The culprits behind the scene

Drugging Wang Li Jie to the couch, young miss Li Mei attempted to beat the information out of her pathetic gege.

"Gege....gege....come and sit here. This meimei of yours has many things to ask about your little new master, gege...hehe"

Creasing his brows, the youth snorted. What's there to ask about that guy anyway? Shouldn't she be feeling bad for her own brother who had to accept such a junior as his master?

Mistress Wang sensing her son's dark mood, gestured the girl to sit next to her lest she should be the unlucky victim of her son's anger.

" Li Jie, know you dislike that little master-to-be of yours at the moment. But from my perspective, mom think that young disciple must be a really talented one to be praised by your dad like that. You should just...Li Mei! "

Mistress Wang called out the girl's name in annoyance. That girl...her mom was here giving hints after hints not to arouse her gege's anger. But this disobedient girl just didn't take her mom's hints seriously and had to go sit next to her brother, seemingly still not giving up on her initial intents to ask about that little master.

"But mom, you see. He is much younger than be exact.....three years... three years younger than me. He is almost at the same age as meimei. Try to take my dignity into account too, will you, mom?"

Wang Li Mei laughed at his brother's another logic about that very dignity. He was just like that. On the outside, her brother seemed to be someone who cared about his own dignity more than anything. But nobody knew her gege as much as she did.

Her gege Li Jie was such a lunatic when it came to learning and getting new experiences. If only he could learn things that could advance his cultivation, her gege wouldn't mind making a genius toddler his master, let alone such a junior. Of course, by toddler, she was obviously exaggerating. But that's not to say her assumptions about her gege's thoughts were totally wrong.

In fact, it was highly probable that her gege was only using that dignity just as an excuse to get what he wanted. Considering the fact that he was this disapproved of their daddy's decision, something bad or unpleasant must have happened between that little master and her gege.

The genius Wang Li Mei concluded as she shook her head, looking at her troublemaker gege. Clicking her tongue, the girl put on that stern face before starting to scold her gege.

"So what, gege? As long as he had such superb skills, this was enough of the reason for you to be his disciple. You won't never know how much I'm jealous of you. "

Mistress Wang looked at her daughter in awe, inwardly giving this little immature lady a great thumbs up in her heart. Meanwhile, the youth was propping up his cheek with one hand as he rolled his eyes, his expression literally telling " scold me as much as you wish. I won't give a damn shit about that."

"All the other disciples had masters of their father or grandfather's ages. But here you are, having such privilege to call a young man a master. If only I were you, gege, I would have been on cloud nine by now."

Sipping her tea, mistress Wang silently watched this good show presented by the two no other than her dear son and daughter. Wang Li Jie had just woken up but now here he was, already yawning like crazy because of this talkative sister of his.

"Just imagine the scene of calling a handsome man romantic would it be....well, that is, if gege were a young lady like me, of course. But now that you were a male....gege, this meimei can only imagine one scene."

Shaking her head and looking at her gege as if he was the dead, little lady made an air blade with her fingers as she used them to pretend to slice her throat, trying to scare her poor gege.

Wang Li Jie snorted and gave a mirthless smile with that "don't care" facade before changing this boring topic. At first, the youth thought his mom and sister would also protest against the decision of their immortal father. But cruel reality was to him.

"By the way, mom, how come all the elders in the sect are holding an emergency meeting out of the blue? Did some kind of urgent case pop up?"

At her son's sudden query, mistress Wang grew solemn all of a sudden. The lady put down her tea cup as she closed the book. Looking at her son and daughter with that stern demeanor, mistress Wang frowned and replied.

" We've got bad news. It's about soul consuming curse. Your dad is yet to explain me in details. But.... according to what your dad told me, the's not the doing of some demons or other evil creatures.

The culprit.....

the culprit was the citizens themselves. They used the curse against each other... for their very own benefits."

Widening her eyes with great horror in them, the young lady shifted closer to her gege, grasping the hem of Li Jie's sleeves in nervousness. And as a good brother as he was, Wang Li Jie held the girl's hands in return, trying to soothe the frightened meimei. Frowning, he asked again, making sure the source of this information was trustworthy.

"Mom, are you sure this news is correct? "

Sighing with a heavy feeling in her heart, mistress Wang gave an ominous response.

"Very likely to be true.....This case was found out by great general Yang himself."

The pair of brother and sister didn't really expect this case to be overly serious. But now that their mom had explained, the duo were rendered speechless, wondering as to how elders were going to cope with this issue. Probably, after the meeting was over, their masters and elders were going to give disciples some urgent missions to accomplish.

No wonder the situation in the capital was getting worse day after day. The real culprits behind the scene had been no other than citizens themselves all along.

No wonder....Yeah.....compared to the villagers here, citizens in the capital would be more greedy. As great citizens as they were, those people might have such big dreams, thirst for wealth, greed for much that sometimes they might even disregard their own principles just to make those big and impossible dreams come true.

But wait.....this was pointing out that there was also someone around the emerald jade mountain who was trying to chase after such things as well....

A scared tone of Wang Li Mei came out, echoing against the walls of the chamber as she asked this very question to her quiet mom and gege.

" it mean...there's also someone amongst the villagers who is using this curse to fulfill their own wish as well?...."