she is always busy at home, helping her mother, writing novels or reading novels, watching television, or cleaning the home garden. It's not that Zia doesn't have friends but being at home makes her more comfortable and safe. apart from not liking to be noticed by many people, Zia is also not someone who gets close to new people easily. Zia prefers people greet her first, not because she is arrogant but Zia really doesn't understand how to greet her properly, Zia is afraid to say the wrong thing. all friends and family already know that so they don't have a problem. this is Zia's trademark, Zia will be very close to friendly people and open it comfortably, but Zia will feel sad when someone advises her in a high tone. like a few days ago he stayed at his uncle's place and was advised because his aunt or uncle's wife felt uncomfortable with Zia's presence, who was quiet and careless, according to his uncle's wife's opinion, because he didn't know Zia, even his uncle's wife did not hesitate to advise Zya with a clear yelling tone because Zia's aunt is from Palembang and her language is a bit harsh, while Zia is too soft for a shout she will be fragile.

"Zia is actually here to apologize for what Auntie said last Sunday that offended you, but Auntie was actually just conveying my opinion." Bi Ega said in a softer voice than usual. Maybe Harim's uncle had told him about Zia, who is easy to take in people's words, and is easily fragile because of shouts.

"Yes aunty it's okay, Zia also apologizes if Zia is ready to be childish". said Zia with a slight smile, although a bit confused by how her aunt who was known to be fierce was able to soften.

Actually, aunt ega at that time had some problems, and accidentally expressing her uncontrolled emotions made her aunt give advice to Zia but like yelling at you, auntie couldn't control herself when you were at home aunty always supported aunt's child who died of blood cancer, aunt used to often resulting in a blow that hit her with a broom, aunty only felt guilty because your faces were both innocent but the difference was she never took my treatment to heart and you immediately left just because I advised you. aunty misses her daughter very much. If only time could be repeated, Aunt Ega would never have educated her daughter in such a Miler way, even Aunt Ega only found out about her eldest daughter's illness after her condition was very serious.

At that time, Zia did not know because Zia went to a boarding school, while her cousin was in a state school and lived with her parents, Zia only found out that her cousin had died of blood cancer, and immediately went home. because Zia felt guilty she stayed a few days and asked her little cousin the second child of her and her aunt. they are so very much that even Ega's aunt accidentally judged him on Zia.