No cure

Caressing the youth's silk like hair, Zhang Long Wei finally proceeded to read the book. That very uneasy feeling was still in his heart. Zhang Long Wei really hoped to find a practical solution in it. But he also had this very premonition as if he was going to find out something really terrible... 

And there, he saw what as mentioned to be symptoms of a poisoned patient...sure enough.... they were exactly the same as Wang Li Jie's..... feeling extreme cold, one's skin and blood veins turning blue, trembling uncontrollably.... they were just so exactly the same. 

Turning the page slowly, Zhang Long We proceeded to the next page. And there, it was all about warnings to keep deadly ice blade safely in its scabbard during this process or how one should never let a mortal go near the sword. Zhang Long Wei was about to skim through this part when he spotted a phrase which was written as " Cure for blue ice poison. "