Morning Tragedy

"What are Inem cooking ? let me help you" Laras said as soon as She walked into the kitchen and saw Inem the housemaid, cutting onions.

"Ms. Laras Don't bother. I'm cooking vegetables and sauteed meat "Inem responded while continuing to chop the onions.

Laras took a step back, standing next to Inem and watching what the old woman was doing.

"It's all right ma'am I'm here to help."

Laras immediately takes over Inem's job of cutting onions and other necessary spices after She becomes disoriented in this house.

"Ms. Laras, what time did you get home last night? How come Auntie didn't notice Den Rafan eating?"

"Oh, I'll be home at dawn"

While Laras was busy cutting the meat to be stir-fried later with onions, chilies and other seasonings, Inem just nodded and turned the vegetable soup She was cooking.

The two were chatting while doing their current task of cooking, but when they heard footsteps entering the kitchen, everyone fell silent and turned away.

"What are you looking for, Ririn?"

Inem walked over to Ririn, who was now standing in front of the kitchen door, her face and hair tangled as if she was waking up.

"Please get some water!" She said to Inem, who immediately followed.

Laras remained silent in she seat, looking down as soon as She caught sight of Ririn's cynical gaze.

"This is Non drink," Inem said, handing Ririn a glass of water.

"I don't want this one, I want cold water!" Ririn quickly parried Inem's hand, which was holding the glass, and the glass fell immediately.


Everyone in the room was stunned by the sound of broken glass hitting the floor except for Ririn, who only looked at the broken glass with a lazy expression.

"What's the matter, Inem ? It's not safe to hold a glass, it's extremely weak!" Ririn scolded curtly as she moved her smooth legs, which were splashed by the glass's spilled water.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Inem only apologized repeatedly, her hands picking up the scattered glass shards one by one, while Laras appeared still in shock from the events that had just occurred; he didn't even realize that his leg had been injured because the glass shards had bounced off the soles of his feet.

"Ouch! Get me a drink first, and then I'll finish it, I'm extremely thirsty right now!"

Ririn's curt and disrespectful babbling jolted Laras awake and he quickly lowered She head. "It's okay Inem, just get me a drink, I'll take care of this," Laras said directly into Inem's ear, who was now terrified.

Inem agreed with Laras' words right away, so her took a clean glass and poured cold water from the refrigerator into it before handing it to Ririn.

Ririn quickly took the glass, drank the cold water until there was no residue, handed the glass back to Inem, and looked at Laras, who was still picking up the broken glass. "Clean it until it's clean, but be careful if someone gets hurt when they walk into the kitchen because they stepped on glass shards!"

"All right Miss" Inem said, Her face sad and fearful.

"It's for you..." Ririn cast a glance at Laras. "mistress's secretary!"

Laras remained silent. "I heard the Blind man calling you," Ririn explained as he walked away.

What about the blind? I think it's... Mr. Rafan !


She gripped the glass so tightly as a result of his panic that it hurt some of his fingers.

"Oops Ms. Laras, please be careful, let's just go here."

Laras gave a slight shake of her head. "Mr. Rafan said he wants to have breakfast in his room this morning, how come the food hasn't been cooked yet?" said Laras, who immediately got up and rinsed the wound on her finger without feeling pain, prompting Inem to look painfully at Laras.

"Ms Inem, how are you doing? What should I be preparing?"

Inem tries to calm down Laras. "Ms. Laras don't panic, now Mba Laras just goes upstairs, Mr. Rafan will surely call Mba Laras because he wants to take a shower, Mr. Rafan usually has breakfast after taking a shower, so now Ms.Laras just goes up, later when the food is cooked, let aunt bring it upstairs."

"However, this...I'll finish this first." Laras said, looking at the shards of words that were still not clean. Laras stated that he was about to return to cleaning when his hand was grabbed by Inem "It's okay, don't be concerned, let it be me. it's better Ms. Laras rushes upstairs because Mr. Rafan gets irritated when he has to wait a long time."

Laras was silent, She looked at Inem with a bad feeling. "I'm sorry, I can't help," She said to which Inem nodded her arm with a smile. "It's okay Ms. Laras" she replied.


"Tsk! What happened to her ?"

Rafan removed his blanket and attempted to get out of bed because Laras never returned his calls. even when he called the woman's cell phone by pressing the number one on her cellphone, the call was immediately routed to her secretary's number.

When his feet touched the cold marble floor, he knew he had to hurry into the bathroom or his mattress would get wet because his urine was forced to come out.

Rafan rose from his seat and began to walk, groping whatever came into contact with his palms and suppressing the urge to urinate.

Argh! Why is the toilet so far away ?!

"Ouch!" When Rafan's toe brushed up against something, he groaned.

Rafan then continued to walk while groping, not realizing that he was getting closer to the table with the big TV on it.

Rafan continued walking until his foot landed on the table and....

"Mr Rafan!"

Rafan collapsed, a large TV weighing him down, and Laras, who had just entered, was taken aback by what he saw in front of him.

"Oh My God! Mr. Rafan, are you all right?!"

Laras was terrified, not to mention seeing Rafan's face, which appeared to be in pain, and attempting to get rid of the large TV which was of course, dark.

"Don't just call my name, help me stupid!" yelled Rafan irritably.

Laras felt stupid at the time, but She hands moved with all their might to re-establish the big TV and pull Rafan out.

"Mr. Rafan, are you all right, sir?"


Nareswara's voice sounded even louder than before as Laras opened the door and the faces of Rafan's father, he wife, Ririn, and Inem could be seen.

"Oh my gosh Rafan!" exclaimed Naresawara as he saw his son's current state, lying on the floor with a large television falling down, his face shocked and worried.

"What exactly is this, Laras? Rafan, why have you come to this ?!"

Laras remained silent, She face deathly pale, and her could only stand looking down with her hands intertwined, which were now becoming increasingly cold.

"I asked, what is this!" Nareswara said firmly again.

Everyone is now staring at Laras, who is like the main suspect being indicted, She feels like he wants to cry right then and there, tt is indeed my fault for being incompetent at work, but I'm is afraid to admit it, especially when notices the demanding gazes of those looking at me.

Laras remained silent and did not respond to Nareswara's question.

"It's ok, I was wrong," Rafan, the man fnally said, drawing Laras' attention.

"How could you be wrong?!" Nareswara questioned, still dissatisfied with his son's response.

"Yeah, it's a long story, but in any case, I was wrong."

Nareswara no longer argued, instead he sighed and began to touch his son's hand. "Come on, I help you stand up," he said, wrapping his arms around Rafan's neck and carrying him to the bed.

Laras was still standing in the doorway, head bowed. Mrs. Nareswara, Inem, and Ririn stood behind him.

"Mr. Rafan, are you okay?" Inem inquired, concerned.

"It's all right, ma'am."

Rafan sat back down, his legs now blue from collapsing on the table and being crushed by a large TV.

"Are you certain you're okay? You don't want to see a doctor or I call the doctor to come to the house ?."

When Rafan heard his father's suggestion, he immediately shook his head. "No. I just rest for a while, I'll still has to go to the office this morning," he explained.

"Tsk! You're still thinking about the working problem, it can be worked out, I'll delegate everything to Seno later."

"There's no need, Dad." Rafan refused once more, rendering his father speechless.

"I'm not sure why there isn't any peace in this house. Oh My Gosh I cant believe this!" Ririn then tossed her hair and exited Rafan's room, followed by his mother.

"Well Dad, I'd like to rest for a while," Rafan said as he gently pushed his father away.

"Ok I go out first, you rest," he said as he stroked his son's hair and walked away.

"I take it breakfast for Mr. Rafan," Inem said as she exited the young master's room.

Laras, who was still standing in the doorway, and Rafan, who was now lying on his bed, were left alone.

There was silence; neither Rafan nor Laras spoke to each other and were preoccupied with their own thoughts.

"Don't just shut up, quickly sort things out" said Rafan finally, the man seemed to know that there was still Laras, not only him even though he couldn't see.

"I..yes sir" Laras cleaned up all the mess that made him feel like the most guilty human being in the world, he lifted the big TV itself, put it back on the table like a buffet with all his might, without complaining, for a moment his gaze was fixed on the big screen of the TV which was cracked like a wall.

How much does He have to replace this?

That's the only question that now crossed his mind, staring blankly with limp shoulders, not to mention when he looked down at the floor where there were a lot of glassware which were now also shattered like glass earlier.

Laras began to pick up the pieces of glass one by one, not infrequently his fingers were pierced by the glass shards, even the finger wounds that he got earlier, are now getting torn apart because of the addition of new glass shards.

In silence, Laras held back her tears, but all of that had a limit, while continuing to pick up the glass shards at the same time her tears fell down her cheeks, without sobs, without whining, Laras cried silently.

He often got yelled at by his mother, but never to this extent when he heard Nareswara screams, who looked at him accusingly.

He often gets rejection from anyone, but never to this extent when his own boss did it to him. He will never forget the way Rafan violently parried his hand, saying loudly with such an angry look.

God, I want to back off, but this is just the beginning, do I deserve it?

Knock... Knock...

Laras immediately wiped her tears, rushed to open the door which turned out to be Bi Inem who brought a tray of breakfast for Rafan.

Inem watched Laras for a moment, He saw the woman smiling, but full of sadness.

"This is Inem, bringing breakfast for Aden," Inem said as he walked towards Rafan and put the tray on the nightstand next to his employer's bed.

"Mr. Rafan is really okay?" Inem asked who then looked at Rafan's feet "Aden's legs are blue, do you want a massage aunt?"

"No need ma'am"

Inem didn't argue, but he turned his gaze to Laras, looking up and down. "Mba Laras still hasn't treated her leg, it'll get worse if it's not treated"

Laras didn't answer, just gave him a thin smile.

"Does your leg hurt?" Rafan asked when he heard Inem talk about wounds.

"Yes Mr. maybe She got hit by broken glass, his hand was also hit, right ?"

Laras again did not answer, She now walked towards where the broom was and began to sweep the floor, continuing his task of tidying up the mess.

"It's okay, Ma'am, you don't need to clean it up, let Inem take care of it later," Inem said, who was ignored by Laras, turning back to Rafan. "Mr. Rafan want to eat breakfast alone or will Bi Inem feed him?"

"Why are you making me look bad?" said Rafan with a straight look ahead, making Inem and Laras look at him.

"If you are injured, you should say, I will not send sick people to work, why do you make me look heartless, Laras?" Rafan continued his words which immediately made Laras quit his activities.

"Mmm.. Sorry sir"

Rafan sighed when he heard Laras' words "Hah... You make me look heartless again, Laras." he said lazily. "Go, treat the wound first"

"Mba Laras, it's better to treat the wound first, then have breakfast, den Rafan, let Bi Inem take care of it"

"Quick, at nine we go straight to the office" said Rafan as if he agreed with Inem's words.

"B..well sir"

Laras immediately left the room, leaving Rafan and Inem who were now feeding their employer breakfast.