After the incident, Andra vomited because he tasted his own food, but it seems that his beautiful wife looks normal and wants to eat her homemade lontong pecel.
Actually Andra doesn't allow his wife to eat anymore because the homemade small tasted very disgusting to him, but it looks like the ice looks like it's enjoying what he's doing so you just let it be. Besides, angel looks fine and doesn't feel like throwing up like he did when he tasted the pacel.
Andra has also heard stories from several of his employees who told about his wife who was pregnant and like Angel they would be fine when they ate food that other people felt nauseous.
In general, pregnant women crave for young mangoes or other fruits, while Angel craves for homemade pecel when they are abroad, it's amazing how beautiful Andra's wife is, Andra naturally falls in love with Angel because Angel is full of simplicity and love Dear.