
Power Trip!

Accompanied by many other mafia subordinates, Quade, Ford and Ivy met with Drew at the exclusive meeting bunker location.

Drew exited a helicopter with an entourage of his own and stood awaiting Quade, Ford and Ivy, who had just arrived in their vehicles.

Immediately, Quade exited the vehicle and approached Drew with apparent hostility.

"Drew!" he called angrily. "What do you think this is?! What, is this some joke to you?"

Drew didn't respond.

"Answer me!" Quade sought to latch onto his shirt.

"Quade… Quade! Calm down." Ivy tried.

"Ah-ah-ah…" Drew wagged his finger. The mafia troops behind him pointed their weapons at Quade at once.

"You know better than to step to me, come on!" Drew joked. "I employed you. This is how you repay me?"

Quade froze in his tracks, snarling.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Ford quickly rushed between Quade and Drew and his entourage. "Listen, everyone, we're on the same side.

We should be worried about the enemy right now. You all know just as well as I do that now is far from the best time to be at odds with one another.

Tell you what," he continued. "We finish these cops off, Drew, and then you can have your reign over the region. And after," Ford pointed to himself, Quade and Ivy.

"We can walk away as free men with no debt to anyone or remain members of the mafia, whichever we so choose."

Drew chuckled, leaving the three confused. "Leave?" He shook his head. "No… Who ever said leaving was an option?"

"Drew, we've shown you nothing but loyalty." Ivy began to plead. "We've advised you with your best interest in mind and at the forefront of everything at all times, even when it meant disregarding our own safety.

Please let this situation be a testament to that. It's rare, but we're worried. We can't go back to that system. We came to you seeking refuge, and purpose.

Surely, you would grant us the ability to leave at will."

After a short silence, Drew began to laugh uncontrollably in a patronizing manner.

"Let me ask you, was there ever a contract for our terms?"

Distressed, Quade, Ford and Ivy looked at each other.

"No," Quade retorted. "So what would be stopping us from walking away?"

"Look behind me. Come on now, you see who the guns are pointed at. You work for me! You have for a while now and you will continue to do so until I say otherwise.

And don't bother using those powers. They're lent to you; they aren't of your own. Without the gear, you're nothing, remember? Out in the world, you're nothing.

And you need me. Where are you to go? Where will you flee? Run as far as you can, you know these cops are going to find you.

If your plan is to revolt against me or them, there is no hope. Comply, and I can continue to grant you that freedom you so desire."

Quade, Ford and Ivy remained speechless.

"You said it yourself—now's not the time to bargain. You know what's best." He signaled for the troops to lower their weapons.

"Tell you what, the truth is I care for you. You're family, that's what it means to be a member of this mafia. Under me, you have the supervision you need.

Now, let's focus on the people out there, shall we?"

"So it is about the money," Quade listlessly laughed to himself. "So much for caring about the powerless."

"Of course! But not completely. Look at what I've done before. Nothing's changed. You can trust me." Drew grinned callously.

After a moment of silence, Quade, Ford and Ivy nodded their heads. "Yeah... Sure."

"Great!" He clapped his hands. "So, what have you got for me?"

Quade tossed a couple of small stacks of money in front of Drew, prompting him to chuckle.

"And the rest?"

"That's it." Quade stuffed a hand in his pocket.

"Boss, we were stopped during the heist. We ran into some…" Ivy trailed off.

"Go on."

"We ran into some problems. Some… kids."

Drew scowled, so Ivy elaborated.

"They weren't just any kids. There were three of them. They had developed MO, and they fought like they were trained by the military.

They took quick care of our footmen, we barely got away before we saw reinforcements. Saw the cops come up."

"Okay… so can someone please explain to me why you have your abilities? I gave them to you to use in those very situations."

"We know, and we did, it's how we got away. Just barely."

Drew was at a loss for words, all he could do was let out a chuckle.

Ford started. "Because we made contact with police, our identities are no longer hidden, so we should assume that there is no more hiding. We need to fight head on and actively seek to conquer this side of the empire.

Bold aspirations, I'm sure. But at this point, it's brave or bust."

"You know what? It's fine." Drew shook his head. "Ford, remind me of this Doran character you spoke generously of."

"He's the head Lieutenant in this region of the District. Formidable opponent and strategist in battle. And he's got a knack for catching people on his hit list. Quite frankly, unless you come up with the plan, we don't stand a chance."

"Sounds like a threat, just not for me. My ideal utopia will manifest. We'll teach those kids a lesson, and as for Doran, I'll handle him as well. I'll prove I won't even have to lift a finger."

Drew headed for the bunker. "They must be on their way here, let's prepare.

And if killing them is what it takes to get rid of them for good, so be it."