Threat Pack

"How is the wife's condition now?" said a man on the phone.

"Sorry, miss, it's fine, but..." said the messenger hesitantly, wanting to say the facts that his master would accept or not.

"Just say it clearly, or your family will bear it." said the master in an angry tone.

"Sorry sir, the lady got engaged last night when the master went out of town to take care of the company." replied the big master's men with fear.

"What are you saying!, damn it. There's no way my wife would just be engaged, she must have had to!" said the master in a frustrated tone.

"Miss is engaged at the request of her grandmother sir." replied the boy.

"Quickly investigate who dares to be engaged to my wife, send the info via email." said the master coldly and piercingly.

"Okay... sir," replied the subordinate with a stutter. Then the call was turned off unilaterally by the master.

The crazy man who took Zia as his wife found information about who had dared to be engaged to Zia, then the man made a letter in blood red ink by inserting some surprise photos in it.

"I can't wait to see the man's reaction, he really knows the package of photos and the contents of this letter, maybe he will stay away from my wife forever.. hahahaha...." The man said laughing happily.

Elsewhere, Latif is busy reading his father's company files, so currently Latif has to replace his father because his parents are currently in Germany managing the central company, while the branch companies are in various countries, such as in Indonesia, which is often monitored by Latif.

Knock knock (knock on the door)

"Please come in". said Latif firmly.

"Sorry, sir, permission to deliver the files for you to sign, and we have a meeting with the client at 10 am, or to be precise in 15 minutes." said Gita as a secretary who explained the schedule of the meeting this morning in a professional manner without any other hidden intentions.

"Okay get everything ready and we'll meet the client now." said Latif flatly.

All employees, including Latif's father's secretary, are used to the attitude of this boss's son who seems cold and sometimes untouchable, even Latif is often angry if there are employees who lack discipline. many employees dub batik as the prince of ice because of his cold attitude and wise attitude in managing the company so that this company rose when it was almost bankrupt because there were parties who did corruption.

"Good afternoon Mr. Baskoro, nice to meet you, I am Muzzamil Latif, son of Ismail Latif, and this is the secretary of my Gita". said Latif professionally.

"It's also afternoon, Mr. Muzzamil, so I will invite someone to cooperate in the development of the property and hotel business, the location of which you can check for yourself, and report it." said Mr. Baskoro while handing over the report folder.

"Good, because of the strategic and profitable location in the city, I will accept cooperation with you with the capital and the results must be equal," said Latif formally.

"We have prepared everything, we will arrange another meeting schedule to sign a contract agreement related to the property and hospitality business.

"Yes sir." Gita replied.

"Okay, we will meet again after you shower, the location and place is directly for hotel development and property business, it is a pleasure to work with you." Then they shook hands with a sign of the cooperation agreement to be carried out.

"Okay I'm sorry." said Latif then left the room after hearing Baskoro's answer.

After a meeting and signing documents at his father's branch office, he went home. because today is Monday Patih did not enter as a lecturer but entered as CEO to replace his father, actually Latief aspires to become a lecturer so that he can carry out his duties as a lecturer and carry out his obligations as a child to help parents by running one of his father's business branches.

"Assalamualaikum." lative words before entering the house.

"Waalaikumsalam, sorry Den, someone sent a package without a name but it was shown to Aden." said inem as a household assistant who has worked for 20 years.

"Just put it on the desk, Mom, I'll check it out when I'm done showering." said Latif then walked upstairs to his room.

"Okay den." said Bik Inem then walked to Latif's office to put the package down.

Latif remembered last Sunday about the engagement he held with that girl, none other than Zia, a unique girl even when many other girls were looking for Latif's attention, the woman blatantly indifferently refused. why is Latif still thinking about him instead of taking a shower right away, okay because of his curiosity Latif also called Zia before taking a shower.

Unfortunately the one who picked up was not Zia but the operator who said "The number you have dialed is unable to receive calls, please leave a voice message."

"Why am I such a person in love, even though I've only just met the girl, maybe the girl is just pretending to be weak in front of me, astaghfirullahaladzim why am I being so arrogant towards her." said Latif then went to get a towel and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Latif went to the office in the house to check the package that had arrived, maybe it was from his mother or a friend, although he was still unsure because there was no name from the sender.

"What are these photos, who sent them? astaghfirullahaladzim ....." said Latif who almost burned with emotion when he saw the photos.

Even the sun was setting when the sky was slightly reddish still overcame Latif's blush while holding back the anger in his heart.

the photos are photos of Zia without hijab, even in that photo cia looks very feminine but strangely all the photos are asleep or her eyes are closed. the problem is that the clothes he wears are like seductive women's clothes, which makes Latif angry and emotional because he doesn't want to have a future wife of a former seductress.

Without knowing the intricacies of the original or edited photo, Latif immediately concluded that Zia was a former seductress, as evidenced by the last photo which showed Zia's face being hugged by a topless man with his back to the camera and they were only covered in the same cloth.

then Latif read the letter tucked into the package,

the contents of the letter: "she is mine, my wife, both body and soul I have touched before you came, stay away from mine or red roses will turn black."

"Oh Allah, it turns out that she is not a good woman, is it wrong and my sins are too many so that I am only close to women who are thirsty for wealth and material, I am only your creature who is weak and fragile.....," thought Latif with desperate tone.