
How do You Want to Die?

I sharpened my claws watching the wildcat.

"Hey buddy." I purred at him, "what is your preferred way to die?"

He stared back at me in horror.

I flexed my claws. Come on think Cody, there is always a plan B and even a Z! Think!

"I can slice off your legs and you can bleed out? Or maybe you would prefer the quickness of your neck?"

"You are insane!" He hissed back but I could see him quivering.

"No? Not a fan of those? Drowning maybe? I could also light you on fire?" I asked as if seriously considering these as options.

Even Lyra was looking at me hesitantly. Good the more I could scare her and Dart, the better my cover would be.

"Well think about it, you have another half hour." I stood up, "I will be back, the litter box calls to me."

I exited to a side chamber and pulled out my phone. I set it to an anonymous number that would just read 555-5555, then I sent a small text message with an address for the cafe across the street below us that was abandon followed by a paw print emoji. And hey guess what? I have Night's number. I also added a time, 2:59.

I made sure it sent and the read symbol appeared. Immediately I got several return messages asking for more info but I ignored it and instead had his phone auto receive an undeliverables message.

Come get your cat. I grumbled to myself, seriously they were making so much extra work for me.

I returned to the room.

"I got it!" I stated happily purring, "let's just dump him out the window. Nice and fast and plenty of terror! Please let me hold him there for awhile. Pretty please?" I glanced at Camo with a wicked grin, "you aren't scared of heights are you?"

He shrank back against the cage with a hiss and I laughed like a maniac. Maybe I am a maniac?

Across the room Pride shrugged, "that works ad long as we can properly publicize it."

"Great!" I laid down next to the cage and impatiently flicked my tail back and forth.

Camo continued to glare at me. He had his powers back since he was merged and could easily break the cage now, but with us around he didn't move.

Well, I am actually bored, and I don't want Pride to get any ideas, I better continue to provide entertainment.

"So should I count to three and then drop you? Or maybe count down from ten? Do you have a favorite number? As long as it isn't over a hundred I can probably make it work, anything higher and my paws might get sore."

He looked at me funny, "I can't believe we are actually having this conversation. Just drop me and get it over with creep."

"Well that takes all the fun out of it, I'll go with 13 my lucky number then." I made the creepiest grin I could. "Now how far out should I toss you? An actual toss or just a drop? Maybe I should see how far I can toss you, that might be fun."

"Hey Snow, better make up your mind, you have two minutes." Lyra called over to me.

"Ah lame, guess I'll just drop or light toss, but I want to tie him to something heavy in case he is too light." I stalked around the room looking for a rock or block.

This was pure me killing an extra minute and building myself a better cover story.

After a moment I selected one and brought it over. "Hey Lyra tie him to this while I make sure he doesn't move."

"Sure, but with what?" She asked.

"I don't know bend some rebar metal poles around him." I pinned his legs while Lyra bent the thin metal poles sticking out of the concrete chunk around him.

Camo glared again, "now I am heavy, I might make your paws sore." He said spitefully.

I smirked, "just try not to struggle too much."

I reached over and picked him up with a paw. Good he was still plenty light enough for a panther with wings to catch, now he just needs to not miss.

"Last chance to change your mind if you would rather die in another way?"

He didn't say anything and I could feel him starting to shake against my paw, well he is just a high school kid.

"Lyra aim the camera at the edge." Pride stated then he turned to me, "remember to hold him for a little bit in case Night decides to hand over those codes."

I nodded and half dragged the cement block with a cat across the floor over to the ledge. Goodness this building is so not up to code. I stuck my paw out over the edge dangling the tiny cat.

"Greetings Night!" Pride looked at the camera, "last chance to pick up your cat! We will be having a, was it 13, yes 13 second count down. Do please reconsider, it would be a true tragedy if little kitty here died." He nodded to me and I shook the wild cat around a little. Then I started counting down in Spanish, cause why not!

My eyes roamed the area below as I reached three. If they didn't arrive do I actually drop him? That would be the best way to keep my cover.....

I glanced at Pride, "any saving messages for squirmy here?"

"Sadly no, tragic really. You may let go." Pride replied.

I glanced down one last time, then my claws opened and the little cat plummeted downward toward his demise.