The heart broken prince Rong

"So what you mean is you learn how to do makeup from your mom? That was....pftt...that was fuckin awesome.....hahaha.."

Huang Guiren said as he pointed at the beauty beside and laughed like there was no tomorrow. Wang Li Jie took a bite at the spicy chicken before correcting his buddy in an exasperated tone.

" I didn't learn.....we just! Don't you even know the meaning of the word 'play' ?"

The beauty Li Jie shouted in his ear with some anger that Huang Guiren had to covered up his ears with both of his hands and stopped him, telling he did understand, lest his poor ears should have gone deaf from this buddy's constant yells.

The furious Wang Li Jie sat back down at his own seat, his lips pouting, his ears all red from both fury and embarrassment. Gulping a cupful of liquor, the youth glared at another two culprits who were sitting face to face with him, his glare filled with resentment.

Yeah, at last he had to reveal the true reason as to how he knew how to do makeup. It was not because he was drunk or something that he told them the truth. These guys just kept guessing the possibility and there were all sorts of weird hunches in there. Prince Rong guessed he might have learnt it secretly from his nonexistent girlfriend. For Huang Guiren, he just kept saying praises about how great his makeup skills were which he found really embarrassing.

And Li Qing? He was the worst. Guess what that brat said. Li Qing said he was some weird nerd who was interested in girls' stuff. That offended his dignity to a great extent. And like this, the indignant Wang Li Jie had to spit out everything for the sake of his poor dignity.

The story was like this. When he was young, Wang Li Jie was not a good kid and would just cry out loud on almost everything he found unsatisfying. And when he became like this, the immature mother of his, mistress Wang, would soothe him by showing her beautiful cosmetics to him.

For little Li Jie, he found those pretty things really intriguing and would just go quiet down everytime such things got into his hands. But as time went by, the kid got tired of playing with them and would not stop crying whatsoever even when he was given these things.

So the perplexed young mistress Wang had to find another way to coax little Li Jie. And yep, she soothed and played with little Li Jie by applying those makeup on him and herself. For some unknown reason, the kid really liked to play like this with his mother, so it had become a habit for mistress Wang to play doing makeup with her son whenever he cried.

After all, why not? Her husband was rich enough to buy these cosmetics for hundred consorts every month, that was, if he really had that many concubines, of course.

And later, the lady found out little Li Jie could somehow remember everything she showed him . So the enthusiastic mother started to teach him every little tricks about makeup. She was really young by then and when it came to makeup, no one could ever do better than her in that field, so the energetic mother taught everything to little Li Jie till he himself also became a professional makeup artist.

Only when one day immortal Wang caught the pair of mother and son playing with these things did he command them to stop doing this kind of thing and their bad habit come to an end. It had almost been years and who would have thought this skill would got so useful on such an occasion like tonight?

It was an overly embarrassing past but what could he do other than revealing everything when his dignity was in danger? The fuming beauty sent daggers at his buddies' ways for the umpteenth time before he realized the drunk Prince Junjie.

The prince was there embracing his sword which was made up from some unknown white crystal. His eyes all closed as the prince kissed and patted gently at his own sword again and again, murmuring something under his breath. Huang Guiren leaned closer to him and carefully listened to his words, trying to decipher a drunkard's sentences.

"Hush, quiet guys. I'm trying to focus here. "

"Can you even hear a thing? "

The curious Wang Li Jie asked in a whisper. The guys here had some balls for sure. Attempting to get secrets out of a prince when he was drunk..... the crime was not some minor.

"Ah... what is it? What is it? I think I heard it like I love you so much baby or something. "

Propping up his cheeks with both hands, the tipsy beauty asked something with a hiccup, his curiosity ignited.

"What's wrong with him? Falling in love with a sword? "

"Yeah and he got it really bad too," said prince Rong poking at the cheek of drunk Li Qing next to him. This friend of his couldn't really hold his liquor at all. And it was just so funny when his little buddy kept unyielding but always got all drunk at last.

"Falling for a sword....seriously.....what a strange prince....Speaking of love, what about you? Is that go well chasing that proud miss Lin? "

Huang Guiren was asking to prince Rong. Ming Rong's expression turned into a depressed one at the mention of miss Lin. Letting out a bitter smile, prince Rong downed three cups of liquor continuously before replying.

"How can it go well? You know how terrible my luck can be when it came to love affairs. I've been pursuing her for almost two years. But she seems to can't think of me more than a mere acquaintance."

Huang Guiren felt sorry for the prince and also a little guilty for starting this topic. He had no idea a prince could also encounter such a heart broken incident in his love affairs. A question started with pure curiosity ending up in an awkward atmosphere, he didn't really expect this.

"Don't be disheartened, Rong Rong. You know I'm rooting for you. Don't give up. I know that one day you will make her fall in love with you."

The half asleep drunkard Li Qing said which brought back the cheerful mode to Prince Rong straight away. Feeling warm and finding his drunk friend quite cute, the prince patted him in his head, chortling.

"Hahaha...okay, okay. This prince won't be disheartened. Seriously, no one can be good to this prince as much as a drunk little Qing."

With a gentle gaze, the prince looked at Li Qing who had both of his eyes closed and sleeping with his head on the table. How lucky he was to have such a caring little Qing in his life.

That's right. Prince Rong was feeling a bit dejected these days. He was rejected by that miss Lin just a few days ago. And he was feeling overwhelmingly down. But since the day he came to visit his little Qing, all those negative feelings had gone dispelled like Li Qing had taken it away with his own hands. Prince Rong was even wondering if his little Qing had some kinds of secret powers that could make the prince cheer up with his own presence.

Miss Lin they just mentioned was no other than the only daughter of immortal Lin of Baiyun Sect. This sect was one of the greatest seven sects in their kingdom and as for their Lin family, it was the most powerful one in the capital after the imperial family.

Immortal Lin was an ambitious father and Prince Rong knew he had crown prince, his imperial brother, in his heart as his daughter's future fiancee. And miss Lin also seemed to have her eyes only on his imperial brother. It had been years he had been fallen for that young lady but till this day, prince Rong just couldn't see a chance for himself.

Stopping his disappointing thoughts just right there, Prince Rong gulped down strong liquor. How good would it be only if his little Qing was a lucky charm. He could take him everywhere he went. And with his little Qing around, he wouldn't have any depressing thoughts about his own love affairs anymore.