ATL Chapter 53

"Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings." said Amir.

"Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, grandma is finally home, Kania misses it." said Kania who immediately ran to hug Amira.

"You... spoiled granddaughter of grandma..., how are you doing kid are you all okay?" asked Amira.

"Kania and Mama are healthy, Grandma, Grandma is getting gifts for Kania, right?" Kania said with a sweet smile.

"Why do you bring it... so where has this grandma's granddaughter been hiding all this time to make your grandmother and mother dizzy looking for it?" asked Amira.

"Kania only plays at Muzza's house, Grandma". Kania said lying.

"Play since when do you have any male friends besides Sean?" asked Amira a little fiercely.

"Hemmmm.... Muzza is fine, Grandma, he is now Kania's master.". Kania said with a smile showing off her left hand with an engagement ring on it.