Leaving the scene I look at MAP to see where the next division is that we can enter.
Once I find the biggest one I tell Willow and we prepare to make our way towards it.
Right as I am about to get ready to run she approaches me.
"What?" I ask wondering why she is blocking my way.
"What are you doing? Did you forget my ability?" She asks.
"Oh right."
Laughing she asks, "What's that reaction?"
But before I even get the chance to talk she runs up to me and grabs my hand.
"Don't let go."
Not even enough time passes by for me to formulate a thought and we were already at our destination.
'What the fuck?'
Willow saw my surprised face and revealed how she got to the location.
"Teleport doesn't have a cooldown and it is instant. So I can just activate it repeatedly. Also because my speed is so high it helps some."
"I can't wait till I have that ability," I mumble to myself.
'It's faster for her to teleport than it is for me to activate hundreds of speed abilities.'
"Come on!" She says and she drags me while still holding on to my hand.
As we enter the base I realize just how big it is.
On the MAP I saw a lot of people but now that I'm here it's just unbelievable.
'There have to be at least a thousand tents.'
Willow kept pulling me along as we passed hundreds of rows of tents laid out.
Once we got to the end which took about twenty minutes we arrived at a huge tent.
Outside it stood ten or so guards.
It was late at night so everyone was asleep.
"Who's in there?" I ask Willow.
"The leader, I guess?" She replies.
"Obviously but you just dragged me all the way here without knowing who it is?"
Smiling she tilted her head and says, "Yep."
"What are you two doing here?" One of the guards asks.
'Fuck me.'
[Name: Jim]
Level: 60 (42.083%)
Health: 100%
Attack: 1730
Defense: 2984
Speed: 2613
Mana: 4921
Abilities - General: Your allies get half your stats.
Looking at each of the guards with GOD'S EYE they were all around the same level but surprisingly they all had the same ability.
"I'm here to talk with the person that is in the tent, I have very important information to tell them," I say.
The guards look at me for a while then look at themselves before breaking out laughing.
In their eyes they see a boy holding a girl's hand while saying he has very important information to tell the great leader.
"Look kid you made us laugh so go on and get out of here, we won't report you," One of the guards named Jeff says.
'Fuck this I didn't need mana before and I sure as hell don't now.'
"Willow, make me a sword," I say.
This instantly put a smile on her face most likely because I called her by her name.
"No," She replied sweetly.
Surprised I turned to look at her.
Only to turn right back, as the heads of every guard fell off and rolled on the ground.
Their bodies collapsed while it rained red.
The puddles that I love so much were made once again and the previously yellow tent was now sprayed red on one side of it.
"I didn't want to let go of your hand," She said with a sheepish smile as she tightened her grip.
I looked back at her to reply only to turn my head forward due to sudden movements.
'My head is going to snap off.'
"What's with all the commotion…" The man that exited the tent began to say before trailing off.
Looking around at his generals that were now headless and two kids holding hands outside he became enraged.
"What did you do?!" He screamed.
"They wouldn't let me talk to you," I explain.
"So you KILLED THEM?!?!"
"No, she did," I say looking at Willow.
When the attention was put on her she hid behind my back.
'You killed them now you're making me clean up your mess.'
[Name: Joe]
Level: 90 (91.472%)
Health: 100%
Attack: 4318
Defense: 3739
Speed: 2254
Mana: 4106
Abilities - ???
Sighing I say, "I know the location of our enemies and they didn't believe me."
"Wow, really? Do you mean these war veterans didn't believe a kid who told them he 'knows the location of the beasts' even though it's common sense that THEY DON'T HAVE A LOCATION because they're fucking beasts that MOVE?!' Joe screams even louder.
His screaming causes some of the nearby men to wake up and find out what was causing all the ruckus.
"For killing ten generals of the sixth division I sentence you and that girl to death."
By now the men who woke up were surrounding us.
However, once Joe announced our death sentence time seemed to stop.
Pure. Total. Utter. Silence.
My rage was uncontainable.
In under a second, a picked up a stone that was on the ground and threw it at one of the people surrounding us.
It hit him square in the face killing him instantly.
Mana: 0 -> 1
'Stone Cold'
Activating an ability that I got when I was on earth every single person in the vicinity was in complete terror.
The fear that they felt was indescribable it was like they were staring death in the eyes.
And they really were.
*Hidden effect of ability 'Stone Cold' as been discovered: Your emotions affect how powerful the skill is.*
However, I didn't hear nor see this pop up because my eyes were red with furry.
As if I was a greater being declaring judgment I spoke out in a frightening voice.
"For threatening Willow, I sentence you all to death. Rot away like the trash you are."
It was not simply words that were coming out of my mouth but a command of a god.
A declaration that was made law.
And just like that, they were all dead.