
Beware, the Bishop of Covet!

It had been a few days since the conclusion of the cadet tournament hosted by Sub-District 101.

Trifon decided to go to the hospital to visit a recovering Khafra, just as he had done every day since her initial instatement.

He sat in her room to the side of her hospital bed. She was asleep.

With his hands folded, he listened to the occasional beeps of the ventilator that transcribed Khafra's steady heartbeat. He remained seated for a moment longer until she groaned before looking at him to her side.

"Khafra," he perched up in his seat.

"Instructor," she managed before a series of coughs.

He stood up and tended to her. "Are you okay?"

After a moment, she spoke again. "I'm… I'm fine."

"No," he shook his head before turning around. "No, I'm going to get somebody."

"Wait!" She pleaded, reaching out to him and clenching onto his forearm before he could take another step. He paused to look back before she continued.

"Please, I'm fine."

He granted her wish. Then she raised a question.

"How are Colt and Raph?"

"They're fine," he answered sharply. "They certainly took a beating. As I've mentioned, doctors cleared them fully the evening of the tournament's conclusion.

I shouldn't have put you all out there, you weren't ready."

"Relax," Khafra insisted. "They're tough, I'm tough. Instructor, to be honest, the three of us really believe that you should be more trusting in us."

Trifon opened his mouth to speak, but she wouldn't let him.

"I know, I know, a teacher is only as good as his students. But how do you expect us to grow and improve if we're not to gain experience?"

"Yeah… yeah you're right." He looked away toward the room door.

"Anyway, they mentioned coming to see you one of these days, I'm not sure when."

Mere seconds later, Raphael and Colt burst through the door.

"Khafra!" They shouted, Raphael's hand braced against the door, holding it open.

They hustled to her bed. Raphael cut Trifon a glare before doing so.

"Are you alive?" Raphael asked jokingly.

"You saved him out there," Colt jested. "He owes you whatever it is you want.

If I were you, I'd ask for food. I could use some myself. I'd tax you of course, you know, me being your close comrade and all."

After checking in on their comrade, Raphael turned back toward Trifon with a sincere expression on his face.

"How is she?"

"Hello?! I'm right here!" Khafra reminded. "I can answer for myself!"

Trifon answered. "She's doing alright. Doctors said it shouldn't be long before she's free to go. She's certain to be cleared before graduation."

"So within the next couple of weeks?" Colt asked, Trifon nodded his head.

"I see," Colt trailed. As he continued to catch up with Khafra, Trifon called for Raphael.

"Raph," he waved him over. "Let's talk."

Raphael followed him out into the hallway, his eyes landing everywhere but at Trifon himself.

He quickly rested against the wall casually as Trifon gently closed Khafra's room door and crossed his arms.

"What's up?" He asked, eyes still averting Trifon.

"Look at me, I thought I taught you better than that."

Raphael retorted sharply. "Who are you, my father?!"

Trifon raised a closed hand before catching himself, opting instead to place it on Raphael's shoulder.

"Look, I brought you out here to apologize. I've been coming here, visiting Khafra every day to check in. We talk."

"Oh, isn't that great for you? Instructing your cadets."

"Raph, I'm serious," he sighed. "We've chatted about the past year. She's spoken on behalf of the three of you, and I'm glad. You should know, if it's anyone who can get to me among you three, it's her.

I'm glad because she got me to think about just how harsh I've been. I'm sure it's a sentiment that each of you hold, especially you.

When I saw how lethal your final battle could've been, I realized I had been instructing all wrong. Instead of not trusting you and being impatient, I should've acknowledged your capabilities and been more understanding of your struggles as training cadets.

I apologize to all three of you, but right now, I wanted to tell you specifically that I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for not acknowledging your strength, your passion, your care. I'm sorry for not acknowledging your drive.

You've been an exceptional leader for your friends and peers, and I can't wait to see what the three of you go on to accomplish.

I'm sorry, for everything, and I owe you, especially, an apology," he embraced Raphael with a hug.

"I'm proud of you."

Raphael was shocked. Sure, Trifon's words meant so much, but this was unexpected.

His sincere embrace caught him off guard as he hadn't known someone as cold as him was capable of doing such a thing.

With his arms dropped to his sides, Raphael slowly raised and braced them to return the gesture.

Embarrassingly enough, a tear began to fall. Searching for the right words to say to best convey his sentiments, he settled for something simple.

He muttered underneath his breath. "Yeah… sure."


Elwin stood behind Noriko from a short distance at ease, his hands perched behind his back.

Per usual, Noriko kept busy at her favorite police precinct complex.

In the massive, ill-lit chamber, she overlooked the countless sizable monitors and screens that riddled the walls, as well as the countless subordinates operating them, all from her exclusive platform aloft.

The blue light reflection from the monitors eclipsed her figure. They displayed security footage from all around the District, predominantly from the northwest region from which they were located.

Elwin observed Noriko's concentration. Simultaneously, he couldn't help but to think about Nyota.

He was also greatly suspicious of Jora, too, and his questionable handling of Nyota, Sage and Kilo.

He thought back to Jora's visit, back when he proposed the idea of the tournament, how reserved and nervous he seemed. He chuckled to himself about the moment then when Noriko passively mentioned Nyota, Sage and Kilo. He was certain that gave Jora quite the scare.

The truth was that Elwin had been reviewing security footage of the campus, catching the moments Jora would meet with Nyota and the brothers in secret.

Though he was never able to get access to audio, he took it upon himself to research their every move, even coming across news reports of their internship in southwest Lunanova.

Elwin remembered Jora's body language and demeanor, too, when he and Noriko made their visit to the cadet campus to preview the cadets' training and talent.

All of this paired with Elwin catching Jora closely observing him and Noriko from a distance during the tournament, it became abundantly clear there was an unfavorable scheme being planned.

Not to mention it certainly didn't help considering Noriko was quite fond of the cadets herself, Elwin felt as though he had plenty of reason to be suspicious of them.

"Director," he swallowed.

"Newton," she replied.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about those 1-B cadets. You know, the ones you've taken a liking too."

She turned to him. "Mhm… What about them this time?

You've already told me about Nyota, where and when you first came across him. It's quite humorous that he can't remember it all." She gloated.

"It's almost like I know all about him now, thanks to his last name. Atar, I still don't know how I overlooked it!

I'm sure his father would be proud of him right now, wherever he ran off to this time."

Elwin explained. "No, less about that. As you know, I've been doing a little research of my own, I'm starting to conclude for certain that Newman's been plotting something, something troublesome.

And he's got those boys involved."

"Oh?" Noriko laughed. "And what could that possibly be? He knows better than to try such a thing, everyone does!"

"Yes, but Director," he tried to explain earnestly. "You know better than I do what his Modus is. And almost by extension, his hunches are rumored to be almost flawless.

I'm confident something is wrong, and if he has the audacity to try such a thing, there's got to be a plausible reason."

Noriko began to reflect on Elwin's reasoning. It was true that Jora's Modus was quite effective in such a way. Furthermore, he never did give her the most truehearted impressions in hindsight.

"Newton, last time, you showed me compilations of security footage from around the campus. I laughed you off, thinking you were diving for something so trivial."

Elwin began to break a smile before Noriko continued her thought, bringing about a frown again.

And I still do, but I must say, you've finally piqued my interest. What new evidence do you have?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any hard evidence," he started. "But Director, I plead for your consideration. How could it be that he's taken a cadet as promising as this Atar boy under his wing exclusively?

He may not know of his relations, but if his sight paints that kid in a special light, it's something worth checking out."

"I see," Noriko trailed.

"Please, Director," Elwin was now down on one knee with his hand to his chest and his head bowed. "I beg, please let me do something about this. I'll have this resolved, and it will be one less problem to worry about.

Please grant me the permission to take matters into my own hands!"

Noriko rolled her eyes then turned back around to the rest of the room.

"Fine, I must admit. Frankly I'm still unbothered by the whole ordeal, so I ultimately don't care to excessively concern myself with the matter." She waved a hand into the air, almost dismissively.

"But since you insist, Elwin."


"I grant my permission—"

Elwin rejoiced. "Thank you, Director, Thank you! I won't let you down—"

"But!" Irritated, she glared at him. "You are not to harm Nyota, is that understood? I'm too fond of his potential.

Oh—and I made a deal with the boy's father. Can't forget that!" She voiced sarcastically.

Reluctantly, Elwin nodded his head. "Y-Yes."

"Again, do you understand me?!"

"Yes, Director!" He stood upright and saluted her, his hand remained over his chest. "I understand."

"Great! Now go on somewhere, you're bothering me." Noriko sat in her platform's seat.

Elated, Elwin turned to its steps. He paused once more as he remembered a bit of information he thought Noriko would be pleased to hear.

"Right! One more thing I failed to mention,"

"My goodness! What now?!"

"I ran into Jora after the tournament. He touched my shoulder and froze."

Noriko paused before laughing. "I see, so that must mean you were going to take matters into your own hands regardless of what I told you. Or not, considering we're having this conversation now.

I'm conflicted, I'm not sure whether I should be elated or rid myself of you," she joked. Elwin chuckled nervously, unsure of how to respond.

Elwin turned back around and marched down the stairs to the large automatic steel doors of the room. Once he finally exited, the doors closed swiftly behind him as he bared a wide celebratory grin on his face.

"Finally, the action begins," he thought to himself.

"Unfortunately, I got clear instructions to not harm the kid, but she didn't exactly specify how not to.

I can't kill him now, but maybe I can make him suffer emotionally and mentally. I'm sure Noriko would be pleased with that!" He laughed maniacally.

"Oh, Nyota Atar… what fun we'll have."