Immortal Wang with panda eyes

"Arghh.... Ouch.... mom!

Be gentle!"

Occasional squeals of someone could be heard from the direction of white lotus chamber at this supposed to be silent night of snowy-light-peak, distracting and annoying other elders and disciples who were practicing self-cultivation as usual according to their daily routine.

Wang Li Jie knew this, yet he didn't plan to quiet down a bit, at times, deliberately screeching even louder, wanting to annoy every single being at the snowy-light-peak as much as he was aggrieved right now. Suddenly, his mother lightly smacked in his head, getting an exaggerated reaction from her mischievous son.

"Arghh.... mom, don't hit me. Can't this fragile son of yours even make a sound when he was beaten black and blue mercilessly by his own father?"

His mother shook her head and spoken with some bitterness.

" You naughty boy, why didn't you ask for your mom's help earlier and keep persisting all the time? Is your mom that unreliable? "

The lady, who was applying some ointment on her son's back, looked at his wounds with heartbreaking eyes, the bleeding had stopped just a moment ago after she cleaned them up with warm water, crimson marks of whip could be seen clearly on her son's white porcelain skin, her precious son....How did he even endure it?

"Not that, mom. It just hurt a bit. As a big man, it was nothing for me, really."

The lady smiled at her temperamental son who was just whining like a little dog a moment ago, now turned into a mature adult coaxing his mom not to worry about him. Such a very good kid....

" Gege... mom.... "

There came a very quiet voice just before a figure jumped and came intruding the chamber through the little window, startling the mother and son duo. The girl who accidentally stepped on the hem of her snow-white robe as she jumped through, stumbled and fell on the floor, scraping her elbow in the process. The little girl sat up, took a look at her little sore elbow and wept like a baby.

", I think I broke my hand. "

This was Wang Li Jie's younger sister, Wang Li mei who was 15 this year and just the same age as Li Zian. The mother who was busy bandaging up her son's wound, had no choice but to rise to her feet and go soothe another big crybaby. Now she got two big babies to coax at the same time.

"Why didn't you walk in just from the door?" Wang Li Jie asked worriedly, sweeping his gaze over the little girl whom he had not seen since the last six months. She had not changed too much, she got a bit more appealing , a bit more grown in height too, but he just could not say whether this girl looked a bit more like a lady or a child.

"It's father who said I'm not allowed to see you. So, what can I do other than coming here sneakily and jumping through the window? "

It was almost midnight and his wife still didn't come back, so the unsatisfied father, immortal Wang, retaliated by not letting his daughter go and join the duo.

"That man...just you wait, tonight I'm not going back to snow white chamber. "

The fuming mother decided to punish her husband like that. After all, this husband of hers could not fall sound asleep without his wife beside. Though her two kids stayed silent and simply exchanged glances, they knew tomorrow their father was bound to be a prince with two eyebags.

"Mom is so awesome. When I grow up and get married someday, I also want to be spoiled by my hubby and be a naughty wife like mom. "

The little girl said with great admiration in her tone as she helped her mother bandaging her big brother's wound. The lady chuckled at her daughter's words and didn't say anything.

"Don't you wanna be like that too, gege? "

The impish girl questioned her sleepy brother who was yawning like crazy at the moment. After all, he had not even taken a nap since yesterday, thanks to his heartless father.

Wang Like Jie nodded and gave a "Mmm.. " drowsily which had this pair of mother and daughter suddenly bursted out laughing. The already half-asleep Wang Li Jie was yanked awake by their laughters. Baffled, he looked at the other two with somewhat puzzled eyes.

"What? "

"Hahahaha... oh my god, mom. I can't stop laughing... hahaha... "

Wang Li mei who was holding her stomach and chortling, wiped her tears and struggled to suppressed her laughter as she explained to her dozy brother.

"Gege, you just said you wanna be a pampered and naughty wife like mom..... hahaha... Are you planning to take a husband or something, gege? ... hahaha... "

Out of nowhere, the prankish girl got an unexpected smack on her head which she responsed with a loud "Ouch!". Again, the culprit was their mother. She could laugh as she wanted and joked her brother but even going as far as to tell that her brother was yearning for a husband... This little girl was asking for a good spanking.

" Mom!"

The girl yelped and whined like a little kid who had just been bullied by someone as she rubbed her not-at-all-painful head. Wang Li Jie giggled at his younger sister who got her own retribution just before he put on a smug face and said.

" Who said your brother won't be spoiled even if he takes a wife? Just wait and see the day I marry a girl who would spoil and love me with her life."

His mother and younger sister were at a loss for words. This youth was so merciless that he even wanted a girl to spoil him. They could only light a candle inwardly for a certain someone who had to take responsibility for this youth in the future.


The morning was yet to come when someone came knocking at Zhang Long wei's door telling their master was calling him.

He quickly washed up, changed into his sect uniform, picked up his sword, deadly ice blade, and strode towards the gate of Jianyu Sect immortal Wang ordered him to come.

Their sect quarters were surrounded by great walls all around and with a powerful invisible magical barrier hovering above the snowy-light-peak, it had the best of the best security that other sects had to praise repeatedly with awe. But Zhang Long wei had a different opinion. These barrier and excessive security... He calculated all these might have a specific reason. Maybe, it wanted to hide something or someone important. Or maybe, it didn't want the world to find out its little extraordinary secret or something.

Soon, he could already see the great gate of Jianyu Sect and there stood immortal Wang and his senior, Guiren, nothing was strange not until a couple of dead bodies covered with blankets came into his view. They must be those poor preys of soul consuming curse he saw in the infirmary on his first day here.

"Good morning, master." Zhang Long wei saluted immortal Wang who was facing with his back towards him. Immortal Wang didn't turned around and simply nodded his head a bit. He was unusually using a fan with light green hue and waving it back and forth slightly as though hiding his own face.

"Why aren't those two coming yet?" Immortal Wang asked Guiren who was right beside him. Seem like he was not the only one summoned by the master. He wondered what was immortal Wang's purpose. Maybe today, he would get something excited to do like some kind of mission.

But, all of his good mood disappeared into thin air when two disciples came greeting immortal Wang. They were no other than his step-brother and girlfriend, Li Qing and Zhao Xiuying. It was going to be another bothersome day again.

Now, it was time for immortal Wang to tell his four disciples about the mission, nevertheless, to talk about it with his back facing them, it would be awkward and even more troublesome. He was left with no choice, so immortal Wang just had to turn around and face the four disciples. He folded his fan in one hand as he said, "You've got a mission."

All four pairs of his disciples' eyes wide open in shock simultaneously at the sight of their master face. In fact, it was not the mission that astonished the four. It was their master's eyes. Their master got panda eyes!