Information Overload

Sheepishly, I didn't respond to Willow and opened my status panel back up, which in turn caused her to giggle at me.

I decided to go back and read about the first notifications instead of skipping around and getting sidetracked.

Thus, I tapped on (bloodline) and read about its abilities only to be shocked by the true power behind it.

Bloodline: Every being and species that lives as a trace of a Bloodline that relates back to its family tree. This in turn can mean that some Bloodlines are purer while others are tainted. The one who is the first son of the Bloodline's creator will have a perfect Bloodline but that son's, son's, son's… son will have a very poor Bloodline as the generations continue. (Page 1)

The only way to determine the strength of the Bloodline is based on the Bloodline's creator's abilities. A descendant of an ant, even if pure, will not come close to the descend of a human, that is poor. Then there are those who are descendants of gods and their bloodlines that are the lowest of the low can decimate any other Bloodline. Ones who have pure Bloodlines from gods are unmatched as their power can come to shake the universe. (Page 2)

To create a Bloodline one must first break away from the Bloodline that they were born into. This can only be achieved once a being surpasses morals. After that, a being will be able to slowly form their own identity, and by doing that if they pass down who they become to others it will create a Bloodline. Note that the beings do not have to be blood-related. (Page 3)

There are some unique and rare Bloodlines that do not follow the normalcy of just poor through pure. There are Bloodlines that can grow with the being as they will only be able to use part of the power behind it at every level of strength. There are Bloodlines that can be unlocked after a condition is met. This would be like, only after the king dies does the prince get to use his Bloodline ability. There are many other Bloodline conditions as well. (Page 4)

Bloodlines are unique to the being, and they are implemented to that being's soul. This means that a being is stuck with the Bloodline they have and can not change it (unless they form their own Bloodline). It is impossible to ste@/ $&! [ERROR]


*[ERROR] Information redacted and suited for the host.*

It is possible to steal the Bloodline of those who have pure Bloodlines. (Page 5)

Bloodline ranking is impossible to determine solely by a predetermined set of conditions. The previously mentioned ant's poor Bloodline can be supreme before all other ants making it the strongest ant to ever exist. A pure Bloodline can be from a weak being and although the Bloodline is strong it will not help the user. A Bloodline that has conditions can be considered poor but if it is met it can become unmatched. The basic set of ranking is listed below but remember it is not that simple: Poor -> Influenced -> Rich -> Pure -> Perfect. Note that only one being in a Bloodline can have 'Perfect' and that is the creator. If the creator dies there will never be another 'Perfect' nor will it ever be passed down. Within each rank, there is another set of ranks. Those are: Basic -> Intermediate-> Comprehended. By making it from basic to comprehended only then would the Bloodline be able to move up from Poor to Influenced. (Page 6)

As I finished reading about Bloodlines I learned just how powerful they could be and just how little I knew about them. 'It seems that I might be the only being in existence to be able to steal the Bloodlines of others,' I concluded due to the error that went off.

'When I checked my status panel it said I had a poor Bloodline but it also had a percent next to it. Does that mean it's able to level up?' I think to myself as I try to piece together the information I learned.

Bloodline: Poor (0.098%)

Making the comparison I notice that the percentage is the same as my level which confirms my earlier thoughts.

While looking at my status screen I also notice something else that puts a smile on my face.

Abilities - 5192 (You will steal the abilities and bloodline of every person you kill), (You will steal a random basic stat from every person you kill), (You can move throughout space without consequences), (Speed abilities do not cost mana)

'So I really can steal Bloodlines, this is going to make things much more interesting!'

As I finish looking over everything from (bloodline) I read over it once more to make sure I comprehended everything, then I move on to (species).

Species: Displays what species you are. (Page 1)

'… I should have known,' I say to myself while shaking my head.

With the first two bits of new information learned, I move on to the last and most important (essence).

Essence: When a being goes beyond to complete the basic requirements the safety features are removed and a new power replaces it. (Page 1)

When a being reaches level 100, the universe truly recognizes them as they gain access to Essence. Essence is a form of understanding of power. (Page 2)

After achieving level 100 a new ranking system is introduced. It's not about level but instead power scales. It ranks as: Bronze -> Copper -> Iron -> Silver -> Gold -> Diamond -> Emerald -> Ruby -> Amethyst -> Quartz. This can be considered levels 100-200 each at 10 level intervals. However, the difference in each rank is unimaginable. Lower ranks will never be able to harm those in higher ranks and even a being who is just one rank higher can defeat all those lower. (Page 3)

Essence is specifically the power granted while in these ranks. It is unexplainable and incomprehensible only when a being grasps this power will they understand. (Page 4)

Essence is used as the foundation for many things. It can even be used to replace mana to make attacks even more deadly. Essence determines one's strength. (Page 5)