My name is Alex Wendigo and I'm the child of an ex number two villain who gave up his crimes for love here is the story.
My dad had a multiple quirks one that could slow time another to teleport and more. he also has a void sword, he used these to try and take over Japan but was stopped by hero's and after he left jail and went to a cafe he met my mother Noah Hope, they both got along and had a long talk about their life but one day she found out he was a villain, but he wanted to change for her so he stopped a villain who was going to kill all the hero's but ended up being framed.
My mother knew he was innocent, so she tried to hide him and well had sex and romantic stuff until he gave himself to the police no more hiding no more sentence being added "Rick wendigo you are now to be prisoned 30 years"
My mum was pregnant with me and then each farther's day or his or my birthday I visit him the guards are thankful because he started saving the guards life from villain planned breaks out's so he's treated like a boss from the prisoners when he beaten up the guy in charge of the prisoners and earned respect but I wanted to be a hero and make my dad proud for showing him what path made me the right and awsome child he would of wanted.