Silas pulled his coat tighter against the biting wind as he stepped off the train at New Jericho Central Station. The city stretched before him in towering skyscrapers and sprawling streets, a labyrinth of shadows and neon lights.
The journey north had been long, but his purpose was clear. He carried news that demanded the attention of Elwin Newton, Noriko Tachi's trusted second-in-command.
The Central Police Precinct of New Jericho loomed at the heart of the capital city, symbolic of the government's grip on the District of Lunanova. Silas passed through layers of security with practiced ease until he reached a point where he was required to be escorted to one of the building's upper levels. He entered Elwin's office to find the man seated behind a massive desk, poring over reports.
"Grant," Elwin greeted without looking up. "Eventful trip?"
"Uneventful and tedious, sir," Silas replied, handing over a sealed folder. "But the findings were worth the journey."
Elwin opened the folder and scanned its contents, his brow furrowing slightly. The report detailed the series of explosions at the Blueport factories, including a collection of photos taken at the scene as well as a few of the quotation pages themselves—laminated.
"And you're certain these are accurate?" Elwin asked, his voice measured.
"Beyond doubt," Silas affirmed. "The evidence points to deliberate sabotage, though the culprits remain unidentified. There was also an insignia found at the scene, but we've yet to decipher its meaning."
"A series of blasts, disrupting one of the country's key industrial hubs." Elwin closed the folder and rose from his chair. "I want you to come with me."
"Where to?"
Having already made his way to the elevator, Elwin paused to look back, breaking a smile. "The Director, herself."
Together, they ascended to Noriko's office. She stood by the window, her silhouette framed by the city's glittering skyline. She turned as they entered, her expression as inscrutable as ever.
"Director," Elwin began, "Lieutenant Silas has returned with his report on the Blueport incident."
Noriko gestured for Silas to proceed. He summarized his findings, detailing the explosions, the insignia, and the current theories circulating among investigators. Noriko listened intently, her piercing gaze never wavering.
Noriko rubbed her hand over her face before breaking a laugh. "Arsonists," she muttered to herself. "The public," she said finally, "has been fed the narrative of an accident. It's a convenient lie, and one they are eager to believe. But we know better." She turned to Elwin. "Thoughts?"
A lie, huh? Silas thought to himself. How come? He considered himself lucky, considering this would be the first time he'd ever met with the revered Director Noriko Tachi in person, let alone the first time he got to partake in undisclosed conversation with her and her second-in-command.
He was well aware that working in government was akin to working in the stereotypical business, so the mention of secrets and deception were aspects he was very comfortable with.
Elwin hesitated for a moment. "Factory workers with grievances seem a plausible explanation. Organized sabotage isn't necessarily beyond their capabilities."
"True," Noriko pondered, "but there's a chance this was orchestrated by someone else. Nyota Atar and his companions, perhaps?"
Silas frowned but remained silent.
"Unlikely," Elwin shook his head. "Nyota, Sage, and Kilo are young and disoriented after Jora's death. Their focus would be survival if anything. But—" He glanced at Silas. "—we can't rule out their involvement entirely."
"Well," Noriko exhaled. "Until you find anything else, I'll believe these acts of terrorism were committed by disgruntled workers. As of right now, I have bigger concerns of my own. I don't think much else needs to be said here. From what I understand, those factories were a hassle to manage anyway. But you know, this is about more than just economics. It's a direct threat to my authority, and nothing of the sort will be tolerated."
She turned back to the large windows of her office, her hands held behind her back.
"Whoever is responsible for this, they've made some sort of statement that resonates with much of the public, reportedly. I'm hearing some have even begun calling our culprits some champions of public safety. Task Silas here with leading the investigation. I want every lead followed, every loose end tied."
Elwin nodded. "Understood. And what of the workers?"
"Discipline them," Noriko ordered, turning back to Elwin and Silas to reveal her intense gaze. "Apprehend anyone suspicious and investigate thoroughly. Dispatch a platoon to Blueport immediately, but ensure Silas remains above them. His discretion and insight are invaluable."
Silas inclined his head. "I'll see to it, Director."
"Good," Noriko said, her tone final. "The insignia may hold the key to understanding this attack. Focus your efforts there. This matter is far from over."
Bidding farewell, Silas departed Noriko's office alongside Elwin. The two stood in the elevator alone with just enough time to have a thorough recap of their conversation.
"Amazing, right?" Elwin began.
"She's quite the leader. She gave me chills the first time I met her. Still does. I mean, what kind of idiot challenges her, especially when they know of what could happen to them?"
"Right," Silas nodded sarcastically.
Elwin exhaled. "Well, you heard her. Get your platoon in that city ready as much as possible so there's less work for me to do. And stay sharp. Depending on what we find and what we're dealing with, there may even be something special in the works for you."
Silas nodded. "Sir."
As Elwin saw him out, Silas left the precinct that night, the weight of his new assignment settled heavily on his shoulders. The streets of New Jericho felt colder, the shadows deeper. Somewhere in the dark lay the answers he sought, and he would find them—no matter the cost.