His nostalgia for the demon lord

A youth in his birthday suit was cleaning himself up in a small wooden bathtub. Occasional sounds of water splattering could be heard in this silent room. On his pearl white smooth back, several purple scars left by something like a whip were clearly visible.

From his snowy shoulders, drips of crystal clear water went streamed down gently all the way there as though trying to soothe away the youth's pain.

Even at the touch of ice cold water, his eyelids were still somewhat drooping. The youth appeared to be really exhausted right now. Splashing his own face, the youth tried to refresh himself. But it didn't energize him much.

Absent-minded, the youth washed and rubbed his arms only to let out an "Argh!" and grimaced. His alluring green eyes glanced at the injury on his arm. It still hurt a bit but as an injury he'd got just this morning, its recovery rate could be said to be extremely fast. He himself was actually amazed by the results. Maybe, his mom's treatment was unique in some kind of way. The corner of his lips raised up a bit but his eyes were still drowsy even after a bath.

It didn't matter anyway because he'd got half a day to rest. And he had already planned a detailed schedule for it: sleep.....then sleep.....and again sleep. Reaching for his towel left on a nearby shelf, the youth rose to his feet and went out of the tub.

Droplets of water ran down from his silky black hair and disappeared as they reached his round and seemingly fleshy buttocks which were even whiter than pure snow. Putting on his inner robe in a lazy manner, the youth yawned, rubbing his eyes. His green pupils which were usually radiant could be barely opened by now.

And as soon as the youth finished covering his tempting naked body in his inner robes, Wang Li Jie threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes right away. Having used most of his energy at the trial, the youth could barely move a limb by now. Part of his sense had already took a travel to the dreamland when a deafening voice transmission jolted awake this poor soul.

"Shitty heaven,.... please let me rest for a wink. " The youth cursed aloud, flinging his pillow onto the floor. Unlucky him.....it seemed like the heaven punished him for having such balls to curse it. The youth's little pillow was accidentally tossed right into the bathtub he didn't moved back which meant this sleep-deprived youth needed to go get another one.

His mouth agape and his hand which just threw the pillow stiffening in mid-air, Wang Li Jie was amazed by how cruel his little luck was. Suddenly, he had this urge to curse every single being in the whole world. But what could he do when he only had very little energy left?

Upset, he collapsed back to the bed and prepared to sleep using his hands as a pillow. And there, that loud voice earlier came again, disturbing his sleep. The angry Wang Li Jie opened his eyes, his blood seething in anger as he replied this who knew whose voice transmission with a curse. "Shit! Which annoying bastard was disturbing my sleep? You fuckin asshole! "

Yu Haoran who was greeted with an ear-splitting curse from his cousin ".... "

"What the hell?! Li Jie, have you gone mad? It'd been only a week since you've gone back. Yet your father had already turned you into a crazed son? Did he punish you that bad? "

Yu Haoran asked in concern uttering these sentences with his loud voice which had Wang Li Jie pissed off and yelled back.

"Why are you shouting? ...I'm not deaf yet.....Just spit it out what you have to.....stop sending voice transmissions."

Wang Li Jie said those words in annoyance. But his sense which had just been summoned back to the earth was eargering to go back, so he had to struggle to wide open his closing lids with each sentence.

"Listen here, Li Jie. It's important, so you'd better listen carefully, " There was a hint of impatience and anger in Yu Haoran's tone. That was strange. It seemed Sect leader Yu's lectures were indeed effective. His cousin didn't use any cursed words even when he was irritated.

Wang Li Jie sat up and replied in a serious voice "Okay, tell me what it is, " making Yu Haoran doubt that the earlier drowsy voice of his cousin was merely his wrong imagination. But right here right in his room, Wang Li Jie was pinching his eyelids and trying to open them with great difficulty. It was extremely rare to see this cousin of his, Yu Haoran, being serious. And when he was serious, then something bad might be happening there.

"The case is, today, Chancellor Liu came visit my dad. And dad was not in a good mood after the Chancellor went back. He told me that they might have found some evidence that we're the one who killed that demon lord. And dad told me to remind you to be cautious these days. Don't let your guard down and blurt out something related to the death of demon lord. Otherwise their suspicions would be confirmed... sigh... really, we are supposed to be heroes but now here we are, playing hide and seek with them. What is this sour feeling like we're vile thieves or something? "

Wang Li Jie was now fully awake, his face stern and his brows furrowed as though he was thinking something. "Okay, don't worry. I won't slip my tongue. And you too. There're many eyes and ears in the capital. Don't forget to be careful. "

"I will. Ah..Time's up. I have to go back to my training now...By the way, take good care of yourself. I don't wanna see my cousin turned into a lunatic next time when I visit you.... hahaha.. "

With a mirthless smile, Wang Li Jie cut his cousin off with a "Fuck you."

Brushing his hair aside, Wang Li Jie stared into the distance from his window. One might think he was considering what his cousin just said. But in truth, he didn't worry about that at all. After all, at this desolate and tranquil place, there was nothing much to be concerned about being exposed. But it didn't mean he would let his guard down either.

He didn't know what got into him today but when his cousin said those two words "demon lord", an empty and nostalgic feeling stirred up inside him.

The youth gazed up into the blue sky. His bewitching green eyes flashed somewhat as he smiled and muttered something. It was so quiet and almost sounded like a whisper that even if there was someone right beside him, one could barely hear it. Only god and himself might know what he murmured at that very second....

" Mr. demon king.....

where could you be right now? ....

Feeling well? ....

I somehow have this urge to run and see you..... how strange....."

The youth lay back down with his head pillowing over his hand. Wang Li Jie absent-mindedly stared up at the ceiling. Now that he was distracted, it was hard to fall asleep right away. If he was his child self, then a bed time story would be very useful at such a time. Speaking of bed time story, that wolf and sheep story.....

The youth put his another hand over his forehead as he closed his eyes. A faint yet attractive smile appeared on his somewhat tired face. And with the blooming of that smile, the youth made up his mind to ask that ending to his mother. The ending of those two..... though the youth knew he would never have a chance to tell the demon back about that..... he foolishly decided to ask..... at least if the demon came into his dreams and if he dreamed about that day, at least.....Wang Li Jie could finish his story right then.....