A lord or an old friend

Somewhere near the borders of Tian forest were two men with evil essence enveloping them. Faced with a powerful barrier set up by Jianyu Sect in their way, none of them could go in. They should have been using their own demonic power to disintegrate this thing but the two didn't give it a try.

Instead, they simply stayed put, waiting for the arrival of a certain someone who had authority to control and open this barrier.

One was resting, leaning against the trunk of a tree whilst the other was sitting on a stone at a not-so-far distance. These two had come here all the way from the demon realm together. A week of their tiring journey had finally came to an end.

The man, wearing a grey swordsman costume, who was leaning against the tree, glanced over at his subordinate nearby, with a dissatisfied look. This man in grey was already in his early thirties. But just because of his youthful appearance, the man seemed to be younger a lot.

"Xie Feng. "

Calling out the name of his subordinate who kept feigning ignorance to him all this while, the man patted the place next to him before saying.

"Come sit here with me. "

Xie Feng, who was wiping the blade of his sword tainted with foul blood of demonic beasts, glanced in his direction slightly, his face indifferent, his eyes cold.... Sensing the man's intent, Xie Feng turned back and gave a casual reply before lowering his head and continue the work.

"No....I prefer sitting here. "

If it were others, they would considered it to be such a great honor to sit shoulder to shoulder with this lord of Lang clan (a clan of certain demonic species). Nonetheless, for Xie Feng, he knew it would be no different from getting himself into trouble if he were to accept this offer, so he refused..... refused as politely as he could....because lately, Xie Feng kept finding himself in absolute lack of respect in front of this old friend of his.

But Ren Haitao was not someone to back down just like this. This whole week.... this whole time... he had been given a cold shoulder by this lowly subordinate. If it were someone else, he would have beheaded such a disrespectful lowly birth already. But since it was Xie Feng, he couldn't manage to do anything brutal no matter how angered he was.

"If I tell you to come, then... just fuckin come... or you dare to test my patience, Xie Feng? "

Clicking his tongue, Ren Haitao commanded in a hardened tone which had Xie Feng flinched a bit from fright. Though unwilling, he had no choice. Xie Feng knew he no longer had any rights to disobey the orders of this man right now..... no longer....

Sheathing his sword, Xie Feng rose to his feet before walking over to the man's side in hesitant steps.

Now that Xie Feng obeyed and was seated next to him, Ren Haitao didn't seem to pay attention to him anymore. With his back leaning against the trunk, the man had his eyes closed as though he was going to take a nap. Seeing this, Xie Feng heaved a sigh inwardly.

That's great.... the less he drew attention from Ren Haitao, the better it was. It seemed like, from now on, he should also start learning how to be a bit more obedient... just a bit more obedient to this man....so that he could be left alone and stay peacefully by himself.

With the cool shade of this giant tree and the zephyr blowing gently, it really made Xie Feng sleepy somewhat. Though he was a demon who poseessed some high power, still, Xie Feng had been worn out after the entire tiresome journey.

Tilting his head, Xie Feng made sure whether Ren Haitao had nodded off or not....his eyes closed, his breathing slow and regular.....this man seemed like he had fallen fast asleep though. Even so, Xie Feng was not sure.

This man was never easy to predict..... no matter it was his actions or emotions or motives.... Ren Haitao was just so hard..... so hard to predict and see through.

Wriggling a bit and finding the right position to sleep, Xie Feng also prepared to take a short nap. The person they were awaiting had some urgent matter to deal with at the moment, so they wouldn't be coming soon.

And now that this lord of his was also taking a rest, he could also have some, right? Maybe Ren Haitao was not even taking a rest right now. Maybe he was also pretending like always. Even so, he didn't care. Even if this man was faking an act and was yet to fall asleep, Xie Feng didn't care.

Since this man wanted him to believe that he was asleep, then he might as well pretend to believe it. It would lead him nowhere to confuse himself guessing thoughts of a confusing person.

Just an incense stick of time had passed. But Xie Feng, who had his eyelids shut down just a minute ago, had now nodded off for real. At that moment, Ren Haitao's sleeping eyes opened eventually before a shadow came, hovering above the asleep Xie Feng.

The feel of something warm yet slightly soft and moist brushed beautiful eyelids of the sleeping youth. Xie Feng's brows furrowed a bit. But he didn't wake up. And as soon as those creased brows were loosened, another gentle yet affectionate kiss landed on his cherry-like lips...

Licking his own lips which had just tasted a delicacy, Ren Haitao glanced down at Xie Feng with an air of obsession. He want more.... more and more of Xie Feng... just like the night from ten years ago.... just like how he devoured this delicacy by then....

But Ren Haitao restrained himself from forcing the youth again.... because he didn't want that incident to repeat ..... he didn't want to see Xie Feng leaving him again..... never, ever again....


Xie Feng, I've been patient enough already to look for you all these ten years without giving up..... Now look what I've got.... you've finally become my tribute....my property....my subordinate. I will try my best not to repeat that mistake ever again. But....

If you keep being stubborn, I can't guarantee any longer ...