Rafan vs Vano

"That's great, I'm so proud of you two."

The two of them didn't budge, just stared at each other coldly like a very cold iceberg, each with their own strengths, standing firmly with prestige and arrogance that didn't want to be defeated, leaving those around them to just watch, unsure what to do.


"Are you familiar with Rafan ?"

"Who is Rafan?"

"Rafan Zhafir Nareswara," She says.

"Oh, you know why he's there?"

"You know, when his car was involved in an accident, he said he was blind."

"Yeah, I guess only people without Television and cellphones don't know the news, so why are you suddenly talking about him?"

"He came here and... He's blind!"

"Are you sure, you're serious?"

Laras can only hear the conversation of two women who are now tidying their makeup in the women's toilet through the reflection of the large glass in the women's toilet, I am standing outside, beside the entrance to the toilet, the boss is being made a joke and he doesn't seem to want to miss eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Yes, yes... even though I can't see now, the level of handsomeness, you know, it's still stable!"

When her heard the blonde haired woman praising her boss with sparkling faces and eyes, Laras smiled amusedly. Usually, women who praise their bosses are unaware of, or avoid contact with, Rafan, the Killer who tortures employees with his duties.

"You haven't seen him at work, have you? It wouldn't have been as good if you hadn't seen it, "With a voice, Laras thought.

"Yes, he's handsome, but ah, the name of a blind boy is definitely different from a normal guy," said the blonde-haired female friend, as if it didn't fit with her friend.

"Even my father wanted me marry with him, he wanted to have a family meeting, ehhh... he got into an accident."

So this is the former matchmaking service.

Laras poked She head closer to the woman who was still gossiping, the conversation piqued Laras's interest, and he couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"What are you up to?"

When Laras was eavesdropping on a deep voice interrupting him, her noticed black loafers stop right in front of her.

Laras slowly raised his gaze and replied with an awkward smile... "What?" Laras spoke in hushed tones of shame.

The tall man in black texudo is now staring at Laras with a piercing gaze; Laras is like a chicken thief apprehended by the chicken owner, shame... shame!

"What exactly are you doing here? The party atmosphere is in the room, not in the restroom."

Yes, everyone is aware of this!


Laras was still perplexed about how to respond to the foreign man's question, but a new issue arose with the arrival of the two women who had been talking about their boss and now walked towards him and stopped right in front of him, looking at the two with a question mark.

"What is it?" inquired the short-haired woman, who happened to be the blonde-haired woman's friend.

Nobody responded to Laras or the man in front of him; in fact, all three people were now staring at Laras.

Oh, how are you doing?

Laras kept racking his brains for the right reason, even though she brain seemed to stop working at this moment due to the gazes of three people who didn't even know Laras.

"Hmmm... I, I... am looking for someone, I believe he's in the toilet, so I'm waiting for her to come out," Laras finally replied, She voice choked.

"Oh... nothing really, there's no one inside except the two of us, right babe?" said the blonde-haired woman, who was nodded by her friend.

"Oh, I...yes," she says.

"Are you certain you're here to see your friend? Why don't you come inside with me? Or you could be me..."

"Yes! Yes, I was waiting for my friend, but I refused to go inside because it was too hot." Laras responded confidently to the man's words, rather than the man saying things that would embarrass her.

"Well, let's go in, babe," the short-haired woman said as she took her female friend's hand in hers, her curt face making Laras look down when the two women looked at him.

Only Laras and the man she didn't know were there, and the man kept staring at her until she became uncomfortable.

Laras bowed slowly with a stiff smile. "Excuse me," he said as he walked away from the man.


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention to all of you to get closer to the stage because the real event is about to begin now come on... come on... let's get closer!"

Seno could finally breathe a sigh of relief because of the cold war as soon as the MC of the event spoke on the stage available at the party, and the two people's sharp gazes were immediately distracted. Finally, his boss and Vano were diverted.

"Well! Rafan, Vano, come on... It's time to throw a real party."

The time was twelve o'clock in the evening, the party was still going on, and it appeared that as the evening progressed, the party was getting busier with endless visits from invited guests.

"Tonight, at exactly twelve o'clock p.m., we will begin Cinderella Time! Well... Invited guests are asked to begin looking for a partner as soon as the music begins, and you must have a partner and dance on the dance floor that has been set up in the center of this ballroom, hurry up... I'll begin counting from three... two... one..."

"Mr.Raf..." he begins.

"Don't tell me I have to come!"

Seno remained silent as soon as Rafan flatly refused, before he could finish his sentence.

"However, Mr. Rafan may be punished later."

Rafan had not responded, and.... "Well, if you don't want to, I'll look for a partner first," Seno, who was about to leave, said.


Rafan immediately grabbed Seno's hand and said, "Dare you go, this month your salary will not be complete!" Rafan stated emphatically

He grabbed Seno's arm once more. "Let's dance, we're just a couple!"


Yes, the fate of an employee is that you can't argue with any boss's orders.

Seno was forced to obey his boss's words, so the two of them clasped hands and walked to the aforementioned dance floor.


"Let's go!"


When the man she had met in front of the toilet suddenly pulled her thin hand, Laras was shocked and tried to release the man's grip.


"There isn't any more time; do you want us punished?" "The MC stated that we must find a partner."

"You do, but you don't..."

"I'm good at dancing; we'll win," the man said.

Laras's hand was still being pulled by him, even though he tried many times to let go, he couldn't overcome the tall man's strong grip. Laras could only hope that this party would end soon.


As soon as the MC finished the countdown, the lights that illuminated the ballroom gradually began to dim and were replaced by dim lights, music began to play, and guests began to dance against their partners.


"Be gentle with yourself."

The venom whisper made the hairs on Laras's neck stand up instantly as he felt his slender waist being pulled closer to the body of a tall man whose name he still didn't know.

The man began to move, guiding Laras to always follow the dance moves he was doing, despite the fact that Laras was completely blind to dance, let alone dance.

"My name is Javas, and you?"

The man whispered again, making Laras even more uncomfortable as her tried to back up her face without letting go of the man's hand, which was wrapped around Laras' slender waist.

Instead of feeling guilty, Laras noticed the man smiling, the same annoying smile as her boss, despite the fact that the light was dim and the distance between the two was great.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if the music suddenly stops, the audience is asked to stop moving and pose as romantically as possible with your partner, because the most romantic one will win," said the MC, making Laras' heart skip a beat.

What kind of game are you playing!

"You haven't answered my question, your name...?" asked the man named Javas back.

He's coming home for God's sake!

Rafan is to blame for everything! Why did he have to come here, if only Seno had come with him, bummer!

Because of Rafan, he now has to confront the insane man in front of him.

Javas, the crazy guy, cupped Laras' face, leaned in, and boldly kissed his lips as the music abruptly stopped.

He kissed me?!

Laras froze for a moment, her body appearing to stop moving as the light of the lamp began to illuminate the room, all of them posed as romantically as they could, but nothing as extreme as Laras and Javas.

The MC's eyes began to search for prey who would be the winning candidate, and he noticed one by one the poses that he thought were very romantic, and who else if not...

"Kissing one, let's go, you're a romantic, let's take your gifts!"

Blurry! That's when he realized he needed to get out of here.

Javas, the insane man, broke the kiss and innocently smiled, smiling so sweetly that Laras wanted to smack him across the face.

This insane man.... What's the deal with him?

The cheers and applause of the invited guests made Laras even more embarrassed, She face turned red with her face down in shame, and he really just wanted to flee.

"Let's go!"

For God's sake, Laras wanted to slap the man in front of him, who had innocently kissed her lips and now smiled sweetly as he extended his hand towards him.


Her turned to face the person who had called her name, and there, not far from where he was standing, her saw Seno, Seno who was staring at himself in shock, with Rafan beside him.

It's over Laras, you're done!

"Let's go!"

When all eyes were on the two of them, Javas confidently walked like splitting the guest and climbed the stage, in contrast to Laras, who had only looked down in shame.

The supervisor


Laras can't seem to stop thinking about the two of them, I'm not sure what they're thinking in their hearts when they see his current behavior, let alone Seno, who will undoubtedly ask questions after this, but what he's most afraid of is... What if this incident is overheard by a coworker? in his workplace.

"Wow! We've found one winner, ladies and gentlemen, but don't be sad because the music will return and you'll have to start dancing again; this will continue until we find the second and third place winners, so... let's get started! "The MC interrupted once more, and the music resumed.

"Please stay on the stage for both of you," the MC said again to Laras and Javas.

Why didn't he just give him the gift right away!

"Who exactly is Seno?"

Rafan inquired with furrowed brows, the two of them were now standing opposite each other and didn't move despite hearing music.

"That's Laras," Seno says

Wow... Seno didn't think Laras was the type of person who quickly adapts, but in just a short time here, he's already found a dance partner, unlike himself, who just stands opposite his boss, who doesn't even show any expression.

"Laras? What makes her so special?"

"That's it, sir, the MC told her to go up on stage."

Rafan's face was surprised, but he was able to return to normalcy. "Laras? Who is he collaborating with?"

Seno shrugged, then looked at the now-dark stage, which made Laras and his partner's faces less visible. "I'm not sure, sir, it's clearly a boy," Seno said languidly.

"Why? You don't like my partner ?! Me too, am a man "Rafan spoke as if he recognized Seno's dissatisfied expression.

"No, sir, no..."

Rafan remained silent for a moment, but the corners of his lips raised into a cold smile. "I thought she was a good woman, but apparently..." Rafan paused before continuing his speech.