Chapter 2: New Friend

Ayanokoji POV:

It's been a few days since the entrance ceremony. Miku and I have started to talk more, even if it's just a little more than usual, but I still like it. Having someone to talk to is a lot better.

It was morning, and it was pretty early. There was about an hour left until school started so I decided that I was going to go for a light jog. I ate a some snacks before going though.

I got outside of the dorm and started jogging around the campus. Since it was pretty early, I doubted anyone would be awake by now.

But it seems I was wrong, because while I was jogging around, I happened to see Yotsuba doing the exact same thing I'm doing right now.

I didn't want to be notice by her so I tried to leave, but luck isn't really on my side, because seemed to notice me, and ran up to me.

"Yahallo, Ayanokoji-San! What are you doing so early?" She asked me.

"I could ask the same thing to you." I said to her. I already knew what she was doing but I was trying to dodge the question.

"We'll, since I'm in the track club, there's going to be an event for track members where we get to compete with other schools, so I'm practicing for it!" She explained with a smile.

So she joined the track club? The track club involves a lot of running and she seems to be fine with it.

"I see, we'll good luck on that." I said preparing to leave.

"Wait, Ayanokoji-san. You still didn't answer my question yet!" She exclaimed.

"Huh? Well, I was just doing some exercise so that I can stay in shape." I answered.

"I see, but now that you mention it, your pretty muscular. Did you used to work out a lot?" She asked me while touching my arms.

"I used to workout a little, but not that much." I lied. In the white room, we were forced to exercise everyday in the harshest conditions.

"Is that so? Well, can I ask you something?" She asked me.

"What is it?" I asked. I just hope it's nothing too troublesome. As long as she just wants an answer and not do something physical, I'm fine with it.

"Are you and Miku friends?" She asked.

Where did this come from?

"Well, she calls me her friend, so yeah I guess we're friends." I replied.

"Thats great!" She exclaimed.

Why did she even ask me about my relationship with Miku? As her sister, shouldn't she know about it?

"Wait, why did you ask me something like that?" I asked her.

"Well, Miku has never had any friends and she could never make any due to her personality and not having the same interests as the girls in middle school. So it's nice to know she's finally found a friend to talk to!" She exclaimed happily.

Huh, really?

"I see. Well, I'll treat her nice. Is that all?" I said to her.

"If your going for a run, then do you mind if I join you?" She suddenly asked me.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to run by yourself?" I made an excuse.

"Don't worry about that, it's much better running with someone than being alone." She voiced her thoughts.

Well, it seems she isn't going to give up, so I guess I'll have to agreee.

"Fine." I sighed.


We then started to jog around the place while she tried to start up some conversation with me, while I only spoke when I need it to.

Thank god no one else is up yet.



After I finished up my jogging and had split up with Yotsuba, I returned back to my dorm and took a shower, and then ate some food.

There was 6 minutes until class started, so I put on my uniform and headed to the school.

A lot of people are heading to school at the same time.

I saw one of my classmates wasn't paying attention when she was walking. She was on her phone and was only a few steps ahead of me.

I had already memorized my classmates name. Her name is Hasebe Haruka. She's a teenage girl who is considered to be highly attractive by our classmates with waist-length blue hair that has bangs going on either side, orange eyes with a mole visible beneath her left eye, a well-endowed body and an average height. She seems to be a loner, as I tend to see her alone, most of the time.

Anyways, a little further from her is a banana peel. I don't know why people left it on the ground when there's a trash can. It's pretty disgusting.

I saw her walked closer to it and then slipped on it. I don't why, but my body suddenly moved on its own. Naturally, I would never try to help or save people because it has nothing to do with me or unless it benefited me.

My body moved quickly and caught her before her body could hit the ground. Good news, her phone is still in her hands so it's safe. Bad news is that we're stuck in an awkward position with people around.

Multiple people were staring at us and whisper to each other. I really hope they don't make a big deal out of this.

"U-Uhm...can you put me down?....I think I can stand now." She said while being embarrassed with the position were in right in. I also saw a tint of red on her cheek.

"Oh, sure. Sorry about that." I apologized to her and let go of her so that she could stand on her own.

"Thanks." She thanked me after getting on her feet.

"No problem." I said to her. As I was about to move on, she stopped me.

"Wait! Do you mind if we exchanged contact info's?" She asked me.

"I don't mind." We exchanged info after that. Once we were done, we then headed to school.

That was a pretty interesting event. But, hey at least I made another friend. That's a plus to it.



A week has now passed since the entrance ceremony and now it was lunch time. A lot of people have already formed groups, and some were alone.

I actually talked a little more to Hasebe and Miku now. They even got along when I introduced them to each other since they didn't like being in a big group. I got to meet her friend, Miyake Akito, and we got along.

I learned some few things from the last few days that I've been here, but only one thing was important.

That was Kushida's statement when she did the introduction.

She said her goal was to be friends with everyone, but she her words don't match up at all.

She wants to be friends with everyone, but didn't even do that. She didn't even try to become friends with the loners or even tried to get their contact info.

All she did was try to befriend Horikita Suzune over and over again but Horikita always rejected her.

You would think someone would stop after that, but she didn't. She tried new ways to be her friends but it never worked.

That leaves me onto another subject? How did Kushida know about Horikita's name? As far as I know, Horikita hadn't introduced herself or given anyone her names besides me.

My guess is that they knew each other before they came here. It's the only reasonable explanation I got but I don't have any proof.

I still don't have any idea why she's even doing this, though. It's still a mystery but I'm surprised no one else noticed this, as well.

One thing I do know for sure is that Kushida can't be trusted. I'll try to stay away from her, if possible.

Anyways, onto another topic, Today's actually the first day of our swimming class. The boys, minus Hirata and Miyake, were especially excited about it.

I guess their excited to see the girls in their school swimsuits. Not going to lie, I'm actually excited too, but not nearly as much as them.

We were inside the locker room, changing our clothes. I can hear most of the boys were betting on which girl has the biggest...let's just say chest. Now now, they said that Hasebe had the highest chance.

Although I want friends, I also don't want to be labeled as a pervert.

Some of the boys that didn't want to take part already left. Hirata looked like he wanted to say something about the betting but decided not to say anything.

Miyake was the first one to leave the locker room. Eventually, the rest finished and went ahead to the swimming pool, leaving only me and Hirata.

"Your quite muscular, Ayanokoji-kun. Do you workout?" Hirata decided to start up a conversation with me.

I'm surprised he's talking to me, but he did say he wanted to get along with everyone and probably didn't want me to feel left out.

"I only work out a little bit, but I was always part of the go-home club." I simply answered.

"Oh? I'm sure that doing only a little bit of workout doesn't get you a physique like that." Hirata commented.

"....must be good genes, I guess." I said.

"Well, if you don't want to talk about it, then I won't  pry further."

"Thanks." We then left to the swimming pool. We were the last ones, so everyone else was here.

Once we came out, we saw most of the guys drooling and staring at the girls who were in their swimsuits.

The rest of the girls were on the observation deck. They looked like they didn't want to join because the boys were perverted. The girls have them all disgusted looks.

The people up there were Hasebe, Sakura, Karuizawa, Miku, Ichika, Nino, Itsuki, and 5 other girls.

The girls that weren't on the observation deck were in their school swimsuits, which showed their assets.

The two who stood out the most were Yotsuba and Kushida. Their butts and boobs are quite big. Although Kushida's boobs are just slightly bigger.

Hasebe and Miku noticed me and waved at me. I walked over and sat near the wall of the observation deck.

"Are you not swimming?" I asked both of them. I had to raise my voice a little since they were still a little farther away from. I'm on the ground and they're on the observation deck.

Luckily, people weren't paying attention to us and were focused on something else.

"There's no way I'm swimming! Especially not when those perverts are here! They'll only stare and ogle at my body!" Hasebe answered with a huff.

"I agree with her, too." Miku said.

"Ah, I see...." I don't really blame them. They'll be uncomfortable if there being stared at in a perverted way, especially if it's Ike or Yamauchi.

"Hey, what were they discussing in the locker room?" Hasebe suddenly asked me a serious question.

Should I answer it? Well, I guess I should since there's no harm to me and because she's now my friend.

"They we're betting on who has the biggest boobs." I answered.

I'm not facing them but I can sense some anger from both Hasebe and Miku.

"I knew it! Those perverts! Wait, did you join them?" She asked me seriously.

"No. I didn't want any part of it." I said.

"Hmm. Ok. At least your not like those perverts." Hasebe.

I looked at them and saw Miku agreeing with her. She then faced me and asked me a question that's not even related to what we were talking about.

"Hey, Ayanokoji, do you exercise?" Miku asked me the same question Hirata asked me before.

Hasebe also seemed interested when she asked that.

"Not that you said that, your whole body looks chiseled." Hasebe commented. I'm not sure

"I used to exercise a bit, but I was mostly part of the go-home club." I used the excuse that I had used for Hirata.

They stared at me suspiciously for a few moments before giving up.

"Alright, everyone gatherー"

A teacher brought the students together and started class. He may be the P.E. teacher, but he looks like the type that would attract girls.

"16 people, I see. I expected more people, but I guess it works."

There clearly were students skipping class, but he didn't seem to mind.

"It's a bit sudden, but I'll be examining your abilities after you're done warming up. You guys will be swimming."

"Um sensei, I can't swim though..."

A boy raised his hand apologetically and spoke up.

"As the teacher, I'll make sure that you learn how to swim by the summer. Don't worry."

"There's no need to learn how to swim... We can't go to the beach anyway."

"That's too bad. It doesn't matter if you're bad at swimming now, but I'll make sure everyone learns. Learning how to swim will definitely be useful. I guarantee it."

Learning how to swim will be useful? Well, I guess swimming will be useful one way or another.

Even so, when the teacher says it like that, I feel a bit uncomfortable.

Eh, he probably feels the obligation to cure the hopeless swimmers.

Everyone started the warm-up exercises. Ike kept repeatedly glancing at the girls to take a peak. Afterwards, we were instructed to start the 50m swim. Students who didn't know how to swim were allowed to touch the bottom of the pool with their feet.

Ever since last summer, I haven't been in a pool since. I stepped into the pool, getting quickly accustomed to the temperature-regulated pool Then I started to swim lightly.

After swimming the 50m, I waited for everyone else to finish up.

"Hehehe, a complete victory. Did you see? My super swimming!"

Swimming casually, Ike got out of the pool with a self-satisfied look. No, you weren't all that different from the others.

"Anyway, it looks like mostly everyone can swim."

"Sorry, Sensei. Back in middle school I was called the Flying Fish after all."

"I see. Then you guys can immediately start competing against each other then. 50m freestyle, separate yourselves by gender."

"C-compete!? Are you serious?"

"I'll give the first place winner a bonus: 5,000 points. On the other hand, last place will get supplementary lessons so prepare yourselves."

Those who were good at swimming were cheering, while the worse swimmers weren't thrilled at all.

"Because there aren't too many girls, I'll split you guys into two groups of 5 and give the fastest time the overall victory. For the boys, I'll take the top 5 times and then hold a final round."

I didn't expect the school to give points as prizes. Perhaps it's to punish the students who skipped class. What a well-thought-out plan.

There were 16 boys and 10 girls, excluding those who didn't know how to swim. When the girls started their race, the boys sat on the sidelines and started to cheer for... no, evaluate the girls.

"Kushida-chan! Yotsuba-chan! Kushida-chan Kushida-chan Yotsuba-chan! Hahahaha."

There were mixes of cheers for Kushida and Yotsuab. It seems like those two has completely captured most of the boys mind. They were cheering for those two.

Kushida and Yotsuba garnered popularity from the boys in a whirlwind. Is there anyone as popular as them right now?

However, Yotsuba would definitely rank higher. Yotsuba befriended as much people as she could while Kushida was busy trying to be friends with Horikita that she decided to neglect the others.

I would definitely say that Kushida hates Yotsuba now. I would always see her shoot a brief cold glare at Yotsuba, but they were much colder and filled with more hatred when she would glare at Horikita.

It seems she's hates Yotsuba for being more popular than her, but she hates Horikita a lot more for some other unknown reasons.

She acts cute and friendly on the inside, but that's not her true nature. In other words, she's just two faced.

"Everyone, make sure to remember this sight! Today's fap material has been secured!"


Somehow, the boys were getting closer to each other through swimming.

Hirata was the only exception, having averted his eyes from the girls.

The whistle blew, and the 5 girls jumped in. Horikita is in lane 2. Taking the lead in the beginning, she maintained her lead at a distance. She confidently came in first place.

"Oh! Horikita did it!"

Her time was about 28 seconds. That's pretty quick. Without even breathing heavily, Horikita slowly got out of the pool.

The boys were staring at her bouncing ass as she got out of the pool. I also unintentionally looked at Horikita. Because she's a girl, there's something there. Yea.

Then came the second race. Kushida and Yotsuba was in lane 4. The boys were waving and cheering with smiles on their faces.


They're some aggressive boys. Some of them even tried to look in between the girls' legs.

The second race started. It was pretty one-sided. The girl known as Onodera won the race in a landslide. Her time of 26 seconds was clearly the best time. Yotsuba is quite athletic, she got second place 29 seconds. Kushida got a time of 31 seconds, which was pretty good but only got her 4th place.

Now that I think about it, Yotsuba is definitely more athletic than the average girl is, but she's also dumber than average.

I already gave up on trying to get 1st place. My only goal is to avoid the supplementary lessons.

I was put in lane 2, while Sudou was in the first lane. Matching Sudou's pace was impossible, so I didn't even try to. I aimed to stay in the middle so I wasn't last place. Keeping that in mind, I dived into the pool.

Finishing the 50m stretch with great speed, Sudou looked up from the water. The boys and girls let out a voice of admiration.

"Is that even possible, Sudou? You finished in 25 seconds."

I only got 36 seconds. About 10th place. Great, I don't have to take supplementary lessons then. I then went and sat somewhere else so that I wouldn't bother Hasebe or Miku. They were having a chat and I didn't want to ruin it.

Those two have become closer to each other realy fast than they would with me. I'm not surprised. Considering that there girls, they would get along with someone whose of the same gender than with someone of the opposite sex.

"Sudou, won't you join the swimming club? If you practiced, you'd compete pretty well."

"I plan on just playing basketball. Swimming's just for fun."

Not even breaking a sweat from that small amount of swimming, Sudou calmly got out of the pool.

"Ah, Sudou certainly has good reflexes."

Ike elbowed Sudou, feeling jealous.


A girl let out a scream (of joy).

Hirata was on the start line.

While Sudou's body gathered the admiration of the boys, Hirata's body gathered the admiration of the girls. Hirata is slender but still well-built. You can call him a slender macho man. Hearing the cheering from the girls for Hirata, Ike made a spitting gesture. Sudou also made a displeased face and glared at Hirata.

"If you win, I'll make sure to destroy you. I'll show you my full power."

Wasn't swimming just for fun...

When the teacher blew the whistle, Hirata jumped in with great form. As Hirata paddled his arms, the girls on the side were cheering him on. His swimming form looks uselessly cool.

"He's surprisingly fast."

Sudou calmly commented. Anyway, Hirata is a pretty fast swimmer. The other 4 boys were quite a distance from Hirata. His lead incited the girls to cheer him on even more.

Hirata took 1st place, exceeding my expectations. The loud cheers reverberated in the big indoor pool.

"Sensei, what was the time?"

Ike impatiently asked.

"Hirata's time is... 26.13 seconds."

"Alright, let's go Sudou. If it's you, you can win! Bring down the hammer of justice!"

"Leave it to me. I'll beat him thoroughly then make his popularity drop to the ground..."

Sudou got fired up from Ike's words, but a loss from Hirata probably wouldn't cause his popularity to drop.

"Hirata-kun, you were really cool! You're not just good at soccer, but also good at swimming!"

"Is that so? Thanks."

"Hey, why are you looking at Hirata-kun with love in your eyes!"

"Ha? You're the one ogling him!?"


And so on. Hirata's popularity exceeded frustration and is a shocking thing to watch.

"Stop, you guys. Don't fight over me. I belong to everyone. I want to get along with everyone. Just because I'm good at swimming doesn't mean you should fight over me."

I don't know what he was hearing, but Koenji mistook those cheers for himself.

With a refreshing smile, Koenji put his foot on the start line.

"Hey... Why is Koenji wearing those speedos..."


Wearing speedos were allowed by the school, but no one else were wearing those. The girls looked away from Koenji's crotch area.

However, for the third race, Koenji was the center of attention. His posture at the start looked like an athlete's.

Not only his posture, but Koenji's figure is even better than Sudou's. The boys who were proud about their physicality, including Sudou, watched Koenji swim while gulping.

"I don't really care about winning or losing, but I don't like losing."

Sudou muttered to himself. At the sound of the whistle, Koenji jumped into the pool with great form.


Sudou let out a surprised voice at Koenji's aggressive swimming. Hirata was also looking in amazement. His speed is really impressive. Of course, Sudou is also fast. Recording the time, the teacher looked at the stopwatch once again.

"Time is... 23.22 seconds."

"As usual, my abdominal, back, and psoas major muscle are in shape. Not bad."

After getting out of the pool, Koenji smiled and brushed his hair.

Still breathing evenly, it doesn't even look like he swam.

"I'm fired up...!"

His fighting spirit burned after his time was beaten. To be honest, only Sudou has any chance at winner other than Koenji. Rather than the finals, this is more like a one-on-one between Sudou and Koenji.

"Because both Koenji-kun and Sudou-kun are fast, I'm looking forward to the finals."

"Ah, yea."

While waiting for the finals to start, Yotsuba spoke up.

Because a bishoujo in a swimsuit was next to me, I entered a state of emergency as my heart went doki.

"Hmm? What is it? Your face is a bit red... By any chance, are you feeling sick?"

"No, it's nothing like that..."

"Even so, something looks off... Why do we have swimming classes in April anyway?"

"That's because we have a great indoor pool. That reminds me, Kushida, you were really fast. To the point that it's impossible to imagine you being bad in middle school."

"You too, Ayanokouji—you were pretty fast."

"No, I'm just normal. I also don't like exercising much."

"Is that so? But Ayanokouji-san looks pretty solid. Even though you're thin, you look as well-built as Sudou."

Yotsuba looked at me in surprise.

"There's no special reason; I was just born with it. That's the truth."

The conversation revolved around my physical health. Even though I'm nervous, I feel oddly satisfied. It was only for a short while this time, but I want to talk with Yotsuba alone.

"Wow, Koenji's fast. I thought it would be Sudou's victory, but... what is this, Ayanokouji!"

It looks like Koenji beat Sudou by about 5 meters for the victory. The commentating Ike suddenly turned to me with a face of a demon.

"What, why me? I didn't do anything."

"That's not it!"

He whispered to me while putting his arm over my shoulders.

"I'm aiming for Kushida-chan or Yotsuba-chan, so don't get in the way."

I'm not trying to get in the way, but there are things in the world that are possible and things that aren't. I don't think Yotsuba is the type of girl to go for someone like Ike.

Of course, she wouldn't go for me either.



Ok, Thank you for reading this incredibly horrible chapter! It totally wasn't worth the wait. I'm sorry! This chapter word counts is half of last chapter.

Anyways please go subscribe to my YouTube channel.

You'll be seeing this in every chapter. This is so I can promote my channel. Hope you don't mind.

Anyways, that's all for this chapter, and like I said last chapter, I don't know when the next one is coming out!

Word Count: 4179

That's all! Peace! :)