Who is Li Zian?

Today, the dining hall of Jianyu Sect was unusually crowded. Spring festival was approaching and young cultivators were getting their hopes up for the upcoming night of lantern festival when they were allowed to go out and enjoy the night at nearby villages.

Jianyu Sect was founded at snowy-light - peak of emerald jade mountain which was a rather isolated location and far from the capital. Only five or so villages could be found around its vicinity, and all of them nothing more than little villages with a few inhabitants there. But, regardless of all these, this Jianyu Sect was not some little sect to be underestimated. It was one of the greatest seven sects of the cultivational world and it had already far produced countless young cultivators with exceptional talents.

Many aristocrats like the nation's princes and princesses especially came from the faraway imperial city to this nearly desolate place and painstakingly fight and compete against each other just to become a disciple of this sect.

Not so loud chatters and babbles of disciples wafted across the dining hall. Most of them were savoring their meals while chatting merrily with their own groups. It was only Zhang Long wei who was sitting alone at his place, not bothering to find a companion just to disturb his meal. But, it was not something strange in the eyes of other fellow disciples either.

Li Zian had always been a submissive and humble disciple who was a quiet boy and disliked associating with too many people. So this behaviour of his was just very normal to others.

Meanwhile, Zhang Long wei was nibbling at a shrimp slowly, his mind all focusing on judging the taste of this shrimp meatball soup. This lord was a professional when it came to judging dishes. After all, daily meals for this supreme lord were specially served by various expert chefs around the world. His subordinates did not even spared and kidnapped imperial chefs. So even the emperor did not have a chance to taste special dishes served by those best of the best chefs.

Zhang Long wei's eyes slightly sparkled at its taste. The food available at this little remote place actually went beyond his expectations . These days, he was forced to be a vegetarian by the great benefactor Physician Chen ,as always, with the very same reason of his poor health. Only by now, after morning classes, the great benefactor told he could finally eat some meat and let him go to the dining hall.

He was just about to take another bite when someone bumped into his table accidentally, spilling his soup all over. Zhan Long wei was a bit displeased as he glanced at the culprit with his brows furrowed, bluntly showing his dislike. A young and handsome cultivator with an alluring girl right beside him came into his view.

Li Qing didn't even bothered to utter a word as he walked past him sniggering. And the girl beside followed him quietly, not even sparing a glance at the boy as though she did not see anything inappropriate. Zhang Long wei was enraged at first, but after realizing who they were, he simply chose to ignore them and started cleaning up the mess.

They were beyond disgust. So, he didn't want to start a shit and lose his precious time to them. One was his step-brother and another his girlfriend. To be exact, they were Li Zian's step-brother and girlfriend. That's right, he already got all of Li Zian's memories. After all, it had been two weeks since he possessed this body.

In fact, Li Qing and Li Zian were half-siblings. They had the same father but different mothers. Li Qing's mom was the main wife of his father whereas Li Zian's was a complete stranger. Yeah, Li Zian's mother was not a concubine or something, because these two had one night stand unintentionally and she got pregnant at that very night.

Li Peizhi learnt this when he went looking for the young lady to apologize for his mistake. He had already decided to take in this lady as his concubine before he even knew she was pregnant with his child. So, he proposed to her immediately to be his concubine and promised her a great future, revealing his true identity as the richest business man of the capital, but unexpectedly the lady refused him.

She said she didn't want to get married with some big figure as a poor girl who owned nothing more than a little crappy restaurant, but the man was unyielding and asked for a better excuse, so she had no choice but to answer directly that all of this was because, right now, he was proposing to marry her just to redeem his mistake and she herself didn't like him either. Her bluntness had this famous business man surprised. The lady had already rejected him and said that she had no interest in him.So , Li Peizhi, who didn't want to force the lady, had to only go back with failure.

And after ten years or so, Li Peizhi met the lady again by chance and was told that she had already got married. He asked to see his son just one time and the lady complied as her husband also allowed it. Li Peizhi who had long retired from practicing cultivation and stepped into the field of business, knew just by one test that this nine-year-old child of his possessed a very rare heavenly spiritual root of water.

He instantly requested the lady to let him raise the kid and give a chance to bring up a genius cultivator. The lady and her husband were perplexed by this sudden offer. Li Peizhi also mentioned their kid had a rare heavenly spiritual root. Though both of them didn't know what was that thing called heavenly spiritual root, from the man's explanation, they knew their little Liu Zian had great potential to be a powerful cultivator.

Liu Bolin who loved this little child just like his real blood and flesh, tightened his heart and instantly agreed to the man's request. The lady who didn't want to part from her child cried and objected like crazy to her husband's decision. But under constant pursuasions of her husband and for the sake of her little clever son, she decided to let the man take her precious son heartbrokenly.

The kid , who didn't understand his parents were doing it for his own good, thought he was abandoned . He knelt, wept and begged to his parents not to forsake him, not to abandon him, he would be great, he would listen to them unconditionally, or like he would be a docile child. Yeah, this part might a bit resemble to how little Zhang had begged ,but it was absolute contrast. Here, they were all doing it for this little kid's sake whereas little Zhang's crazy mom was practically attempting to kill her son with her own hands.

But, anyway, the kid was taken by the man as their original plan. Liu Zian was taken in as an adopted, legitimate son of Li Peizhi. His surname changed from Liu to Li. There, little Li Zian got whatever he desired ,or the best of the best trainings and masters.

But, one thing had gone absolutely amiss from his life since he first entered this family, something he never thought it would be this hard to get. It was warmth, the warmth of his loved ones. Nobody in the family was trustworthy, nobody had any genuine feeling, everyone was two-faced, and little Li Zian was forced to encounter all those, forced to learn the true nature of humans at such a young age.

At first, with the help of his heavenly spiritual root, his level of cultivation surpassed all the other children of Li family in a short amount of time. Li Peizhi was greatly satisfied by his son's talent as well.

Nonetheless, one day, Li Zian noticed something strange with his cultivation. His level was stuck at the stage of late foundation establishment and never got to the core formation stage.But, Li Peizhi supported and encouraged his son as he tried several ways to help Li Zian advance his cultivation.

But, his son's situation got no better and he started to lose hope. Soon, Li Zian was fallen out of his father's favour completely . Other youths of the family succeeded in advancing to core formation stage respectively and now he became the weakest one in his family.

He was bullied and cursed by half elder brothers and sisters of his as someone of lowly birth. His life got challenging day after day. Li Zian had no choice but to endure. And with times, he had fallen down from a genius young master of Li family to a trash. His days were so miserable that sometimes he even thought of committing suicide.

That was untill he joined the Jianyu Sect and met a certain someone whom he believed to be his destinied one. Every moment he was with that girl , Li Zian felt like he was the luckiest one under the heaven. Little did he know that it was just the calm before the storm.