Getting seduced by a prostitute

"Are you really sure it was "mou sha" eye? "

Hearing his little master's story about last night incident, Wang Li Jie felt a bit suspicious. "Mou sha" eye was not something common to be found in three realms. He really hadn't expected Zhang Long Wei's reason of making him follow to that temporary shelter was because of something as important as this. 

"I'm not really sure. That's why I'm telling you to come with me and confirm it. "

Nah.....that's a pure lie. To tell the truth, Zhang Long Wei was so sure of himself. As a demon lord who knew very well about demons, of course, Zhang Long Wei had this much of reliable knowledge. Last night, even though he found out that kid had a rare demonic eye, he let him go just like this because Zhang Long Wei was not sure of how to deal with him.