
What are We Here For?

The sky hung heavy and gray as rain drizzled in steady streams, weaving silver trails through the air.

Dressed down in black business professional attire, Nyota, Sage, and Kilo stood with quiet strength beside Jora's burial display, their shoulders squared and postures unwavering.

It had been a couple of weeks since his passing and coping with his agonizing absence remained to be a great struggle for Nyota and the brothers.

"He knew it, he saw it coming," Sage recalled. "He knew every detail about his death, everything except maybe the exact moment. He even knew who."

Nyota shook his head. "And still wouldn't tell us."

There weren't many people at the service yet, considering Nyota, Sage, and Kilo were early. Many other guests on their way would eventually arrive at the service gathering in small groups.

Nyota stood rigid, his gaze fixed on Jora's casket. His hand trembled at his side before curling into a tight fist, the tension visible against his warm, rain-dampened skin.

The rain streaked down his face, indistinguishable from tears, as he stood a silhouette of resilience.

His expression, calm to an outsider, concealed a storm of emotions—anger, sorrow, and a gnawing sense of injustice.

He was angry with the fact that Jora was no longer among them, that Jora would no longer be able to share his wisdom and serve as a beacon of hope.

Furthermore, he was angry with Jora, himself, to an extent.

"I just don't understand…" he started. "I don't understand, why wouldn't he tell us everything?

He said we wouldn't be able to change this event in particular. Sure, but it was worth a shot, right?"

Sage placed a hand on Nyota's shoulder. "It was inevitable. I hate to say it, but it was. All we could have done is tried to spend more time talking with and hanging out with him.

It hurts knowing we rarely visited him within his last couple of weeks or so, but what would Jora want?"

"Not for us to mourn," Kilo chimed in, his eyes fixed on Jora's casket. Both Nyota and Sage turned to him. "Not for us to cry too hard.

He'd want us to keep our main objective at the center of our attention. We'll get vengeance eventually."

Finally, he returned his gaze to his comrades, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Right?"

Sage and Nyota looked at one another, both wanting to reassure Kilo of his accuracy, but neither being able to bring themselves to do so; they were both just as uncertain as he was.

Almost consequently, Kilo returned his gaze to the arrangement placed in front of them, Jora's casket accompanied by a portrait picture of himself, both decorated by flowers.

"Man, I can't stand the rain."

Nyota clenched on to his katana that hung from the side of his waist, the same katana Jora gifted him before the tournament's commencement.

He removed it from his hip and studied it in its sheath, its details, color and all. The brothers watched as he examined it.

"I still have mine," Sage commented. "Left it back at our place."

"Same," Kilo added. "I told him I'd never use it, and I don't think I have."

"Yeah, well," Nyota returned his katana to his waist. "I carry it everywhere I go. Consider it a prized possession."

Soon after, Idalia, Enki, and Tatius appeared.

"Yo…" Tatius called.

The three lined up next to the young agents with few words exchanged, if any.

Idalia placed a gentle arm around Sage. She used her umbrella to shield them both from the rain, Tatius and Enki doing the same for Kilo and Nyota, respectively, as well.

After another moment of silence, Tatius spoke again. "He was a good man… It's cliche but it's true. I wish I had gotten to know him more outside of the few moments we chatted."

He rested a hand on Nyota's shoulder. "Please, let us know if there's anything you need from us."

"Anything," Idalia affirmed. "We may not have known him nearly as much as the three of you, but he helped us as well, with the internship and all. We know how important he was to you.

I just can't possibly imagine what you guys are going through right now."

"I know I've given you a hard time before," Enki pitched in. "But I can't have my rivals in low spirits for reasons outside of myself."

Idalia and Tatius peered at him sharply out from the corner of their eyes.

He cleared his throat. "I mean I really am sorry for your loss. We're here for you, whatever you need. Just let us know.

Moving forward, we may be out on the field beyond Lunanova, but we'll try to help with whatever you need."

He, too, placed a hand on Nyota's shoulder, at which Nyota turned to him with a sincere expression before breaking a slight chuckle.

"Thanks, guys," he spoke. "Whoever did this is going to pay."

"What are you going to do?" Enki asked. "Kill them?"

Nyota shook his head passively. "My plans are far more ambitious."

Soon after, Trifon and Airrion arrived at the funeral service. Arriving at the same time were Cadel, Faris, and Shiloh.

"Hey!" Airrion called with a wave. "How's everyone doing?"

Altogether, the new arrivals gathered around Basilisk and the Big Three.

"Holding up, well, Lieutenant," Sage replied.

Together, everyone greeted one another and carried on with the ceremony.

"Glad you could make it," Nyota extended a hand, greeting his former squad mates.

Cadel looked at Nyota with disdain. "Why wouldn't I? I'm not here for you."

"What he meant to say was 'of course,'" Faris interrupted. "We're glad to have made it."

He continued. "It's all still so perplexing, I don't know who could have done such a thing.

Murdering a member of law enforcement. Everyone knows there are crazy repercussions for doing something like this.

And the manner of death, too… It wasn't random. I just don't get it. Who'd have it out for Jora?"

Nyota reflected before answering. "There's only one answer.

Someone who's got it out for all of us."

He turned back to notice yet another familiar face showing up to the funeral.

"Guys," he called to Sage and Kilo. "Look!"

The brothers turned around at once. The man approaching struck a sudden sense of much-needed optimism into their spirits.

"No way," Kilo trailed.

Sage laughed. "Of course, we should have known he'd show up, Lieutenant Doran Bakar!"

"It's 'Colonel,' now," he corrected. "They promoted me after the Midas Mafia project.

Anyway, it's great seeing you now after so long, all six of you." Doran directed his attention to Nyota and the brothers, as well as Idalia, Enki and Tatius. Then he looked beyond them to Jora's casket.

He made his way past the rest of the gathering, placing his hand on it. 

"We were supposed to get there together, the high ranks… I'll miss you, buddy." He stood at the casket a moment longer before letting a deep exhale and returning his attention to the others.

"Let's get this show on the road, yeah?"

And that they did. As it stretched on, a somber rhythm of speeches, prayers, and shared memories weaved through the soft patter of rain.

The modest crowd of familiar faces shifted between quiet reflection and soft conversation, the atmosphere heavy, yet not suffocating.

Some shared small smiles at fond memories spoken aloud, their laughter subdued but genuine, offering brief breaks in the somber tone.

Nyota, Sage, and Kilo stood close together, their emotions shielded beneath stoic expressions as they nodded occasionally at familiar stories of Jora's unwavering guidance and sharp wit.

As words of admiration and farewells echoed through the damp air, time seemed to blur, the hours slipping by in a haze of reverence and loss.

Eventually, everyone would say their goodbyes and depart, Nyota, Sage and Kilo being among the last to do so.

The three talked amongst each other until Nyota turned back to the busy street lining the cemetery, believing he saw another face he recognized.

"Is that…?" He trailed, studying the mysterious person in the distance who stood in place with an umbrella in hand.

Eventually, he caught the attention of the brothers, who turned to observe with him.

The man grinned before turning away and leaving, disappearing as he eclipsed the distant crowd of pedestrians.

"Wait! That looked like..."

Sage nodded. "Noriko's guard."
