Zhao Xiuying breaking up with her new crush-1

"We need to talk!"

There was a loud bang as the girl pounded the stone table with both of her hands using some force. With hints of fury, her beautiful eyes looked at the boy who was about to have his very first bite of the meal for the day.

But the response didn't come from her prey. Instead, an irritated "Hey" was let out from the opposite side. "You almost ruined my creation, " said Huang Guiren who just discovered some cracks appearing on the stone surface.

Furious, the girl didn't even bother to look back and asked again, "I said we need to talk. " This boy really like to feign ignorance towards her, right? Then, she was going to ask this question till he answered back.

"Perfect timing. I've got something to tell you, too. "

There came such a magnetic voice all of a sudden and Zhao Xiuying was taken aback when she witnessed that smile on his face. It was not like his usual smile... his usually naive smile.

This was a different one. And at the sight of that smile, Zhao Xiuying felt like she was a foolish girl who got a handsome playboy as her boyfriend.

"Why don't we go to another place? The gate of this barrier..... you still haven't finish that part, right? Why don't we go patrol around there and talk? "

And as this husky voice echoed in her mind, Zhao Xiuying's heartbeat quicken out of the blue. She was frozen on spot as she stared at this supposed to be a compliant boyfriend of hers, Li Zian.

This was the very first time her heart pound like crazy in front of this male. Something was obviously wrong with Li Zian. But what is it?

Never mind..... Her mind was in great chaos right now and because of that smile, her brain's system was not going to function well at the moment, anyway. She could barely let out an "okay" before following Li Zian.

The gate of this barrier needed a special technique to finalize. The gate was close to a little stream and the scenery around there was really beautiful. The zephyr was a little cold and because of the sudden change in her boyfriend, Zhao Xiuying was feeling somewhat uneasy.

In nervousness, she rubbed her thumb with her fingers before taking a quick peek at the boy who was walking ahead of her with no care in the world. Those thoughts to punish her idiotic boyfriend or something alike had already disappeared into thin air. Right now, she was having a hard time on how to initiate a conversation with Li Zian.

Zhao Xiuying was the natural sociable type and when it came to interacting with others, there was not even once she got this anxious like now.

"Lady first. So, what was that matter Ying want to talk about?"

Zhao Xiuying nervously glanced at Li Zian and that was when their eyes met as Zhang Long Wei also turned around. Zhao Xiuying instantly lowered her head as her poor heart raced a hundred times faster than before. Only god knew how she had managed to utter that single sentence. "Why didn't you come to the bamboo forest that day? "

But it was not how she wanted to make it sound like to be. At first, she thought of how to threaten him with that "break up" thing or how she was gonna make him run errands all day like a slave. But right now, her tone soft and her eyelashes drooped, make it seem like she was the guilty party here.

Zhang Long Wei was slightly bewildered at this query. Which day was she referring to?Ah....That note at the dining hall.... maybe she wrote something to come meet her at the bamboo forest.

"That day? Because I didn't want to. "

This answer enraged Zhao Xiuying who was behaving like a little girl in shyness up until now and made her shoot back.

"What do you mean by that? Are you telling me that you didn't come because you didn't feel like it? You're so.... "

Zhao Xiuying subconsciously took a step back as she just realized Li Zian was coming closer to her. Her sentence was yet to finish when Li Zian stopped. Now the distance between them was barely half a step. His hand reached out for her black and soft hair which Zhao Xiuying flinched and closed her eyes immediately.

It felt like at the moment she didn't even know how to breathe properly anymore as she held her breath. Could it be that Li Zian wanted to do something improper to her? She glanced around a bit with her head lowered. There was no one around and everything was dead silent except for the song of water flowing gently in the little stream.

What if Li Zian kissed her? No, what if he wanted to go further than that? Suddenly, a series of R-rated scenes of she and Li Zian doing it in the middle of daylight came popping up in her naughty brain. And at those perverted thoughts, the ashamed Zhao Xiuying bit her lower lips with her eyes closed.

There was only one question in her head right now. If it was before she would not even let him hold her hands. Just the presence of Li Zian alone was enough to disgust Zhao Xiuying after her failure at the attempt of breaking up with him.

But right at this second, she didn't care about it anymore. Whatever this man wished to do with her, she was not going to resist. But what about her crush? Well, the definition of "crush" was really right....."a brief but intense infatuation for someone"... It seemed like that brief time was now all over.

" Here it is. There's a leaf on your head. As a beauty as you are, even with this leaf sticking in your hair, you're still a cute little lady. "

Zhang Long Wei glanced at the expression of the girl before him who was blushing profusely at his action. As expected, his charming aura was the same as always even in the body of someone else's.

His cold pupils caught a faint glimpse of a shadow on a nearby tree and smirked. His puppet general had arrrived at last....with the thing Zhang Long Wei ordered him to bring. But this troublesome girl was here right now....

"Zian... you.. ah.. "

Zhao Xiuying was suddenly pulled into his embrace followed by that husky voice "Be careful! ". Zhao Xiuying's face was snuggled into his chest before she got a whiff of his scent. She gulped and bit her lips and that was when she felt something came rushing towards them.

It seemed to be a little blue bird...but it was no ordinary one because she could sense an evil aura from it. That was a demonic beast! Zhao Xiuying closed her eyes instantly and let her boyfriend protect her as though she was a weak girl with no cultivation.

The bird scratched the back of Zhang Long Wei's hand which was holding the girl firmly. His wound was not something minor but a satisfied smile appeared on his handsome face as he took a look at the sparkling purple crystal that was left in his injured hand. Zhang Long Wei swiftly hid it before letting go of the girl.

" It's okay now. The bird is gone. Seem like it really doesn't like me. "

Zhang Long Wei torn the left sleeve of his sect uniform with a cold expression before wrapping it around his hand, successfully stopping the bleeding. And Zhao Xiuying who was right beside him, looked at her boyfriend's elegant moves without even batting an eyelash. She must have gone crazy.....She must have gone really crazy to think that even the way of Li Zian treating his own injury was so handsome and attractive.