

"All cadets! Welcome back to day three of camp!"

The intercoms blared once again, jolting some of the groggier cadets awake.

Kilo yawned, ruffling a hand through his messy hair. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Nyota, Sage, and Kilo had left their dorm early, eager to consult with Jora about Nyota's dreams before their squadron began instruction for the day. The morning air was crisp as they made their way to the main campus hall, their footsteps quick but deliberate.

Pushing open the heavy campus doors, they hurried down the quiet hallway. The early hour ensured that the building was mostly empty, save for a few staff members. Reaching their homeroom, Nyota pushed the door open to find Jora seated at his desk, alone, poring over a stack of papers.

He glanced up as they entered, a familiar grin spreading across his face. "Well, well... I know I told you to come in early, but this is a surprise!" He gestured toward their desks with a laugh. "Why don't you take a seat?"

"Jora." Kilo cut in, skipping the pleasantries.

Nyota stepped forward. "We need to talk to you."

Jora's smile faded slightly as he set down his pen. "Alright, about what?"

The brothers exchanged glances before pulling up chairs around his desk.

Nyota began, his voice low and serious. "I've been having these weird dreams."

Jora leaned back slightly, his brow furrowing. "Can't say I'm surprised. Go on."

"A couple of nights ago, I dreamt about a town being burned to the ground. There were these men—soldiers, maybe—and when they turned to face me, they had these... evil expressions. It felt too real to just be a dream. And then last night, it got even stranger." He hesitated before continuing. "There was this woman. She told me she was my guardian angel and said the things I was seeing were my own memories."

"Memories?" Jora echoed, his voice sharp with curiosity.

Nyota nodded. "She said I'd see more of her later and that she'd help me remember things I'd forgotten. And she wasn't wrong. Lately, I can't remember anything—not even how I got here."

Jora's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by that?"

"Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I recognized where I was, but everything else was a blank. I didn't even remember these two." He gestured to Sage and Kilo. "They had to reintroduce themselves."

"That's... troubling," Jora muttered, interlacing his fingers as he processed the information.

Sage leaned forward, his voice thoughtful. "We think the dreams and memory loss are connected somehow. That's why we came to you. After all, you've already shared your suspicions about the government's behavior."

Jora exhaled and pushed himself away from the desk in his rolling chair, throwing his hands up in frustration. "Unfortunately, I don't have a clear answer for you. But you're right to be concerned. Keep tracking your dreams and come to me with updates. It's better to monitor this than ignore it."

He adjusted his glasses, a reassuring yet firm look on his face. "You didn't tell anyone else about this, did you?"

"No, sir!" Nyota answered quickly.

"Good. Let's keep it that way. The best thing you can do right now is focus on developing your skills and abilities. Worrying won't help." He paused, then smiled slyly. "Speaking of which, I've got something in the works for you three—an opportunity I think you'll find interesting."

Kilo perked up, practically bouncing in his seat. "What is it?!"

Without moving his head, Jora fixed Kilo with an unimpressed stare. "Calm down, hotshot. I'll explain everything after classes today."

Kilo immediately shrank back, muttering, "S-Sorry."

Nyota chuckled under his breath, while Sage shook his head in mild exasperation.

Jora continued, his tone lightening. "It's an exclusive opportunity, and I've put in a word for you three. Swing by after hours, and I'll fill you in."

"Sounds good," Sage said, already pushing his chair back toward his desk.

"Looking forward to it," Nyota added, following suit.

Excitement buzzed between the trio as they returned to their seats. Any chance to improve their skills was a rare and valuable opportunity, and they were eager to hear what Jora had in store.

One by one, other cadets began trickling into the homeroom, their chatter filling the once-quiet space. The intercom crackled to life again, greeting the cadets and announcing the start of the day.

Jora stood up, walked in front of his desk, and addressed the cadets. "Welcome back! I hope you all are doing well. Today's plans are a tad bit laid back. Since this is still the first week of camp, we're just going to make sure we've gotten all the important things taken care of. After that, most of today is just going to be congregation."

The cadets erupted into cheers and applause.

"But don't get too excited!" Jora raised his voice just enough to cut through the chatter. "It won't always be like this. In fact, it rarely will. These next couple of semesters are going to be full of hard work and diligence, so be prepared."

He handed out documents for the cadets to review, and the room settled into a relaxed atmosphere for the next hour.

When the hour ended, Jora called their attention again. "Alright, cadets! The period is over. You're free to leave for the next hour, but make sure you're back and seated no later than 10:10 a.m."

"Sir, yes sir!" The cadets chorused, gathering their belongings and spilling into the hallways to chat and wander.

Nyota finished packing his bag when Kilo and Sage appeared at his desk.

"Hey, Nyota," Kilo crouched down, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hurry up! I've got a great idea for how we should use this time."

Sage crossed his arms, clearly skeptical. "Kilo, what are you plotting now?"

Kilo glanced over his shoulder with a smirk. "Relax! It's nothing mischievous. I just think we should scope out the layout of this place, see where everything is."

"Good idea," Nyota said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Thanks for waiting. Let's go."

The three walked out of the room and down the hall together.

"Of course, you idiot!" Kilo added with a grin. "What, you didn't think we'd leave you behind, did you?"

They started by walking past the foyer and the main doors, taking in the layout as they moved through the rectangular main hall building. The structure opened on its western side to the street sidewalk, where a wide walkway connected the main doors to the sparring stages in the center court.

The southern wall of the northern half of the building was lined with lockers and windows, offering a clear view of the outdoor sparring stages where other cadets were already sparring and joking around. On the opposite side were classrooms and restrooms, their windows mirroring those along the hallway.

Heading toward the southeastern quarter, they found an indoor lounge with glass walls overlooking the center court.

"Nice spot," Nyota remarked as they paused briefly.

Finally, they decided to explore the upper levels. They climbed the staircase near the lounge and noted that the second and third floors mirrored the first. As they wandered through the third floor, Kilo suddenly took off running down the hallway.

"Kilo!" Sage called after him, startled. "What are you doing? Hey!"

Nyota glanced at Sage before darting after Kilo.

"Oh, come on," Sage muttered, sighing before chasing after them.

The three attracted attention from other cadets congregating near their lockers. Kilo eventually skidded to a stop and ducked into a classroom. Nyota and Sage followed, out of breath and baffled.

Kilo sprinted to the windows on the left side of the room, pressing his hands against the glass.

"Kilo!" Sage hissed, lowering his voice as he noticed a few cadets already in the room. Thankfully, none appeared to be instructors or staff. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Look, you guys are gonna be mad, but check out this view," Kilo said, ignoring Sage's scolding.

Nyota and Sage walked over and looked out. Beyond the back of the building stretched an expanse of open grassland, its tranquility striking against the backdrop of the bustling campus.

"This… This is what you had us nearly get in trouble for?" Sage asked, incredulous.

Nyota chuckled while Kilo turned, defensive. "Oh, come on! It's the view. Don't be such a downer."

"It's nice," Sage admitted, "but why run down the hall like a maniac? I thought you'd seen something important."

Kilo's expression soured, and his fists clenched. Sage instinctively readied himself to intervene, but Nyota stepped between them, raising his hands.

"Now, now," Nyota said lightly. "You're brothers. Don't let something so small turn into a fight."

Both of them sighed and relaxed, though Sage shot Kilo an exasperated look.

"Fine," Kilo grumbled, glancing back out the window. "But you've got to admit, it's a pretty great view."

The tension between Kilo and Sage began to settle as Nyota stepped in to address them. "Look, the view is nice, and we got to see the layout of the building like you wanted, right?" He looked at Kilo before turning to Sage. "But Sage is right—we need to be more careful. What would Jora think? Just because he's downstairs doesn't mean we can act reckless. Another instructor might not be so forgiving."

The brothers remained silent as Nyota grabbed both their shoulders, giving them a small shake. "Plus, when we're out there working together as spies and assassins, all this arguing won't cut it. We've got to learn to rely on each other."

Kilo brushed Nyota's arm off his shoulder and stormed past Sage, disappearing down the hall. Sage sighed. "I'm sorry about that. You're right—I should be more understanding of him. But you can see how he makes it hard sometimes."

Nyota gave him a knowing look. "I get it. Have you tried talking to him?"

"Countless times." Sage began walking toward the door, Nyota following close behind. "I just want to be there for him, you know? With our parents gone, I feel like it's my responsibility."

"Well, keep trying. You guys are my companions—or my squad, as Jora might say. Whether you like it or not, it's my job to make sure there's no bickering in it." Nyota grinned and extended a fist. "I'll try talking to him soon myself. Maybe it'll help."

Sage bumped his fist. "I hope it does. He's a good kid, and like he's said, he's fond of you. That temper just gets the better of him sometimes."

"Don't worry. I know he didn't mean anything by it."

As they walked down the hallway, Nyota and Sage noticed a group of cadets heading their way. "Hey, is that…?"

"Yeah, it is." Nyota's demeanor shifted. While he didn't mind Tatius or Idalia, something about Enki always got under his skin.

The Big Three approached, stopping just in front of Nyota and Sage. Idalia greeted them with a wave and an exuberant smile. "Hey, guys!"

Tatius raised a hand in a more subdued greeting. "Yo."

Enki remained silent, his piercing gaze locked on Nyota. Nyota met it head-on, refusing to look away. The tension between the two didn't go unnoticed, and nearby cadets paused to watch the interaction.

Sage, unfazed, returned Idalia's greeting. "Hey, what's up? How're you guys? Also, sorry about yesterday."

Idalia waved off the apology. "No, no, the apology's on us! That's actually why we came over." She glanced at Nyota and Enki, then leaned toward Sage. "Is he okay?"

Sage shrugged. "Oh, yeah. He just doesn't like him very much." He subtly gestured toward Enki.

Idalia chuckled. "Right… he can be a handful. Anyway, we should get back to class before we land in trouble again."

Before they could leave, Sage asked, "What kind of trouble have you gotten into already?"

"Oh, just yesterday. Admin gave us a warning, that's all."

"Got it. Well, take care, and stay out of trouble."

"You too!" Idalia waved as she and Tatius continued on, with Enki following behind. The silent cadet glanced back, still staring at Nyota.

As the Big Three disappeared from sight, Sage laughed. "Man, you really don't like him, huh?"

Nyota smirked. "I wouldn't say that. But what else am I supposed to do? Let him boss me around like some dog?"

Sage shrugged. "Fair point."

The free period ended, and Nyota and Sage returned to their homeroom. They found Kilo slumped over his desk. As they sat, Kilo straightened up and muttered, "Sorry about earlier. My emotions got the better of me."

Nyota waved it off. "It's fine."

Sage added, "I get it. I'd probably feel the same way. But guess who we ran into?"

Kilo's head shot up. "Wait, you saw them again? And I missed it?"

Nyota and Sage nodded. Kilo groaned and crossed his arms. "That's not fair! What happened this time? They didn't destroy the hallway again, did they?"

Sage shook his head. "Nope. Idalia and Tatius apologized for yesterday. Meanwhile, this guy"—he pointed at Nyota—"had a staring contest with the 'big bad wolf' himself."

Nyota chuckled. "It wasn't that dramatic."

"I wish I'd been there," Kilo muttered, shaking his head.

"Alright, cadets!" Jora's voice cut through the chatter as he stood in front of his desk. "Let me get your attention—it's time to get back to work!"

The room quieted as the cadets returned their focus to the day's tasks.


Hours passed, and the cadets reached the conclusion of yet another day of instruction. Following the chime of the final bell, they left their classrooms in groups, buzzing with post-class energy—all except Nyota, Kilo, and Sage.

As requested, the three stayed behind to speak with Jora. After gathering their belongings, they approached his desk.

"So, what's up with the offer?" Kilo asked.

Jora looked up, then stood, leaning casually against the front of his desk with his arms crossed. "An internship."

Sage's face lit up. "For real?"

Nyota and Kilo exchanged confused looks. "A what?" Kilo asked.

Sage clarified. "It's like an entry-level job for trainees or students, to gain work experience."

"Exactly," Jora said with a nod. Nyota and Kilo perked up, their curiosity piqued.

Jora elaborated, "Well, technically, it's more of a short-term mission. Think of it as an opportunity to develop your skills. It's supposed to last no more than a week. Since I've taken you three under my wing, I'm structuring your training a little differently from the rest of the squadron.

"This mission will take you to southwestern Lunanova, where there's been a rise in crime—not murders, fortunately, but signs of organized activity. The authorities suspect something big might be brewing. That's where you come in."

"You want us to investigate?" Sage asked, his interest clearly growing.

"Exactly. My acquaintance, Doran Bakar, an EPSA agent stationed in western Lunanova, will oversee your assignment. He's one of the best in the area, so you'll be in good hands. But there's more."

"What else?" Nyota asked.

"You'll have colleagues—other cadets from this camp."

"Who are they?" Kilo pressed.

Jora smirked and clicked his tongue. "Ah-ah! Can't say. Or rather, I won't. Let me tell you something," he said, picking up a pen from his desk and twirling it between his fingers.

"Throughout your careers, you'll end up working with people you least expect. Sometimes, you'll even have to split up and tackle challenges independently. If you want to excel, you'll need to adapt to the unexpected—and thrive in it."

The three cadets stood silently, considering his words.

"So," Jora asked, "what do you think?"

Nyota slung his backpack over one shoulder, his free hand balled into a fist as a confident smile spread across his face. "I'm in."

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it," Sage added, his excitement evident.

"Damn right!" Kilo grinned and gave Sage a high-five.

Jora chuckled, clearly pleased. "That's the enthusiasm I was hoping for. I knew I picked my pupils well. I'll confirm your participation with Doran, so get ready for next week."

"Wait, you're not coming with us?" Kilo asked.

"Nope. Someone's got to stay and teach the rest of the squadron. But once you're back, I'll expect a full report from each of you."

"You got it," Nyota replied. "Anything else we should know?"

"That's it. You're dismissed. Have a good night."

"Yes, sir!" the three said in unison, giving an informal salute before leaving the room and heading for the campus exit.

As they walked toward the bus stop, Kilo rested his hands on the back of his head, eyes closed. "I don't think you guys get it. I'm really looking forward to this… what's it called again?"

"Internship," Sage said.

"Right! That. It sounds so awesome!"

"Yeah, it does," Sage agreed. "I've always wanted to do something like this. I'm surprised we got the chance so early. But we've got a lot of training ahead of us."

"True," Nyota said. "Our basic hand-to-hand combat and firearm skills are solid, but we need to focus more on developing our abilities. I haven't even figured mine out yet, and it's starting to bug me."

"Don't stress over it," Sage reassured him. "We haven't had enough training opportunities yet, but we'll get there. Just give it time."