Quarreling like some old married couple

Yep... Zhang Long Wei found out his flower was a male because this girl.... she had an adam's apple.

How would you feel as a straight man when you discovered a beauty you've just kissed passionately and obsessively was no other than a pretty male in a young miss suit?


Zhang Long Wei should be going through all those negative emotions. But the culprit was too captivating to make him feel like this. The only thing he was feeling right now was pure anger. He got feisty for realizing all the things about her was no more than an illusion.

How could such a mere male who'd got nothing other than that pretty face of his deceive him like this? How dare he...

His dark mood was still there. But Zhang Long Wei loosened the grip on the pretty male's neck in a matter of seconds. No matter how furious he was, Zhang Long Wei couldn't let himself get carried away. Besides, if he were to think back carefully, this male was not the only one to blame. Zhang Long Wei himself also forced him.

Leaving the pretty male, the youth spun around to get out of the room. He was not in his old days anymore. It would be the best just to restrain himself about this incident. Tonight, let's just spare this pretty cheater.

Calming himself down, Zhang Long Wei headed for the door. But who was kidding? He had just bullied the only son of Mistress Wang. And the youth inheriting that hot temper of his mom was not going to let that perverted bully get away just like that.

Picking up the half broken ceramic plate, Wang Li Jie tossed it flying in the junior's direction. Not even a god dared to test his temper. Who was he to mistreat this young master like this? This junior had committed the most unforgivable crime by offending his dignity.....that youth offended the dignity of a senior of his!

As precise as his aim was, the swift plate hit the youth right in his head yet again. The crushed plate dropped to the ground, breaking into fragments. But the youth's head didn't seemed to hurt that much.

Emitting such menacing aura, Zhang Long Wei paused in his tracks, turning around and giving the culprit an intimidating look as though he was going to beat the hell out of Li Jie in the next second.

Snorted, Wang Li Jie said in that cold tone, messaging his swollen neck with one hand.

"What? Feel painful? Take it as a good thing that I didn't smash your head into pieces...damn you bastard...."

This alluring male had a lot guts, didn't he? Dare to hit him with a plate whilst he should be feeling grateful for getting spared. With each step getting closer to the male who was still sitting on the table just like how he'd just left him, Zhang Long Wei let out a spine-chilling throaty chuckle.

Wang Li Jie gave a mirthless smile in response. This junior...does he think he was this easy to scare? Just let that pervert come here and threaten him as he wish. Worst case scenario, he would just fight him one on one. Between a male and a male, there's nothing that could intimidate him.

The youth stopped at a step distance from him. Tilting his head and giving the perverted junior a silent "Fuck you" look, Wang Li Jie waited for the other party to make a move.

With that evil smile still on his face, Zhang Long Wei looked down at the pretty male who he had kissed passionately just a moment ago. Why didn't he figure it out a bit earlier? A girl with such fierce personality.....but then again, this male here had such professional flirting skills and a fascinating appearance to see as a male.

Even if this pretty male climbed to the heaven and pretended to be a deity, no god would even doubt his gender. He was just too beautiful to be a male.

"Don't you feel guilty? You've just taken advantage of me acting like some prostitute. As pretty as you are, you've got such thick skin too, aren't you?"

Laughing heartily at the junior's words and wiping his tears of laughter away, Wang Li Jie replied with nonchalance. His face immediately turned into a stern one as soon as he uttered those words to retort the junior's accusation.

"Me? Take advantage of you? Come on. Admit it. Who took advantage of whom?"

Well, he had a point there though. Now that this pretty cheater mentioned it, Zhang Long Wei realized the one who had been bullying and taking advantage of him all along was no other than himself. But then again, when the youth met with that taunting look in those green eyes of his, Zhang Long Wei just chose to go the shameless route.

"Obviously, it would be you, of course."

Wang Li Jie, facing the unashamed response of the junior, got exploded as he shoot back, rising to his feet and stepping closer to the youth. Now the two had gone back to that familiar close distance. The only difference here was that they were not going to do the unspeakable things like earlier. Instead, they would be quarreling like some old married couple.

" What?... me?...okay, then let me ask you. Who's the one who forced and kissed me? Who kept persisting despite me apologizing to you constantly? Who said he would be gen.....gentle an-and...do those unspeakable things?"

Wang Li Jie said as the latter part of his sentence got quiter. Creasing his brows, Wang Li Jie scolded himself in his heart. Why did he even say the last line? Damn this useless mouth...it only knew how to embarrass himself. Ahh....whatever, this junior was the one to blame for everything.

Punching the youth in his stomach, the feisty Wang Li Jie cussed aloud, " Damn you...fuckin pervert."

Holding his stomach in pain, Zhang Long Wei made a face. He was thinking this male was somewhat cute when he saw that blushing face of his just a second ago.

But it seemed like he was just the one who had turned brainless for a moment. This guy was nowhere near the word 'cute'. Not only did he punch him after hitting him with a plate for the second time, he even honored him with that title of a 'pervert'...

Damn it...

It'd be the best if this pretty male didn't cross the path with him in the future. Or else, he was going to give him a very good lesson.....