Slaying a giant puppet

Ming Zixin didn't even know when or how his princess saw his so-called big junior. Could it be that He Jingyi sneakily looked at him when he was taking a bath? Or could it be that his princess had also been taking an interest in him all this time?

After giving it a second thought, Ming Zixin tossed away this thought instantly. There's no way He Jingyi could be interested in him with the way she acted in front of him. There must be a proper reason. But now was not the time to think about it. He might ask his princess later. But now, they needed to focus on the current matter. 

Inhaling and exhaling a deep breath, Ming Zixin attempted to get his calmness again. When he turned to look at He Jingyi, his princess had already changed her attention to the fight outside. Really? A lady having seen such a private part of a man....was it such a regular occurrence? How come his princess could stay this cool?