

Surprised to hear an update I look at my status panel when astonishingly I got a new mission.

Mission - Your power must grow but can not be seen. Your name resides in the shadows. End the war on the planet Hive. (Reward: 2 levels, minus 1000 mana, MAP: You can see the location of everyone in a 3000-mile radius (5000 km). {This is a passive ability it will not cost mana to use})

*Distance from the planet: 3 light-years*

'Minus 1000 mana?! I don't even have that much, to begin with. What happens if I have I to go in the negatives?'

'Well, luckily thanks to the power of the second god I copied I can still get stats from killing. I just might have to go back to using my hands.' I say as I reminisce about my dagger and slingshot.

'Wait… Ah! I see.'

'Never mind, this is going to be a fun mission!'

Changing direction and setting course for Hive I use all of the other speed abilities that I have to quicken the time to get to the planet.

Although I had no way of telling time I figured it only took me about two weeks to get there.

Thanks to NUTRITION: You will never become hungry or thirsty again. {This is a passive ability it will not cost mana to use}.

I haven't had to eat or drink anything for three months now.

Hovering above the planet I looked down from space. There I was surprised as to what it looked like.

It was much smaller than Earth and it didn't have any water on it.


It was all green.

It had to just be straight woodlands.

'How does a planet like this even function?'

'I'm not a scientist but I believe trees need water to survive.'

Uncaring of the anomaly I slowly dissent into the planet.

As I get closer to the ground I see that I was right. Hive is a tiny planet that is a giant jungle.

Huge trees towered at least four times bigger than redwoods.

Traveling down further into the thick of the forest below the treetops. I am met by a pretty-looking world.

There was no dead leave on the ground.

Rocks were huge and covered in moss.

Vines from trees filled my view.

It looked like it could have been out of a fairytale.

"Hi," I said.

Many of the abilities I have stop anyone or anything from sneaking up on me.

As if it was camouflaged a green tiger came into my sights.

"You smell different," It says as it approaches me.

"Right! Sorry, it's the first time I've talked to someone in close to a year."

"Felix, my name is Arthur, and I am from planet Earth. I've come here to end the war."

"How do you know my name and how could you possibly end the war?"

Once again using GOD'S EYE I was able to see the beast's panel.

[Name: Felix]

Level: 17 (99.99%)

Health: 100%

Attack: 1284

Defense: 275

Speed: 1827

Mana: 0

Abilities - None

"Tell me about the war? Who are you fighting?"

"I said how do you know my name." He says letting out a growl.

Sighing I reply, "Look do you want my help or not because if not I'll just go over to the other side and help them."

This shut up the oversized cat quickly.

"So be it. Four years ago a group of humans like you came to our planet and decided to claim it as theirs. Their power was so much stronger than ours that it took us two years for warriors like me to be born."

"We are quick to adapt and when our authority is challenged we fight back, hard."

"But just as we adapted so did they. They multiplied at supernatural rates and got the advantage once more."

"Now we are slowly being pushed back and losing our lands."

"We need all the help we can get can-"


An even more beautiful sight sprayed out.

Dyeing the once green forest red is a memory I would not forget.

'The mission is right. I will end the war on this planet. But I'll do it my way.'

'It never said there had to be a winner,' I say as my now notorious evil smile was been shown to the innocent planet.

Rising back up into the sky I fly over to where I saw a bunch of heat signatures.

Ending my flight before arriving in front of them I maintain a normal pace as I walk towards them.

"Halt! Who's division are you a part of? Don't you know abandoning your station is a crime punishable by death?!"

"I'm with your division," I say.

"What? I've never seen you before." A man on watch says confused.

"I was sent from the base, I was told you could use some backup." I lie.

"Huh? Why would HQ send us backup?" He questions.

"That's not for you to know? I was told to come here and relay information. I don't have time to talk to you," I answer.

The man seemed extremely confused yet he told me to follow him and brought me to his leader.

[Name: Sasha]

Level: 50 (61.804%)

Health: 100%

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

Speed: 3182

Mana: 1

Abilities - Ace: When 90% of your allies die you will three-shot your enemies. (Must have exactly 100 allies under level 5)

'Oh, that's why he is confused.'

'Looking around at every person's panel I could see they were all below level 5.'

'These men must be cannon fodder.'

"Hi Sasha, I'm Arthur, I was sent from HQ to help," I say.

"Huh? What level are you?" She asks not even looking up at me.

She was staring at a map I figured attempted to create a strategy.


This apparently caught her attention because her head went straight up.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" She screams.

"I already have one-hundred allies and you are too high of a level. Now I can't use my ability!" She says getting right up in my face.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I'll leave then. It's a shame HQ sent me the whole way here to warn you that you're surrounded but it's your life, not mine," I tell her as I turn to walk away.

"Wait, what?" She asks.







The screams of men could be heard as the beasts jumped into action.

When I was flying over here I saw a bunch of heat signatures. But they weren't only human.