
'Wait what?' I question with blank-mindedness. 'Why did the system just show how much I leveled up?'

With unexplainable reason I continue to stare at the status panel that is floating in front of me, 'Isn't the system supposed to be gone? Didn't it announce the world would delete it? So then why the fuck do I still have it?!'

Thinking it was some kind of glitch I close the status panel and open it back up only to be even more confused.

'It's still there! Does this mean that I get to keep the system or is there something else at play? I mean there is no way I would get such a cheat, right? There has to be something wrong.'

But no matter what I did the system was still displayed in front of me.

'This… this is just too much!'

When I thought my mind was about to break, a notification appeared that completely shook me to my core.

I stare at the screen for countless minutes unable to move as my heart pounds like it's about to explode.

'The universe itself forgot about me? So then this isn't some twisted joke? I… I…. I get to keep the system! I GET TO KEEP IT!'

My hands shake as I realize just how stupidly unfair this is.

I open the status panel once more time and sure enough, it's right in front of me.

"Hahaha!" In the middle of the destroyed lands, I laugh uncontrollably as I come to understand that I was just gifted an unbelievable power.



It was just an ordinary day as I ruled over my vast kingdom. The pathetic soldiers under me continued to sacrifice their lives so that we could take over this planet.

Back when humans were being blessed I was one of the first to get their prayers answered.

I was given a unique ability and given the strength to destroy the world.

So I took advantage of the power I was given and created my kingdom on earth as I took down country after country to expand as no one was able to stop me.

But then I stretched too far.

An insignificant, tiny, poor country was in the way of my conquest of taking over the huge country next to it.

There had been many weak countries that could not stand up to my power that quickly fell under me. So I thought nothing of this place.

But in that disgustingly poor country was a man, a terrifying man.

I had always known in the back of my mind that someone was stronger than me. I wasn't the first person to ever be blessed nor was I the highest in rank.

But never did I think I would lose everything because I attacked one country.

I was lucky enough to get rank: 173,749,418 and no one came close to being near me.

But that man, he was on a whole different level. He had to be at the very least in the hundreds of billions.

But then why didn't he do what I did and take over the world?

As my army approached the moment one of them stepped foot in his land everything was gone.

In a split second the bodies of hundreds of millions of soldiers were turned to dust.

When I saw this scene I felt an unbelievable amount of terror.

However, just a few minutes ago that terror I felt from the man on earth that caused me to run away to this planet and create a new kingdom was nothing.

There had been some unexplainable things happening recently like monsters attacking out of nowhere. Monster not attacking at all and even monster attacking in groups.

This should not have been possible because the moment I came to this planet I faced off against the king of this land. A dragon. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to kill him as he hid in the depths of the forest and had his monsters protect him.

Due to this, there should be no way the monsters are organized.

But then I was told that two of my most powerful squads were completely obliterated.

The worst part is that it wasn't due to monsters.

That was the reason I was holding a meeting with my most powerful and trusted men to discuss what we should do.

Then in the middle of the meeting, a bloodlust of something that should not exist on this planet came crashing into the room.

One of my men instantly passed out while the rest including me were frozen in fear.

It was only about ten minutes after that I felt like I could move without dying instantly.

I had a grim expression on my face but it quickly disappeared when I looked at my status panel as I knew I only needed to hold out as it would just take a bit of time.

[Name: Kealen]

Bloodline: Rich

Species: Human

Level: 99 (99.980)

Health: 100%

Attack: 20,000 (Max)

Defense: 16348

Speed: 11401

Mana: 13964

Abilities - Dictator: You steal the experience of those who kill in your name. You steal 1% of the skills of those who die in your name.

Rank: 173,749,418

A couple of minutes later my subordinates got back their senses and the one who passed out woke up.

"Fear not in just a few hours I will go on to be able to use essence and then that being who dared to threaten us will be kneeling at my feet."



I was still in the desolated land but I was looking closely at my status panel as I went to make use of the next ability I unlocked.

Delete: Abilities can be deleted by the user to reform them back into their original essence.

Abilities: 27429

Looking through the countless number of abilities I selected the useless and duplicated abilities to be deleted.

Abilities: 27429 -> 11734

There were still plenty of abilities to sort through but just by deleting those I knew I had enough power to take down the king.