Andra's face that had looked very worried was replaced with a sweet smile that was very happy. Andra never thought that he would get a kiss from his wife without him starting it first.
"Why do you have to cover your face honey? Kanya looks very beautiful with chubby cheeks and blushing." said Andra teasing his wife.
"Do I still look really fat now?" Angel land remembers her husband said he was chubby.
"No honey you're not fat at all, your cheeks have always been chubby and plump from the start, and this makes you look very pretty and packs like a kid." said Andre honestly.
"Thank you, but I have become a mother, I am not a child." said Angel with a frown because he did not like to be considered like a child.
Andra couldn't help but smile, his beautiful wife didn't want to be called a kid even though her behavior was like a child from the start.