Making his buddies' hearts skip a beat

The sky above was portraying the art of a beautiful dusk. By this time, villages around and beneath the emerald jade mountain should be bustling with several masses of people preparing to celebrate the festival.

Lanterns of various and all kinds of shapes were there dangling and swinging left and right in the spring breeze. Every households, restaurants, shops, street carts, whether big or small, whether grand or modest, they were adorned with beautiful and colourful lanterns.

And another main characters for this night would be, of course, delicious yet cute and round balls of yuanxiao and tangyuan with a couple of sweet fillings that would have you mouth watered just at the sight. A night waited by every single citizen for the whole year had arrived at last and people might have been getting their hopes up for the night as well.

The gate to the Jianyu Sect was yet to open but disciples were already there gathering and crowding at the gate, ready to dash for the exit once it was opened by the gatekeeper. Even so, it was not a strange matter though. After all, this was one of the rarest and most enjoyable events they were allowed to participate in this sect.

But some were taking their times indoors and still had not come out. Maybe it was because they were simply too idle to prepare for the festival or maybe it was because of some other reasons like having to doll up themselves the whole day but yet to finish when the outcome was never to their satisfaction.

Though no one did a thorough research on that, almost ninety percents of those who had yet to come out were sticking with the latter reason and not ready to get out of their holes. And lady Wang Li Jie could be put into this group as well.

It had been almost two hours since he had been applying these things. And this was the third time this lady Li Jie changed his look into a new design.

First design-it was an elegant and graceful type. And the result? It did not work. The thin layer of makeup could barely cover up his stunning features, so this lady had to think of another idea.

Second design-he decided to work on a cute look. This time, it worked somehow. Not only his disguise was perfect, it also made his original appearance unnoticeable. The result was good. But there was one tiny issue this lady Li Jie didn't like...too feminine. The youth chose to use a soft pink hue of plum blossoms for the makeup. But the outcome had ended up being too girlish than he supposed it to be.

Now the makeup artist Wang Li Jie was working on his third look- a sexy type. He was going to use a dark shade for this next one and purple would be the main focus right here. Preparing for a sexy look with purple? Why not use vibrant vermilion or something alike?

Purple had never been his favorite in the first place. But after recalling the moment he last saw the demon lord in his purple robe in that grand throne room, this color had become really cool and attractive in his eyes. Besides, it was not feminine either, so it would work, right?

In fact, this idea had come to him from the very first time he sat down in front of the mirror to prepare for the disguise. One might ask that then why didn't he execute this plan in the first place? Was the youth afraid to be sexy? Or could it be that he did not want to be that eye-catching amongst other males?

Well, all of these questions would be considered as silly by the beauty Li Jie. He had always been the centre of every flower's attention before. Of course, there would be no problem if the gender he got attention from was changed into the opposite.

It was just because if he chose this look, the layer of makeup needed to be a little more thicker. Wang Li Jie just don't want to feel suffocated and hot for the whole night with these things on his face. It would be really uncomfortable for sure. But now it seemed like other options were useless and this was the only thing he was destined to be with.

The youth glanced over the window only to get in a fluster after the sight of nearly murky sky. He could not believe he had been procrastinating on this disguise for the whole evening. His buddies would be on their way to his chamber by now and arriving soon. He couldn't get caught by them doing these things. Speeding up his task, Wang Li Jie made sure to get the desired look in the process as well.

What he didn't know was that his three buddies had already arrived but didn't walk in because they were busy being sneaky stalkers at the moment. Just a moment ago, when Wang Li Jie turned around and looked into their direction, the three little stalkers really thought they were caught by their buddy but who knew their buddy was so late and in a fluster that he failed to catch a glimpse of these three obvious shadows.

The three lucky little stalkers eyed sneakily at the sexy girl or the sexy buddy of theirs in the chamber with completely surprised looks. These brats came here today hoping to catch a glimpse of their buddy's secret girlfriend. But who in the world would have expected this scene?

Okay, so here's a brief explanation on how his buddies came to the final conclusion of Wang Li Jie having a new girlfriend. Firstly, their buddy thought of someone who was skilled in this area when not even a single suitable one popped out in their head. Secondly, he said she was 'very trustworthy'. Their buddy who had never mentioned them with that word 'trustworthy' used that magical word on his very accord and mentioned the girl.

That was right. Wang Li Jie never said it was a girl or a boy. But,of course, who would have ever thought that gender 'male' in the first place. Mind you, they were talking about girls' stuff by then, so what's the point of bothering to put that 'male or female' gender question into their thoughts?

They were really sure that it must be a girl and that girl must be very close to Wang Li Jie because she was honored the title of 'trustworthy' personally by their buddy but it seemed like they missed one point and it was the fact that no one could be so close to him as much as he himself did.

If it were up to them, they would have already cornered this buddy and be already starting to interrogate him. But they knew very well about Wang Li Jie. He was like this since childhood. When he was a kid and caught in the middle of the night eating handfuls of tanghulu without his parents' consent and when they asked him for an excuse, little Li Jie would always use "A ghost beside me eat this, not me" card.

So even if you roped him and beat the answer out of him right here right now, as long as he made up his mind not to tell the truth, then a reply like "A ghost makeup artist beside me do everything" would be the most you got from him. They just silently decided to make this nerd drunk tonight and let the truth slipped from his mouth by his own.

Wang Li Jie had finally finished and looked at his reflection in the mirror which had turned from a god to an ethereal goddess in less than ten minutes. The flower in the reflection was so bewitching and alluring that he himself was astonished by the result.

Admiring his own work, Wang Li Jie took one more glance at the mirror before giving a flirty wink and biting his lower lip acting like a really seductive flower which had the three stalkers' hearts skipped a beat and blushed without their own knowledge.

Soon a satisfied chuckle came out from the chamber as the naughty beauty praised his own looks.

" Mom, I owe you so much. How can you give birth to such a stunner like me. You're making gods die of shame. What are they gonna do if they really knew there was a mortal down there who looks much more striking than all of them?"

His three buddies who all heard it loud and clear "...."