After the impromptu wedding which was held in a simple but very meaningful way for Andra and Angel of course, this is the first time Angel is married and it will also probably be his first and last marriage, while Andra is the second marriage even though it is the second but his marriage with Angel is a legal and religious marriage.
For his and Ainun's marriage, it was only a betel marriage and for some reason Andra forgot to make their marriage a legal and religious marriage, besides Ainun never had a problem with it. Because they are also not blessed with a child maybe. but this time Andra really hopes that angel can bear his child later, for the younger brother of his two sons Fatan and Fatih.
"You can clean up first, then we'll take turns." said Andra who had put his wife's body on the bathtub.
"Yeah..." Angel squeaked.
"Emmuach, emmuach, emmuach. You impressed my wife very much." said Andra who had kissed all parts of Angel's face which looked red.