Spotting the familiar elder

Meanwhile, in butterfly village, the investigation had played out smoothly. According to what the witness said, it seemed like those creatures came here to search for something. Disciples also got a torn piece of clothing which the witness identified as coming from the attire that small creature was wearing last night. Plus, disciples also found many pieces of burnt talisman identical to the one Zhang Long Wei found from a couple of night ago.

In fact, the demon also knew there's many other burnt pieces like this under the pile of debris just from sensing faint evil aura hovering around. This kind of aura was extremely light and faint. Even elders with high cultivation wouldn't be able sense it. To tell the truth, demons had higher ability to sense each other's demonic aura than any other cultivators.

Though Zhang Long Wei was no longer in his original body, this kind of sense was embedded in his soul, thus the reason even though disciples and elders found burnt talisman right now, none of them could sense such faint demonic aura tinged in those things. If only this essence was just a bit distincter, other cultivators would have long found it out.

One might assumed Zhang Long Wei had disintegrated that burnt piece to help the culprit or something. But that's not it. He destroyed that thing just to conceal his essence from it. He noticed these talismans had some kind of strange function that could absorb both evil or spiritual aura of anyone who touched it.

This kind of function was one of Xu Daiyu's old tricks to sense everyone's aura who had come into contact with her creation. That's why Zhang Long Wei had assumed the chance of this curse's culprit being Xu Daiyu higher than that of He Tengfei.

Zhang Long Wei already knew that even if he didn't tell anyone about these strange talismans, Jianyu Sect would find it out sooner or later. Time was the only thing that took people to uncover the truth.

Most of the disciples had gone back to the peak by now whilst only a small portion of them stayed behind to volunteer in the village. As for physician Chen, he had long left to somewhere else to give a check-up since he was fetched for help to treat a wounded villager in their process of construction.

Only master Wu was left in front of the ruined brothel with three or so head disciples surrounding him.They seemed to be discussing urgent matters. And this was the very scene witnessed by the pair of Ming Zixin and He Jingyi when they walked along a certain small street in the village.

In fact, it was the light of pendant that exactly brought the two here. Ming Zixin's face twitched when he spotted a certain elder in the midst of a couple of disciples from afar. Heaven might be holding a grudge against him. Otherwise why would he encounter this very master Wu right in the first day of them setting foot into butterfly village? Placing radiating jade pendant into his sleeve, Ming Zixin glanced at his Jingyi from the peripheral view before asking.

" We've already come this close to them as possible as we can, yet the kid was nowhere to be seen. Could it be that the pendant Lord He gave doesn't function properly anymore?"

Cocking his head to one's side, He Jingyi gave a " What the fuck" look to the prince which seemed to be saying " Seriously? Your Highness, you really dare to doubt my father's ability?"

With a smirk hanging at the corner of his lips, Ming Zixin eyed his pouting bunny as an itchy feeling rose from the pit of his stomach. You see…..this was the very reason why this crown prince approached He Tengfei instead of capturing this bunny's love first.

His Jingyi was always like this. In this world, the only person that could made this princess obeyed was no other than her evil father. As long as lord He approved of marriage between them after their deal was finished, no matter how she disapproved of it, He Jingyi had to comply in the end. The only thing Ming Zixin needed to be careful was not to let any male snatched the heart of this cold princess until that very awaited time arrived.

This crown prince was indeed such an absolute psycho when it came to his princess. He was the type of man like "as long as I possessed the body of the beauty I want, nothing matters anymore. " And as to that beauty's heart, it didn't matter even if he couldn't get it. But there's only one thing. That heart must not belong to anyone else other than him as well.

" Then let's just be a bit more patient till those cultivators leave. Then, we can continue to search there for hints."

Since this pendant had taken them this far, there must be a reason behind. His Jingyi was this unwilling to admit there's a trouble with the thing given by her father. How could he withstand to be gazed up at by those angered yet so damn cute eyes any longer? So, he had no choice but to give this suggestion.

Taking a bite of the warm sweet potato, He Jingyi nodded perfunctorily before glancing at the familiar elder amidst the disciples. As though he was lost in deep thoughts, He Jingyi pursed his lips, his head cocking to one side a bit.

Finding this very simple behavior quite cute, the amused Ming Zixin just stared at him silently from beside. This crown prince….it seemed like he didn't mind or care there was this master Wu standing at a not-so-far distance from him or he could get exposed at any time. Maybe it was this prince who tended to stay cool and relaxed habitually, even when faced with great troubles …..or Maybe it was just the power of his Jingyi who could made the prince lose his rationality just with his presence alone.

" By the way, Zixin…..why do I feel like I've met that elder before? His wrinkly face rang a bell to me. But I just can't recall where or when it was."

Letting out a not-so-loud magnetic chortle, the prince grabbed He Jingyi's wrist which was holding her favorite snack before lowering his head a bit to take a bite of it. With great amusement, the prince watched as to how his Jingyi was restraning herself from growling at himself….His Jingyi didn't seem to realize this crown prince was intentionally flirting with her right now….instead, her mind was only focused on how big the chunk of sweet potato he'd just bitten was….as though she was being worried if she were to avert her eyes just for a second, the prince would take a bigger bite…

In fact, Ming Zixin was on the verge of laughter, witnessing such a cute expression of his beloved. Even so, he knew not to give himself away. Because....if he did, there's a high chance his Jingyi wouldn't let him take advantage of her...even a tiny bit just like right now. Only after wiping the corner of his lips with a thumb elegantly did the prince reply to his Jingyi's words.

" Don't you remember? At the capital….at that 'cheery blossom' restaurant….I was almost exposed, secretly meeting you to this elder. This prince accidentally started a conflict with him whilst trying to divert his attention and buy you some time to fleet."