A Glimpse Of The Past (2)

At first, I thought it was bullshit, there was no way that people could be receiving superpowers.

I figured it was a dumb joke being played to trick the people watching the news. I mean what else could it have been? It's impossible what they were saying.

When I arrived at school the place was completely different.

There were always troublemakers and kids who like me that were considered wastes and weren't going to make it far in life. These people would play on their phones in class.

However, when I entered my classroom every single student had their phone out including the teacher.

And what were they doing? Watching the same news that I was on the way to school.

The first thought to cross my mind is that the whole school hated me so much that they corroborated together to prank me but I quickly realized that it wasn't true.

No, people really were getting superpowers.

An announcement over the speakers was made by the principal telling everyone that their parents were called and that they should go home.

This day was the first day in years that my parents actually gave me attention and recognition.

They picked both me and my sister up and drove us home. Something they never would have done before.

When we got home we then sat around the dinner table altogether and watched the news.

For hours we sat there in silence and just watched as we learned how to pray, what gods to pray for, and saw person after person show off their ability.

The prayers were simple, just to pray to a god of anything that you wanted.

People who prayed to grass gods got the ability to turn dead grass back to life.

People that prayed to diamond gods could turn their hands to diamonds. Which began the crash of the economy and many fingerless people.

Ones that prayed to volcanos could shoot lava out of their hands.

Women who prayed for beauty were turned into goddesses.

And evil terrifying dangerous people prayed to kill and they got powers that could wipe out continents.

Nations collapsed in hours or minutes, within just a week the earth was in ruins.

The strongest of people left earth to travel to the universe for a place to either conquer or live in.

On the first day, everyone was discovering and learning about their powers while the powerless began to pray.

On the second day, nearly everyone on earth had an ability and the world was quickly becoming unstable.

On the third day, anyone who didn't have an ability was seen as lesser and unworthy. The people with powers began to kill the powerless. This was the day my father was murdered.

On the fourth day, my mother and sister left me and earth to explore the universe. This was also the day nations began to fall.

On the fifth day, only the strongest and biggest of nations still stood and it was only due to the support of the citizens defending their countries.

On the sixth day, the apocalypse truly began no place was safe and everyone was fleeing.

On the seventh day, the only ones left on earth were the ones that could not leave. These were the people who had been blessed but with terrible abilities.

And of course, there was me, the forgotten and one and only human that didn't have an ability.

As days passed, people including myself had to learn to survive in the new world.

Supplies were at a standstill murder was the only thing on people's minds.

The more powerful of the weakest ruled over until the weakest people would group together and rebel.

This continued for actual years as groups rose and fell.

The population continuously dropped and fast at that.

As the years passed and I was all alone I learned to survive in the cruel world.

Not to trust anyone and to fend for myself.

It wasn't as hard as I thought in the beginning I had been alone for so long that it was normal.

But once necessities ran out things got a lot harder.

It was no longer about living but rather surviving.

That's when I began to loot grocery stores for food and water.

For years I was able to live in the town I was born in. There were many restaurants, gas stations, and other places to keep me alive.

Band took over the city and lost the city as time passed. I learned quickly to map them out and stay out of their way.

However, it was around the fifth year that things started to go downhill.

Supplies near me were all but gone and the distances I would have to travel were getting longer and longer.

Also, it was around this time that animal life had ended.

Occasionally there would be a bird flying over or a mouse crawling around. But with insects extinct, the other animals quickly followed.

Then the worst thing possible happened around the sixth and a half year mark since abilities changed the world.

A new band moved in near me.

Resources were already at a low and with the band now setting up camp coming across food would be nearly impossible.

Like the previous groups, I mapped out their location and travel routes as I tried to ignore them.

But after a couple more months food was completely gone.

That's around the time I gave up common sense and tried stealing from the band.

Of course, because I didn't have any ability I was quickly found and beaten up.

That was thanks to James who was the one with the breathless ability that caught me.

He was also my first ever human kill and the first ability that I ever stole.


With the flashback of my life ending it took a moment for me to regain my senses.

Once I did I held on to Willow tightly as her gentle breathing calmed me down.

She was still pressed up against me and I moved my head down on top of hers as if I was shielding her.

With that even though I didn't need to sleep I still closed my eyes as I held her in my embrace.