Zhang Long Wei getting four parents in a single day - 2

"Waiter, why can't I find steamed dumplings in the menu? Those dumplings from that table seemed really delicious."

A noble man said which attracted the glare of Shi Fang who was sitting at that very table Li Peizhi just mentioned.

She just wanted to have a meal peacefully with her son and husband but how come this annoying family came to the very same restaurant and were sitting at the table closest to them? "This can't be pure coincidence, right? " thought Shi Fang, her teeth itching in anger.

"Sorry, sir. That dish was not from our restaurant ."

The perplexed waiter bowed and answered respectfully. He knew this gentleman here was not someone minor. Since he had served this table dishes, he was anxious and worried if it were not to their taste. Now he got another additional concern. The gentleman was still staring at those steamed buns from another table and if he didn't stop soon, the customers there might also feel uncomfortable and not be at eased.

Despite all smiles on his face, little waiter was overwhelmingly anxious deep inside. What should he do? He could not just ask him to stop looking and offend this gentleman here either. But if this kept on, what about those customers? Just look at that madam who looked like she was about to explode like a volcano in next to no time.

"Um....sir, what about I go buy some dumplings from nearby? There're many villagers who sell tasty ones around here."

Li Peizhi shook his head and kept unyielding.

"No, I just wanna have the same dumplings like those ones."

Mistress Li who was sitting next to Li Peizhi was controlling herself not to get jealous at her husband's behaviors. Peeking Shi Fang from the corner of her eyes, she took a sip of beef noodle soup from the steaming bowl. The taste was not bad but because of this infuriating situation, the function of her taste buds seemed to have weakened a lot.

What's so good about her? Shi Fang looked even older despite her younger age. She was already getting wrinkles here and there on her face. Touching her smooth and flawless face unnoticeably, mistress Li frowned whilst subconsciously eyeing her husband. Or could it be that Li Peizhi preferred older women?

Li Qing was also have a hard time to finish his lunch. So damn embarrassing..... was the only thing he could think of right now. His father was not like this usually. Did he take the wrong medicine this morning to behave this shamelessly? Why now? Why in front of them?

Unwilling to get their meal disturbed by this noble man, Liu Bolin put down his chopsticks with a bang. One might think he was going to start a quarrel with this aristocrat but that's not it.

"Sir, If you don't mind, you can take some from us. This was personally prepared by me for my son, so I'm afraid you can't buy the exact dumplings like mine elsewhere."

Liu Bolin forced a smile and said which resulted in earning himself a fierce kick under the table from his wife.

Who would want to associate with this business man in the first place? But what could he do when this man was the very one who had been paying his son's monthly allowances? Both parties obviously disliked each other but who knows what got into this gentleman today to annoy their family's litttle lunch?

As much as he wanted to shut this gentleman's mouth up, he didn't mind sacrificing some of his son's dumplings to stuff the man's mouth.

With that in mind, Liu Bolin took an empty plate and prepared to give some but his chopsticks paused in mid-air at the man's words.

"Don't bother to separate it for us. We can just join our groups and have a meal together, can't we?"

"join us my... mmm....", Liu Bolin covered his wife's mouth just in time, successfully stopping that "ass" slipping from her lips. Doing business by opening a restaurant had many disadvantages and one of them was that the owner herself got adapted to using vulgar language to confront with wild customers.

"Of course, why not?"

Liu Bolin allowed it not because he was afraid of offending this aristocrat but because he just wanted to know what this man was planning on. Apparently, Li Peizhi was doing all these just to join their group but for what? Liu Bolin knew this man was not interested in his wife and..... his son? Wasn't he a trash in his eyes? It was just so strange that he couldn't help but to comply to find out his motives.

And like this, after a while, what you could see there was the two families enjoying a meal so harmoniously that only silence was the absolute companion around them.

As a shameless person as Li Peizhi was, he was the very first one to break this gloomy atmosphere.

"Zian, this morning I had some pleasantries with your master. And immortal Wang said your sword skills are definitely superb."

Shi Fang who was clutching her fists under the table not to get exploded by this family up until now, turned to look at her son next to her in surprise. They had been avoiding that cultivation related topics for a long time not to make their son depressed. But according to what Li Peizhi had just described, could it be that Zian finally made a breakthrough in his cultivation?

Everyone knew how this boy would reply to such question with a humble answer like "It's not that much" or "Master is just praising me." After all, Li Zian was such a meek boy in nature.

"Of course, father. My skills have always been unrivaled to begin with."

A mouthful of water spewed out of Liu Bolin's mouth whilst the others turned to look at Zhang Long wei to make sure that they just heard this answer from this very same person.

"Hahaha.... what a confidence! Great.... great..."

Li Peizhi said in satisfaction before picking up his cup to savor the tea. The boy had changed drastically. So everything immortal Wang told him was absolutely true.

Two hours ago, he went chatting with the immortal before the arrival of his son. He just wanted to learn about the progress of Li Qing and as for Li Zian, he had not much hope in him, so he didn't bother to ask about him.

Li Peizhi knew very well how the boy had been doing in Li family till before he joined Jianyu Sect three years ago. He knew the boy was having a hard time amongst his children or how others called and roasted him as a trash.

One might ask why this father didn't care and protect Li Zian at that time. Was it because Li Peizhi thought the boy didn't deserve his care anymore. Was it because the boy didn't live up to his expectations?

Li Peizhi didn't care what others think of him even the slightest. A biased father? A hypocrite? Come on...he didn't have time to care about other people's criticisms. All he gave to the boy before like care, love or other privileges were just because of the only reason. The boy deserved it.

His brain was all filled with his business related logics. Give and take.... If the boy could bring fame to his family, then he himself would not also hesitate to give the boy special privileges he deserved. Everyone said he was such a person.... difficult to see through.... incredibly hard to understand. But in truth, Li Peizhi thought of himself as a very simple person. He was simply a pure business man.

Today he got a big and astonishing news about Li Zian from immortal Wang. This son of his would get promoted from a junior disciple to a master by the end of this year..... a master who would personally teach swordsmanship to the immortal's son, Wang Li Jie!

That Wang Li Jie was a youth who got prestigious far and wide since the news of prince Jiang getting beaten by him was let out. And now, Li Zian was to teach that youth? Though he didn't know exactly, one thing was for sure. His son was undoubtedly younger than that teenager.


Li Peizhi's mind was finally sent back to the earth at the voice of Li Zian.

Shi Fang "What is it?"

Mistress Li "Mmm..."

Under the gazes of these two mothers, Zhang Long wei hesitantly pointed at his biological mother, Shi Fang.

"Um..... I'm talking to this mom."

Shi Fang gave a proud and triumphant look towards mistress Li before replying to her son. Mistress Li was embarrassed at her own action. Why did she even answered to Li Zian? His real mother was here. Of course, he was calling to his mom number one. But it was not her fault either. Since this child became a family member of theirs, he had been calling her this mom, that mom according to her husband's command, so she got adapted to this kind of mentioning already.

"Nothing mom, I just wanna say these dumplings are delicious."

"Hahaha.... silly boy, your dad made these. Praise your dad for his expert cooking."

Zhang Long wei nodded his head absent-mindedly. He didn't know why but he had this very urge to call the lady here "mom" since their very first meeting. The demon lord laughed at himself internally. What was he even expecting?

After this month, he was going to leave this place and continue his original life. By then, all his lies would get exposed and they would also know that the one they spent time to enjoy this meal today was not their son but just a vile demon.

His mom was already dead and his dad?..... Zhang Long wei still could not even find out that man's identity yet. He must have gone stupid by spending his days with these idiotic cultivators to suddenly have such a strange urge.

Yeah... that must be it.....