Crashing his own head

"Damn pervert..... let go of me!!.... right now!! "

Punching Zhang Long Wei in his stomach and face for who knew how many times, Wang Li Jie screamed at the top of his lungs. The youth didn't want to embarrass himself like this either. But when this junior dragged him closer to him with both of his ankles in the clutch of his hands, he couldn't help shuddering somewhat.

The demon's patience which was already hanging by a thread from all those unnecessary chasing and running was now broken completely. He had already come to a final realization that this youth was not someone who would comply without being forced.

Pressing the youth down on the bed so that he was in a lying position, Zhang Long Wei restrained both of his rebellious hands in one hand. Wang Li Jie who had no free hands to resist this pervert had no choice but to use an underhanded method. With a sudden movement, the youth bit hard on Zhang Long Wei's right hand which was in the closest distance to his face at the moment.

Only after metallic taste of the junior's blood came into his mouth did he stop. With a slight grimace, Zhang Long Wei took back his hand before taking a casual glance at it. As expected, his injured hand got an obvious U-shaped arch with the youth's teeth marks on. Seeing the youth's remaining saliva trickling down from that place, the demon frowned before reaching out for the youth's inner robe and wiping it off on it.

"Fuck! You.... disgusting bastard. "

Faltering, Wang Li Jie bit his bottom lips at the end of his sentence. He was this close to dying because of shame when Zhang Long Wei said it out loud, crashing all the little dignity he had left.

"What disgusting? Isn't it your own saliva?"

Giving a smirk, the demon said with hints of sarcasm in his tone. His naughty disciple was hurling constant curses at him down there whereas Zhang Long Wei just responded with a calm smile. This demon had to admit he had never thought being cussed by someone else would be this funny and satisfying.

Even when faced with constant vulgar curses hurling straight into his face, Zhang Long Wei was not distracted or hindered even a bit. One of his hands was already wandering to the sash of Want Li Jie's inner garment, ready to untie it in the next second. With another, Zhang Long Wei restrained his hands as he held them in place just above the youth's head.

"Li Zian!! "

"What's wrong? I've already told you just a quick check will do. obedient. "

With that said, Zhang Long Wei untied his sash readily. The sight of such smooth and snowy skin was exposed to his eyes after the demon removed the youth's right lapel. This would be a very tempting view if it were not for all those seemingly painful injuries and bruises on the youth's chest and abdomen. Some looked like minor sword cuts while others resembled bruises from fights.

But amongst them, the injury he gave was the worst for sure. There was this bandage which was dressed just around the place where deathly ice blade had pierced him.

Wang Li Jie was already imagining to strike this little master on top of him with his heavenly thunder by now. The only thing that restrained him from doing so was that very little rationality left in him.

But that little bit of rationality was also forced to break apart when a cold hand of Zhang Long Wei brushed against his clavicle. Rumbles of thunders reverberated above the sky of snowy-light peak. If it were not for a powerful barrier hovering above the sect, a certain someone might have already turned into ashes along with the destruction of a certain white lotus chamber.

With roars of thunders suddenly booming, Zhang Long Wei got back to his sense finally as he realized how his casual disrespectful manners had this youth ending up in extreme fury. By "getting back to his sense", it didn't mean this demon's brain was occupying with unspeakable dirty things earlier. He was just a bit engrossed in inspecting the youth's wounds all over his upper body. Just to claim his innocence.... This demon was yet to have such perverted thoughts about this youth at the moment.

This sorts of injuries should be nothing even for an average cultivator. They should have been healed in an hour or two. But now, this youth was here, his condition being all serious as though he had turned back to a mortal from a powerful though his core was just damaged from some intense fight.....

Obviously, this youth had no problem with his core, so what's the real issue anyway? His brain was occupied with all those questions that, only by now, he recognized this youth's anger. He was yet to get off of the wriggling youth and let him go when a slap landed on his face....

And the slap was that sort of one you get when you do certain perverted things.....

"Damn bastard.... you deserve it."

The dazed demon was still processing his thoughts, finding it hard to believe that he just got the very first slap of the century, that he didn't realize next attack of the youth coming. With a sudden bang, his head was hit with something hard in the next second.....yet again!

He had had enough of handling previous headaches already. But now, this youth had just hit him in the head once again. He was about to go nuts, vowing to teach this youth a very good lesson tonight when he heard a sudden cry from the culprit.

" hurts like hell....oh my god...don't tell me I just crashed my own head....argh...arghhh.....Damn Li come your head can be that hard?..."

Zhang Long Wei, the real victim here "..."