Ming Zixin reminising about the past

Love…..he never believed in that word…..since the beginning of his early childhood, Ming Zixin didn't believe in it. There's nothing like love in this world. It was simply a word with a hidden meaning no other than greed. Using this beautiful term as a mask, people try to hide their selfishness behind the curtain.

Only fools like his imperial mother would believe in such kind of nonsense. Royal palace….it's an area where wicked and selfish people gathered…..where people preferred killing their own family member to losing theirs status….in such a place, there's nothing like love….there's nothing like warmth…and for those fools who brainlessly believed in such things, there's only one ending awaiting them…..betrayal and death….

This was how Ming Zixin saw the brutal world since young…..this was a lesson he learned from the pathetic ending of his mom. He never believe in love, till the day he met little Jingyi, a ruthless 12-year-old male demon. That day at a rainy night, at that second..... which was supposed to be the very last moment of his life, that little ruthless demonic boy asked.

"Want me to save you?"

Those eyes which were as red yet so beautiful like a ruby stare into his eyes. And that little demon asked if he wanted to be saved. Ming Zixin could still remember how that little Jingyi gave him a false hope and asked with those insincere eyes, with that scornful look…..

At that moment, other than rendering speechless, and gazing up at a cold little Jingyi, he didn't say anything…..just lying in that bloody pool and letting the freezing rain take his pathetic soul, he couldn't say anything….because he knew there's nothing like free meals in this cruel world, especially from a little cruel demon like He Jingyi....

Wiping the corners of his Jingyi's lips affectionately, Ming Zixin smiled as his eyes beholded the cuteness of the youth besides whose mouth all stuffed with large chunks of baked sweet potato.

" What? Is there something here?"


It really was a miracle how he fell for that little demon...how his feelings for that little demon just kept developing..... till this year..... till this day. That little demon who asked if he wanted to be saved... yet when he didn't give a reply and just stared up at him with blank eyes, he simply gave a casual "Just kidding" in an unfeeling tone and walked away…..that little demon walked away, leaving the dying him in a bloody pool under the freezing rain....

Ming Zixin simply couldn't believe his foolishness up until now. If his mom deserved to be called a fool for being in love with his imperial father, then he would be an even more brainless lunatic for falling head over heels for this princess….for this ruthless youth standing before him...

" Zixin, you…..why do you keep staring at me?"

Forcing himself to avoid eyes from his Jingyi's seductive red ones, Ming Zixin let out an unnatural chortle. "It's because I wanna eat you. ".... This would be the right answer to this question. But of course, Ming Zixin knew not to give such a stupid reply.

Only giving a slight chortle, he chose to sweep the query under the rug. Glancing down at a white pendant, which was radiating a green hue in the clutch of his hand, the prince forced himself to get into a serious mode. Taking a risk, he set foot into this village not to reminisce about the past or not to be a pervert. He was here to find the target...to find the kid with the aid of this pendant.

It was a small and modest pendant. The owner of this thing would be, of course, no other than the kid the duo had been desperately looking for. Well…..it seemed the word "desperate" would not suit this situation though. It would be more correct to say they were going out for a date under the name of "mission".

At first, Ming Zixin decided not to set even a step into butterfly village. Though the incident was over, many cultivators were still there, some patrolling, some investigating, some volunteering.

There's not a day he couldn't sense the presence of other cultivators around butterfly village's vicinity. Nothing was to worry about if it were only him. But now, there was his Jingyi as well. Even so, it seemed the entire universe was against him with the green light of pendant getting brighter only if he walked to this village's direction.

Ming Zixin could tell how much damage this place had been inflicted just from one glance alone. Even so, there's so many volunteers.....And inhabitants here also appeared to have some sense of unison. The process of renovation was incredibly fast.

Yeah...Now that he had come to this village, it was a sure thing to encounter Jianyu Sect's cultivators. Both of them had used some disguise art and it seemed to do the trick too..... because earlier when they encountered a wrinkly elder physician of the sect, they successfully managed to convince him they were just random visitors from a small town. The old man even gave them some baked sweet potatoes as a welcome gift.

At first, Ming Zixin wanted to suggest his Jingyi not to consume or even throw them away . After all, they were given by some unknown stranger the duo met for the very first time. But his Jingyi was quick to refuse and give a deadly glare that could be translated to " Throw them away if you dare and I will tear you apart."

And that was how it ended up like this. For now, the rest of sweet potatoes had been devoured by his good wifey... with the only remaining one in his left hand. Ming Zixin was not hungry at first. But when his little wifey shared it with him, how could he manage to utter a single word of refusal? It was almost like a good hour they've been wandering around butterfly village. But still, any kid which was likely to be the target of their mission was yet to be spotted.

Pausing in his tracks, the prince inspected the white pendant to see which way to go. There came two branches to the street they were ambling along. Swinging the pendant in his hand to the left, Ming Zixin witnessed the original radiant light of pendant got dimmer…..so, it's decided. They were going to the right.

His hold on the waist of He Jingyi was let loose. Earlier, when Ming Zixin halted to inspect the pendant, the prince also didn't forget to stop his Jingyi whose attention only worked to focus on eating sweet potatoes.

It was almost as if he got some sixth sense automatically when it came to habits of this cute wifey-to-be of his.

" Let's go this way."

With a mellowed tone, the prince said before twisting his head to get a glance of the pretty youth besides. And there, guess with what sort of sight, he happened to encounter. His lovely Jingyi was eyeing the steaming sweet potato in his hand as though she was scheming sneakily how to snatched it away in the next second.

A funny feeling rose from the pit of his stomach. Waving the seemingly yummy sweet potato right before the eyes of his little hungry bunny, Ming Zixin asked" Wanna eat this? ", its answer already known. Seeing a little bunny before him nodding its head pathetically, the prince let out a muffled laughter before adding.

" But it won't come for free. Tell me, Jingyi. What can you give me in exchange for this yummy snack?"

A certain angered bunny ".....my ass!!!...."