Yin Clan members, preys of Lang demons-2

Only after spitting out all those words and witnessing obvious fury in Ren Haitao's eyes did Xie Feng realize what kind of foolish words he just said to this man. Not daring to look into the man's eyes anymore, Xie Feng twisted his neck to the side, trying to avert the other's gaze.

Ren Haitao seemed shocked and furious at the same time. He was shocked because this was the first time his Xie Feng showed such anger or other emotions in three months.

Since the day he found Xie Feng and brought him back to Lang Clan, it was as if Xie Feng was not Xie Feng at all.

Only nonchalance and indifference when this person faced with him.....Xie Feng didn't showed any of his feelings, his anger, his grievance, his sadness to him anymore…..he didn't directly showed his own feelings to Ren Haitao anymore.